Difference between r1.1 and the current
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@
=== FeedBack ===
[LittleAOI] [반복문자열]
== FeedBack ==
[LittleAOI] [반복문자열]
C++ ¶
느낀점 ¶
코드 ¶
//CAUCSE 5번 출력하기. #include <iostream> using namespace std; void print_CAUCSE_LOVE(void); void main(){ for (register int i=0; i<5; ++i) print_CAUCSE_LOVE(); system ("PAUSE"); } void print_CAUCSE_LOVE(){ cout << "CAUCSE_LOVE\n"; }
Erlang ¶
느낀점 ¶
1시간 걸렸다 -_ - 캐어렵..
코드 ¶
- pr_1.erl
-module(pr_1). -export([repeat/3]). repeat(Max, Max, L) -> [L]; repeat(I, Max, L) -> [L | repeat(I + 1, Max, L)].
- shell
10> c(pr_1). {ok,pr_1} 11> pr_1:repeat(1, 3, "CAUCSE LOVE"). ["CAUCSE LOVE","CAUCSE LOVE","CAUCSE LOVE"] 12>