winamp SDK 를 받으면 sample 로 있는 dspecho 에 대한 분석. 기본 뼈대 프로그램은 다음과 같다. {{{~cpp // Winamp test dsp library 0.9 for Winamp 2 // Copyright (C) 1997, Justin Frankel/Nullsoft // Feel free to base any plugins on this "framework"... #include #include #include "dsp.h" #include "resource.h" // avoid stupid CRT silliness BOOL WINAPI _DllMainCRTStartup(HANDLE hInst, ULONG ul_reason_for_call, LPVOID lpReserved) { return TRUE; } // pitch value int g_pitch=100; int delta = 1; // pitch control window HWND pitch_control_hwnd; // auxilary pitch buffer (for resampling from) short *pitch_buffer=NULL; int pitch_buffer_len=0; int quit_pitch=0; // module getter. winampDSPModule *getModule(int which); void config(struct winampDSPModule *this_mod); int init(struct winampDSPModule *this_mod); void quit(struct winampDSPModule *this_mod); void initpitch(struct winampDSPModule *this_mod); void quitpitch(struct winampDSPModule *this_mod); // 실제로 DSP 관련 처리시 호출되는 함수들. int modify_samples1(struct winampDSPModule *this_mod, short int *samples, int numsamples, int bps, int nch, int srate); int modify_samples2(struct winampDSPModule *this_mod, short int *samples, int numsamples, int bps, int nch, int srate); // 이 부분은 [1002] 가 장난삼아 수정. ^^; int modify_samples3(struct winampDSPModule *this_mod, short int *samples, int numsamples, int bps, int nch, int srate); int modify_samples4(struct winampDSPModule *this_mod, short int *samples, int numsamples, int bps, int nch, int srate); int modify_samples5(struct winampDSPModule *this_mod, short int *samples, int numsamples, int bps, int nch, int srate); // samples3-5 번 관련. pitch control 를 보여주기 위한 윈도우. // DSP 처리만을 위해서라면 별 필요 없다. static BOOL CALLBACK pitchProc(HWND hwndDlg, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam,LPARAM lParam); // Module header, includes version, description, and address of the module retriever function winampDSPHeader hdr = { DSP_HDRVER, "Nullsoft DSP demo v0.3 for Winamp 2", getModule }; // first module // DLL 당 여러개의 모듈들이 들어갈 수 있다. winampDSPModule mod = { "Nullsoft Echo v0.2", NULL, // hwndParent NULL, // hDllInstance config, // config 시 호출 함수. init, // init 시 호출 함수 modify_samples1, // DSP 처리시 호출 함수 quit // quit 시 호출 함수 }; // second module winampDSPModule mod2 = { "Nullsoft Stereo Voice Removal v0.2", NULL, // hwndParent NULL, // hDllInstance config, init, modify_samples2, quit }; winampDSPModule mod3 = { "Nullsoft Pitch/Tempo Control v0.2", NULL, // hwndParent NULL, // hDllInstance config, initpitch, modify_samples3, quitpitch }; winampDSPModule mod4 = { "Nullsoft Pitch/Tempo Control v0.3 - lower", NULL, // hwndParent NULL, // hDllInstance config, initpitch, modify_samples4, quitpitch }; winampDSPModule mod5 = { "Nullsoft Pitch/Tempo Control v0.3 - higher", NULL, // hwndParent NULL, // hDllInstance config, initpitch, modify_samples5, quitpitch }; #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif // this is the only exported symbol. returns our main header. __declspec( dllexport ) winampDSPHeader *winampDSPGetHeader2() { return &hdr; } #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif // getmodule routine from the main header. Returns NULL if an invalid module was requested, // otherwise