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- IeeeSoftware
- JoelOnSoftware
- Linux/RegularExpression
- MITOpenCourseWare
- MagicSquare
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- MagicSquare/영동
- MagicSquare/영록
- MagicSquare/은지
- MagicSquare/인수
- MagicSquare/재니
- MagicSquare/재동
- PatternOrientedSoftwareArchitecture
- PreparedParticipantPattern
- RegularExpression
- RegularExpression/2011년스터디
- SharedVision
- SoftwareDevelopmentMagazine
- SoftwareEngineeringClass
- SoftwareEngineeringClass/Exam2002_2
- SoftwareEngineeringClass/Exam2006_1
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- VMWare
- VMWare/OSImplementationTest
- VMWare/UsefulFunctions
- whiteblue/MagicSquare
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