- AcceleratedC++/Chapter13 . . . . 9 matches
std::istream& read_common(std::istream&);
std::istream& read_common(std::istream&);
Core, Grad의 생성자 4가지. 각기의 클래스에 따라 다르게 행동하게 되는 read, grade 함수. Core 클래스의 name, read-common 함수.
istream& Core::read_common(istream& in) {
상기의 클래스는 Grad의 멤버 함수로 부모 클래스의 read_common, read_hw의 함수를 그대로 상속받았다는 것을 가정한다.
std::istream& read_common(std::istream&);
- 오목/인수 . . . . 5 matches
private int commonCheck(int x, int y, int wanted,
return commonCheck(x, y, wanted, 0, 0, -1, 1);
return commonCheck(x, y, wanted, -1, 1, 0, 0);
return commonCheck(x, y, wanted, -1, 1, -1, 1);
return commonCheck(x, y, wanted, 1, -1, -1, 1);
- Classes . . . . 4 matches
[http://kangcom.com/common/bookinfo/bookinfo.asp?sku=200012050016 Compilers]
[http://kangcom.com/common/bookinfo/bookinfo.asp?sku=200309190006 Database Design Concept]
[http://kangcom.com/common/bookinfo/bookinfo.asp?sku=200401090003 Computer Graphics with Open GL 3rd Ed]
[http://kangcom.com/common/bookinfo/bookinfo.asp?sku=200302180005 Understanding the Linux Kernel (2nd Edition)]
- Emacs . . . . 3 matches
;; See cedet/common/cedet.info for configuration
(load-file "~/cedet.el파일의 경로를 써넣는다. cedet압축을 푼 폴더안의 common에 cedet.el이 있다.")
참고#2. lisp코드중에서 load file 하는 부분을 나같은 경우는(load-file "~/.emacs.d/cedet/common/cedet.el")과 같이 적었다. 경로의 ~/는 나는 윈도우에서 cygwin을 통해서 emacs를 쓰고 있어서 환경변수 HOME의 경로를 저렇게 표현할 수 있다.
- RSSAndAtomCompared . . . . 3 matches
* escaped HTML, like is commonly used with RSS 2.0
RSS 2.0 has a “description” element which is commonly used to contain either the full text of an entry or just a synopsis (sometimes in the same feed), and which sometimes is absent. There is no built-in way to signal whether the contents are complete.
[http://diveintomark.org/archives/2002/06/02/important_change_to_the_link_tag autodiscovery] has been implemented several times in different ways and has never been standardized. This is a common source of difficulty for non-technical users.
- ReadySet 번역처음화면 . . . . 3 matches
* Templates for many common software engineering documents. Including:
We will build templates for common software engineering documents inspired by our own exprience.
*6. Use the checklists to catch common errors and improve the quality of your documents.
- WikiSlide . . . . 3 matches
(!) A common error is to insert an additional blank after the ending equal signs!
* common prefixes (topical correlation)
* common postfixes (same page ''type'', e.g. ...Index)
- 3D업종 . . . . 2 matches
- CincomSmalltalk . . . . 2 matches
* [http://zeropage.org/pub/language/smalltalk_cincom/ExtendedBase.tar.gz VisualWorks commonly used optional components]
* [http://zeropage.org/pub/language/smalltalk_cincom/Goodies.tar.gz VisualWorks commonly used goodies]
- MatrixAndQuaternionsFaq . . . . 2 matches
In computer animation, the most commonly used matrices have either
When developing animation software, a common requirement is to find
- Refactoring/DealingWithGeneralization . . . . 2 matches
* You have two classes with similar features.[[BR]]''Create a superclass and move the common features to the superclass.''
* Several clients use the same subset of a class's interface, or two classes have part of their interfaces in common.[[BR]]''Extract the subset into an interface.''
- Spring/탐험스터디/2011 . . . . 2 matches
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/commons/logging/LogFactory
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory
- WritingOS . . . . 2 matches
- 영호의해킹공부페이지 . . . . 2 matches
The remote buffer overflow is a very commonly found and exploited bug in badly
Anyway, cin is an *extremely* commonly used function in C++ code, and it ought
- 임인택/삽질 . . . . 2 matches
<%@page import="java.io.*, java.util.*, java.sql.*, db.*, common.* "%>
<jsp:useBean id="User" class="common.User" scope="page" />
- 2005Fall수업 . . . . 1 match
- 2005MFC스터디 . . . . 1 match
교재 판매 점 : [http://kangcom.com/common/bookinfo/bookinfo.asp?sku=200401310006]
- ACE/HelloWorld . . . . 1 match
include $(ACE_ROOT)/include/makeinclude/rules.common.GNU
- Ajax . . . . 1 match
* The XMLHttpRequest object to exchange data asynchronously with the web server. (XML is commonly used, although any text format will work, including preformatted HTML, plain text, and JSON)
- CVS . . . . 1 match
This problem is quite common apparently... <the problem>snip > I've been trying to use CVS with the win-cvs client without much > success. I managed to import a module but when I try to do a > checkout I get the following error message: > > cvs checkout chargT > > cvs server: cannot open /root/.cvsignore: Permission denied > > cvs [server aborted]: can't chdir(/root): Permission denied > > I'm using the cvs supplied with RedHat 6.1 - cvs 1.10.6 /snip</the> ---------
- DesignPatternsAsAPathToConceptualIntegrity . . . . 1 match
During our discussions about the organization of design patterns there was a comment about the difficulty of identifying the “generative nature” of design patterns. This may be a good property to identify, for if we understood how design patterns are used in the design process, then their organization may not be far behind. Alexander makes a point that the generative nature of design patterns is one of the key benefits. In practice, on the software side, the generative nature seems to have fallen away and the more common approach for using design patterns is characterized as “when faced with problem xyz…the solution is…” One might say in software a more opportunistic application of design patterns is prevalent over a generative use of design patterns.