returns either mod1 or mod2 depending on 'which'. winampDSPModule *getModule(int which) { switch (which) { case 0: return &mod; case 1: return &mod2; case 2: return &mod3; case 3: return &mod4; case 4: return &mod5; default:return NULL; } } // configuration. Passed this_mod, as a "this" parameter. Allows you to make one configuration // function that shares code for all your modules (you don't HAVE to use it though, you can make // config1(), config2(), etc...) void config(struct winampDSPModule *this_mod) { MessageBox(this_mod->hwndParent,"This module is Copyright(C) 1997, Justin Frankel/Nullsoft\n" "Notes:\n" " * 8 bit samples aren't supported.\n" " * Pitch control rules!\n" " * Voice removal sucks (works about 10% of the time)!\n" " * Echo isn't very good!\n" "etc... this is really just a test of the new\n" "DSP plug-in system. Nothing more.", "Configuration",MB_OK); } int init(struct winampDSPModule *this_mod) { return 0; } void initpitch(struct winampDSPModule *this_mod) { pitch_buffer_len=0; pitch_buffer=NULL; quit_pitch=0; ShowWindow((pitch_control_hwnd=CreateDialog(this_mod->hDllInstance,MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_DIALOG1),this_mod->hwndParent,pitchProc)),SW_SHOW); } // cleanup (opposite of init()). Destroys the window, unregisters the window class void quit(struct winampDSPModule *this_mod) { } void quitpitch(struct winampDSPModule *this_mod) { if (this_mod == &mod3 || this_mod == &mod4 || this_mod == &mod5) { if (pitch_buffer) GlobalFree(pitch_buffer); pitch_buffer_len=0; pitch_buffer=NULL; quit_pitch=1; if (pitch_control_hwnd) { DestroyWindow(pitch_control_hwnd); pitch_control_hwnd=0; } } } short echo_buf[65536], echo_buf2[65536]; // 실질적인 callback 함수. // this_mod 는 일종의 this pointer 라고 생각해도 좋을듯 하다. 해당 모듈(위의 mod1~5) 의 포인터이다. // samples 는 output 쪽으로 나갈 데이터이며 이 데이터를 수정해주면 된다. // echo plugin. int modify_samples1(struct winampDSPModule *this_mod, short int *samples, int numsamples, int bps, int nch, int srate) { // echo doesn't support 8 bit right now cause I'm lazy. if (bps==16) { int x,s; s = numsamples*nch; memcpy(echo_buf2, echo_buf, s*2); memcpy(echo_buf, echo_buf+s, s*2); memcpy(echo_buf+s, echo_buf+s*2, s*2); memcpy(echo_buf+s*2,echo_buf+s*3, s*2); memcpy(echo_buf+s*3,samples, s*2); for (x = 0; x < s; x ++) { int s = samples[x]/2+echo_buf2[x]/2; samples[x] = (s>32767?32767:s<-32768?-32768:s); } } return numsamples; } // pitch 를 올렸다 낮췄다 함. int modify_samples3(struct winampDSPModule *this_mod, short int *samples, int numsamples, int bps, int nch, int srate) { int pitch=g_pitch; int rlen =numsamples*bps/8*nch; int index=0, x; int n; int dindex; g_pitch += delta; if (quit_pitch || g_pitch==100) return numsamples; if (g_pitch > 200) { g_pitch=200; delta = -delta; } if (g_pitch < 50) { g_pitch=50; delta = -delta; } pitch = g_pitch; pitch = 100000/pitch; n=(numsamples*pitch)/1000; dindex=(numsamples<<14)/n; if (pitch_buffer_len < rlen) { pitch_buffer_len = rlen; GlobalFree(pitch_buffer); pitch_buffer=GlobalAlloc(GMEM_FIXED,rlen); } if (bps == 16 && nch == 2) { short *buf=pitch_buffer; memcpy(buf,samples,rlen); for (x = 0; x < n; x ++) { int p=(index>>14)<<1; index+=dindex; samples[0] = buf[p]; samples[1] = buf[p+1]; samples+=2; } return