
1. 12/9 Mon

  • A data communication course ended. Professor told us good sayings. I feel a lot of things about his sayings.
  • A computer architecture&organization course ended too. I am worrying about a final test.
  • A merriage and family course ended too, Professor is so funny. A final test is 50 question - O/X and objective.
  • My mom went into hospital. My father is not a good status too. I worry their health. I wish that they'll recover a health.

2. 12/10 Tue

  • A algorithm course ended. This course does not teaches me many things.
  • A object programming course ended. Professor told us good sayings, similar to a data communication course's professor. At first, I didn't like him, but now it's not. I like him very much. He is a good man.
  • I and other ZP '01 distribute junior and senior agreement papers that ZP is a formal academy.
  • Tomorrow is a unix system programming final test. It's so difficult. I'll try hard.

3. 12/11 Wed

  • I have suprised at system programming's difference. It's so difficult. In my opinion, if I want to do system programming well, I must study OS.
  • sources for Unix system programming's final-test is so strange.--; mis-typings are so many. I am confused professor's intention.

4. 12/12 Thu

  • Today, I went to the hospital, to see my mom. I felt easy at my mom's health.
  • Because my mom's absent, I had to work all day at our store. but a dishwashing was so interesting.

5. 12/13 Fri

  • Today too, I have worked our store. but today is not as busy as yesterday, so I could study rest final-test.
  • I worry about father's smoking... after my mom was hospitalization, he decreases amount of drinking, but increases amount of smoking.
  • Ah.. I want to play a bass. It's about 2 months since I have not done play bass. And I want to buy a bass amplifier. A few weeks ago, I had a chance that can listen a bass amplifier's sound at Cham-Sol's home. I was impressed its sound. ㅠ.ㅠ.
  • Let's study hard!
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