- Eclipse와 JSP . . . . 1 match
== Unbound classpath variable: 'TOMCAT_HOME/common/lib/jasper-runtime.jar' 문제 ==
- EmbeddedSystemClass . . . . 1 match
[http://zeropage.org/common-ftp/@embedded-system-cd/HUINS/pxa255_pro3v5.2A.iso 내장형시스템 보드 CD DOWNLOAD] : PXA255A (Intel XScale 400Mhz)
- Gof/Adapter . . . . 1 match
The IsEmpty operations demonstrates the direct forwarding of requests common in adapter implementations:
- HowToStudyDesignPatterns . . . . 1 match
''...but I always teach Composite Pattern, Strategy Pattern, Template Method Pattern, and Factory Method Pattern before I teach Singleton Pattern. They are much more common, and most people are probably already using the last two. ... ''
- MFC/Control . . . . 1 match
이외에도 common control 로서 애니메이트 컨트롤, tree 컨트롤, spin button 등의 컨트롤 들이 존재한다.
- MoinMoinFaq . . . . 1 match
not uncommon to indent your comment under the statement your are commenting
- MoniWikiPo . . . . 1 match
msgid "Add as common words"
msgid "Common words are updated"
- NotToolsButConcepts . . . . 1 match
the past, I guess that's not an uncommon problem for developers.
- ParametricPolymorphism . . . . 1 match
[AcceleratedC++/Chapter13], [http://kangcom.com/common/bookinfo/bookinfo.asp?sku=200505230005 임백준의 소프트웨어 산책/임배준 지음], WikiPedia:Christopher_Strachey
- PreviousFrontPage . . . . 1 match
MoinMoin is a Python WikiClone, based on PikiPiki. The name is a common German slang expression explained on the MoinMoin page. If you run a Wiki using MoinMoin, please add it to the MoinMoinWikis page.
- RSS . . . . 1 match
Before RSS, several similar formats already existed for syndication, but none achieved widespread popularity or are still in common use today, and most were envisioned to work only with a single service. For example, in 1997 Microsoft created Channel Definition Format for the Active Channel feature of Internet Explorer 4.0. Another was created by Dave Winer of UserLand Software. He had designed his own XML syndication format for use on his Scripting News weblog, which was also introduced in 1997 [1].
- RelationalDatabaseManagementSystem . . . . 1 match
The relational data model permits the designer to create a consistent logical model of information, to be refined through database normalization. The access plans and other implementation and operation details are handled by the DBMS engine, and should not be reflected in the logical model. This contrasts with common practice for SQL DBMSs in which performance tuning often requires changes to the logical model.
- STLErrorDecryptor . . . . 1 match
다) 이젠 프록시 CL의 동작에 필요한 환경 옵션을 제공하는 Proxy-CL.INI 파일을 여러분의 개발환경에 맞게 고쳐야 합니다. 텍스트 편집기로 Proxy-CL.INI를 열면 아래의 [common], [proxy.cl], [stltask.exe] 부분이 모두 비어 있는데, 윗부분의 주석문을 참고하면서 환경 변수를 고쳐줍니다. 반드시 설정해야 하는 옵션은 다음과 같습니다.
- TAOCP . . . . 1 match
책사야겠네... [http://kangcom.com/common/bookinfo/bookinfo.asp?sku=199711260004 강컴]보다 싼 데 있으면 알려줘~~
- TAOCP/BasicConcepts . . . . 1 match
양의 정수 m과 n이 주어졌을때, 그것들의 최대공약수(greatest common divisor)
- TheJavaMan . . . . 1 match
[http://kangcom.com/common/bookinfo/bookinfo.asp?sku=200312300024 JAVA HOW TO PROGRAM (<- 2학년때 교재, 번역5판도 나왔네)]
- UML . . . . 1 match
In software engineering, Unified Modeling Language (UML) is a non-proprietary, third generation modeling and specification language. However, the use of UML is not restricted to model software. It can be used for modeling hardware (engineering systems) and is commonly used for business process modeling, organizational structure, and systems engineering modeling. The UML is an open method used to specify, visualize, construct, and document the artifacts of an object-oriented software-intensive system under development. The UML represents a compilation of best engineering practices which have proven to be successful in modeling large, complex systems, especially at the architectural level.
- UserStory . . . . 1 match
''After several years of debating this question and seeing both in use, I now think they have nothing in common other than their first three letters.''
- ViImproved/설명서 . . . . 1 match
명령어 기 능 명령어 기 능 commond명령어 기 능
- WhatToExpectFromDesignPatterns . . . . 1 match
== A Common Design Vocabulary ==
DesignPatterns provide a common vocabulary for designers to use to communicate, document, and explore design alternatives.
- 무엇을공부할것인가 . . . . 1 match
the past, I guess that's not an uncommon problem for developers.
- 작은자바이야기 . . . . 1 match
* apache.commons.lang
- 정규표현식/스터디/반복찾기/예제 . . . . 1 match
brlapi.key dictionaries-common grub.d ld.so.conf nanorc rc.local speech-dispatcher xulrunner-1.9.2
- 프로그래머가알아야할97가지/ActWithPrudence . . . . 1 match
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