n; } else if (bps == 16 && nch == 1) { short *buf=pitch_buffer; memcpy(buf,samples,rlen); for (x = 0; x < n; x ++) { int p=(index>>14); index+=dindex; *samples++ = buf[p]; } return n; } return numsamples; } // pitch 를 낮춘 결과를 출력하는 플러그인. int modify_samples4(struct winampDSPModule *this_mod, short int *samples, int numsamples, int bps, int nch, int srate) { int pitch=60; int rlen =numsamples*bps/8*nch; int index=0, x; int n; int dindex; pitch = 100000/pitch; n=(numsamples*pitch)/1000; dindex=(numsamples<<14)/n; if (pitch_buffer_len < rlen) { pitch_buffer_len = rlen; GlobalFree(pitch_buffer); pitch_buffer=GlobalAlloc(GMEM_FIXED,rlen); } if (bps == 16 && nch == 2) { short *buf=pitch_buffer; memcpy(buf,samples,rlen); for (x = 0; x < n; x ++) { int p=(index>>14)<<1; index+=dindex; samples[0] = buf[p]; samples[1] = buf[p+1]; samples+=2; } return n; } else if (bps == 16 && nch == 1) { short *buf=pitch_buffer; memcpy(buf,samples,rlen); for (x = 0; x < n; x ++) { int p=(index>>14); index+=dindex; *samples++ = buf[p]; } return n; } return numsamples; } // pitch 를 올리는 결과를 출력하는 플러그인 int modify_samples5(struct winampDSPModule *this_mod, short int *samples, int numsamples, int bps, int nch, int srate) { int pitch=180; int rlen =numsamples*bps/8*nch; int index=0, x; int n; int dindex; pitch = 100000/pitch; n=(numsamples*pitch)/1000; dindex=(numsamples<<14)/n; if (pitch_buffer_len < rlen) { pitch_buffer_len = rlen; GlobalFree(pitch_buffer); pitch_buffer=GlobalAlloc(GMEM_FIXED,rlen); } if (bps == 16 && nch == 2) { short *buf=pitch_buffer; memcpy(buf,samples,rlen); for (x = 0; x < n; x ++) { int p=(index>>14)<<1; index+=dindex; samples[0] = buf[p]; samples[1] = buf[p+1]; samples+=2; } return n; } else if (bps == 16 && nch == 1) { short *buf=pitch_buffer; memcpy(buf,samples,rlen); for (x = 0; x < n; x ++) { int p=(index>>14); index+=dindex; *samples++ = buf[p]; } return n; } return numsamples; } // 이 플러그인은 voice removal. int modify_samples2(struct winampDSPModule *this_mod, short int *samples, int numsamples, int bps, int nch, int srate) { int x = numsamples; if (bps == 16) { short *a = samples; if (nch == 2) while (x--) { int l, r; l = a[1]-a[0]; r = a[0]-a[1]; if (l < -32768) l = -32768; if (l > 32767) l = 32767; if (r < -32768) r = -32768; if (r > 32767) r = 32767; a[0] = l; a[1] = r; a+=2; } } return numsamples; } static BOOL CALLBACK pitchProc(HWND hwndDlg, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam,LPARAM lParam) { if (uMsg == WM_INITDIALOG) { SendDlgItemMessage(hwndDlg,IDC_SLIDER1,TBM_SETRANGEMAX,0,18); SendDlgItemMessage(hwndDlg,IDC_SLIDER1,TBM_SETRANGEMIN,0,-18); SendDlgItemMessage(hwndDlg,IDC_SLIDER1,TBM_SETPOS,1,1); SendDlgItemMessage(hwndDlg,IDC_SLIDER1,TBM_SETPOS,1,0); { char str[123]; wsprintf(str,"%s%d%%",g_pitch>100?"+":"",g_pitch-100); SetDlgItemText(hwndDlg,IDC_BOOGA,str); } } if (uMsg == WM_VSCROLL) { HWND swnd = (HWND) lParam; if (swnd == GetDlgItem(hwndDlg,IDC_SLIDER1)) { g_pitch = -SendDlgItemMessage(hwndDlg,IDC_SLIDER1,TBM_GETPOS,0,0)+100; { char str[123]; wsprintf(str,"%s%d%%",g_pitch>100?"+":"",g_pitch-100); SetDlgItemText(hwndDlg,IDC_BOOGA,str); } } } return 0; } }}}