Difference between r1.5 and the current
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= 참여자 명단 =
|| 함장 || 장용운 || 11학번 || 출석 ||
|| 박인서 || 출석 ||
|| ~~이정재~~ || ~~탈주~~ ||
|| 이원준 || 지각 ||
|| 조종현 || 공강 ||
|| 남헌 || 출석 ||
|| 함장 || 장용운 || 11학번 || 출석 ||
||<|7> 선원 || 천준현 ||<|7> 15학번 || 중동 ||
||<|6> 선원 || 천준현 ||<|6> 15학번 || 중동 ||
|| 최지혁 || 출석 |||| 박인서 || 출석 ||
|| 조종현 || 공강 ||
|| 남헌 || 출석 ||
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== ~~이정재~~ ==
== 이원준 ==
== 조종현 ==
== 조종현 ==
5.3.1. index로 값찾기 ¶
//고통받기를 시작합니다. #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> typedef struct node{ int val; struct node* lnext; struct node* rnext; }node; void push(node *, int); int pop(node *); node * find(node *, int); long cnt=1; int main() { int a; char ch[5]; node head; node * findnode; printf("초기값 설정 ㄱㄱ\n"); scanf("%d",&head.val); head.lnext=NULL; head.rnext=NULL; for(;;) { printf("push나 pop이나 find나 exit 입력(push/pop/find/exit)\n"); scanf("%s",ch); if(ch[0]=='e' && ch[1]=='x' && ch[2]=='i' && ch[3]=='t') break; else if(ch[0]=='f' && ch[1]=='i' && ch[2]=='n' && ch[3]=='d') { printf("인덱스 입력 ㄱㄱ : "); scanf("%d",&a); if(a>=cnt) { printf("범위를 넘어섬 ㅂㅅ아\n"); } else { findnode=find(&head,a); printf("니가 찾는거 : %d\n",findnode->val); } } else if(ch[0]=='p' && ch[1]=='u' && ch[2]=='s' && ch[3]=='h') { printf("넣을 숫자 입력 ㄱㄱ(자연수만) : "); scanf("%d",&a); push(&head,a); } else if(ch[0]=='p' && ch[1]=='o' && ch[2]=='p') { a=pop(&head); if(a==-1) printf("숫자 없음 ㅂㅅ아\n"); else printf("%d가 있었다 ㅂㅅ아\n",a); } else { printf("push나 pop이나 exit만 입력하라고...\n"); } } return 0; } void push(node * target, int newval) { node * newnode=(node *)malloc(sizeof(node)); int a=1,c,i; int * b; cnt++; for(c=1;;c++) { if(a<=cnt && cnt<2*a) break; a*=2; } a=cnt; b=(int *)malloc((sizeof(int))*c); for(i=0;i<c;i++) { if(a%2==0) b[i]=0; else b[i]=1; a/=2; } for(i=c-2;i>=1;i--) { if(b[i]==0) target=target->lnext; else target=target->rnext; } newnode->val=newval; newnode->lnext=NULL; newnode->rnext=NULL; if(b[0]==0) target->lnext=newnode; else target->rnext=newnode; free(b); } int pop(node * target) { int a=1,c,i; int * b; if(cnt==0) return -1; if(cnt==1) { cnt--; return target->val; } for(c=1;;c++) { if(a<=cnt && cnt<2*a) break; a*=2; } a=cnt; b=(int *)malloc((sizeof(int))*c); for(i=0;i<c;i++) { if(a%2==0) b[i]=0; else b[i]=1; a/=2; } for(i=c-2;i>=1;i--) { if(b[i]==0) target=target->lnext; else target=target->rnext; } if(b[0]==0) { a=target->lnext->val; free(target->lnext); target->lnext=NULL; } else { a=target->rnext->val; free(target->rnext); target->rnext=NULL; } free(b); cnt--; return a; } node * find(node * root,int index) { int a=1,c,i; int * b; if(index==0) { return root; } index++; for(c=1;;c++) { if(a<=index && index<2*a) break; a*=2; } a=index; b=(int *)malloc((sizeof(int))*c); for(i=0;i<c;i++) { if(a%2==0) b[i]=0; else b[i]=1; a/=2; } for(i=c-2;i>=0;i--) { if(b[i]==0) root=root->lnext; else root=root->rnext; } return root; }
5.3.2. 이진트리 사이에 node 삽입 ¶
