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  • WikiTextFormattingTestPage
         The next line (4 dashes) should show up as a horizontal rule. In a few wikis, the width of the rule is controlled by the number of dashes. That will be tested in a later section of this test page.
         The following nested list is numbered. Numbers are created by replacing the "*" with "1."
         View the page in the original Wiki:WardsWiki, note the numbering, and then compare it to what it looks like in the wiki being tested.
         Aside: I wonder if any wikis provide multilevel numbering -- I know that Wiki:MicrosoftWord, even back to the Dos 3.0 version, can number an outline with multiple digits, in "legal" or "outline" style numbering. I forget which is which -- one is like, the other is like II.A.3.c., and I think there is another one that includes ii.
         The next 10 double spaced lines are a succession of lines with an increasing number of dashes on each line, in other words, the first line is one dash, the second is two, ... until the tenth is 10 dashes.
         In at least one wiki (which? ''PikiPiki, and thus MoinMoin''), the weight (thickness) of the lines increases based on the number of dashes (starting at 4 dashes).
         This8IsNotValidInTheOriginalWiki -- Numbers
         [ThisIsNotValid8InTheOriginalWiki] -- Enclosed in square brackets, with number.
         [[ThisIsNotValid8InTheOriginalWiki]] -- Enclosed in double square brackets, with number.
         Remote references are created by inserting a number in square brackets, they are not automatically numbered. To make these links work, you must go to Wiki:EditLinks and fill in URLs.
         In WardsWiki the URL for a remote reference in the [number] syntax must be entered using EditLinks. The image is placed where the [number] is located.
         Note: I've noticed some inconsistency with Swiki in handling this page, maybe because of the size? Earlier, headings did not work properly, but bulleted lists did. (The numbered and nested lists were added later.) Now headings are working but lists are not. (And I won't be surprised if, when I save this page either everything works, or something different breaks -- no headings still work, lists do not, but I wonder about the next save?)
         Numbered lists start each line with '#', with no space before the text.
         Numbered lists are marked up using multiple leading pound signs
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