- ProgrammingLanguageClass/2006/Report3 . . . . 5 matches
treat the actual parameters as thunks. Whenever a formal parameter is referenced in a
parameters as below:
parameters into pure C programs so that the transformed programs manage to handle
parameters prefixed with name as if they were called by name without causing any
by passing parameters by name.
- C/C++어려운선언문해석하기 . . . . 4 matches
// two parameters:
// parameters and returns
// two parameters:
// to a function that takes two parameters:
- BlueZ . . . . 2 matches
// set the connection parameters (who to connect to)
// set the connection parameters (who to connect to)
- NSIS/Reference . . . . 2 matches
|| Exec || command || 특정 프로그램을 실행하고 계속 다음진행을 한다. $OUTDIR 은 작업디렉토리로 이용된다. ex) Exec '"$INSTDIR\command.exe" parameters'||
|| ExecShell || action command [parameters] [SW_SHOWNORMAL | SW_SHOWMAXIMIZED | SW_SHOWMINIMIZED]|| ShellExecute를 이용, 프로그램을 실행시킨다. action은 보통 'open', 'print' 등을 말한다. $OUTDIR 은 작업디렉토리로 이용된다.||
- Refactoring/MakingMethodCallsSimpler . . . . 2 matches
You are getting several values from an object and passing these values as parameters in a method call.
You have a group of parameters that naturally go together.
- Ruby/2011년스터디/세미나 . . . . 2 matches
{| parameters| do something with parameters..}
- VonNeumannAirport/1002 . . . . 2 matches
C:\User\reset\AirportSec\main.cpp(84) : error C2660: 'getDistance' : function does not take 2 parameters
C:\User\reset\AirportSec\main.cpp(24) : error C2660: 'getDistance' : function does not take 0 parameters
- WikiSlide . . . . 2 matches
* A macro is called by "`[[MacroName(parameters)]]`".
* The parameters are optional, depending on the macro.
- 데블스캠프2006/목요일/winapi . . . . 2 matches
NULL) ; // creation parameters
NULL) ; // creation parameters
- AcceleratedC++/Chapter4 . . . . 1 match
=== 4.1.4 Three kinds of function parameters ===
- EffectiveSTL/ProgrammingWithSTL . . . . 1 match
= Item46. Consider function objects instead of functions as algorithm parameters. =
- LawOfDemeter . . . . 1 match
any parameters that were passed in to the method.
- MatrixAndQuaternionsFaq . . . . 1 match
For added visual clarity, parameters which are negative may shaded
- VMWare/OSImplementationTest . . . . 1 match
number of parameters.\n\n");
- pragma . . . . 1 match
Each implementation of C and C++ supports some features unique to its host machine or operating system. Some programs, for instance, need to exercise precise control over the memory areas where data is placed or to control the way certain functions receive parameters. The #pragma directives offer a way for each compiler to offer machine- and operating-system-specific features while retaining overall compatibility with the C and C++ languages. Pragmas are machine- or operating-system-specific by definition, and are usually different for every compiler.
- 영호의해킹공부페이지 . . . . 1 match
Information on the network parameters
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