#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> typedef struct node{ int val; struct node* lnext; struct node* rnext; }node; void push(node *, int); int pop(node *); node * find(node *, int); void doing(node *, int, int); long cnt=1; int main() { int a,b; char ch[6]; node * findnode; node head; printf("초기값 설정 ㄱㄱ\n"); scanf("%d",&head.val); head.lnext=NULL; head.rnext=NULL; for(;;) { printf("push나 pop이나 find나 doing이나 exit 입력(push/pop/find/doing/exit)\n"); scanf("%s",ch); if(ch[0]=='e' && ch[1]=='x' && ch[2]=='i' && ch[3]=='t') break; else if(ch[0]=='f' && ch[1]=='i' && ch[2]=='n' && ch[3]=='d') { printf("인덱스 입력 ㄱㄱ : "); scanf("%d",&a); findnode=find(&head,a); printf("니가 찾는거 : %d\n",findnode->val); } else if(ch[0]=='d' && ch[1]=='o' && ch[2]=='i' && ch[3]=='n' && ch[4]=='g') { printf("인덱스 입력 ㄱㄱ : "); scanf("%d",&a); printf("넣을 숫자 입력 ㄱㄱ(자연수만) : "); scanf("%d",&b); doing(&head,a,b); } else if(ch[0]=='p' && ch[1]=='u' && ch[2]=='s' && ch[3]=='h') { printf("넣을 숫자 입력 ㄱㄱ(자연수만) : "); scanf("%d",&a); push(&head,a); } else if(ch[0]=='p' && ch[1]=='o' && ch[2]=='p') { a=pop(&head); if(a==-1) printf("숫자 없음 ㅂㅅ아\n"); else printf("%d가 있었다 ㅂㅅ아\n",a); } else { printf("push나 pop이나 exit만 입력하라고...\n"); } } return 0; } void push(node * target, int newval) { node * newnode=(node *)malloc(sizeof(node)); int a=1,c,i; int * b; cnt++; for(c=1;;c++) { if(a<=cnt && cnt<2*a) break; a*=2; } a=cnt; b=(int *)malloc((sizeof(int))*c); for(i=0;i<c;i++) { if(a%2==0) b[i]=0; else b[i]=1; a/=2; } for(i=c-2;i>=1;i--) { if(b[i]==0) target=target->lnext; else target=target->rnext; } newnode->val=newval; newnode->lnext=NULL; newnode->rnext=NULL; if(b[0]==0) target->lnext=newnode; else target->rnext=newnode; free(b); } int pop(node * target) { int a=1,c,i; int * b; if(cnt==0) return -1; if(cnt==1) { cnt--; return target->val; } for(c=1;;c++) { if(a<=cnt && cnt<2*a) break; a*=2; } a=cnt; b=(int *)malloc((sizeof(int))*c); for(i=0;i<c;i++) { if(a%2==0) b[i]=0; else b[i]=1; a/=2; } for(i=c-2;i>=1;i--) { if(b[i]==0) target=target->lnext; else target=target->rnext; } if(b[0]==0) { a=target->lnext->val; free(target->lnext); target->lnext=NULL; } else { a=target->rnext->val; free(target->rnext); target->rnext=NULL; } free(b); cnt--; return a; } node * find(node * root,int index) { int a=1,c,i; int * b; if(index==0) { return root; } index++; for(c=1;;c++) { if(a<=index && index<2*a) break; a*=2; } a=index; b=(int *)malloc((sizeof(int))*c); for(i=0;i<c;i++) { if(a%2==0) b[i]=0; else b[i]=1; a/=2; } for(i=c-2;i>=0;i--) { if(b[i]==0) root=root->lnext; else root=root->rnext; } return root; } void doing(node * root,int index,int val) { int a=1,c,i; int * b; node * newnode=(node *)malloc(sizeof(node)); node * temp; newnode->val=val; if(index==0) { newnode->lnext=root; root=newnode; return; } if(index==1) { temp=root; newnode->lnext=root->lnext; root->lnext=newnode; return; } if(index==2) { temp=root; newnode->rnext=root->rnext; root->rnext=newnode; return; } index++; for(c=1;;c++) { if(a<=index && index<2*a) break; a*=2; } a=index; b=(int *)malloc((sizeof(int))*c); for(i=0;i<c;i++) { if(a%2==0) b[i]=0; else b[i]=1; a/=2; } for(i=c-2;i>0;i--) { if(b[i]==0) root=root->lnext; else root=root->rnext; } if(b[0]==0) { temp=root; newnode->lnext=root->lnext; root->lnext=newnode; } else { temp=root; newnode->rnext=root->rnext; root->rnext=newnode; } return; }