Wiki Text Formatting Test Page

Revised 1/05/01, 5:45 PM EST -- adding "test" links in double square brackets, as TWiki allows.

This page originated on Wiki:WardsWiki, and the most up-to-date copy resides there. This page has been copied here in order to make a quick visual determination of which TextFormattingRules work for this wiki. Currently it primarily determines how text formatted using the original Wiki:WardsWiki text formatting rules is displayed. See http://www.c2.com/cgi/wiki?WikiOriginalTextFormattingRules.

If you want to see how this text appears in the original Wiki:WardsWiki, see http://www.c2.com/cgi/wiki?WikiEngineReviewTextFormattingTest

People reviewing this wiki from the original Wiki:WardsWiki will be referred to this page. If you want to see the review, go to http://www.c2.com/cgi/wiki?WikiEngineReview.

Other places this page appears (perhaps as an older version):

This page contains sample marked up text to make a quick visual determination as to which Wiki:TextFormattingRules work for a given wiki. To use the page, copy the text from the edit window, and paste it in the wiki under test. Then read it.

And, the next logical thing to do is put a page like this on a public wiki running each Wiki:WikiEngine, and link to it from the appropriate Wiki:WikiReview page, as has been done in some cases -- see above.

The next line (4 dashes) should show up as a horizontal rule. In a few wikis, the width of the rule is controlled by the number of dashes. That will be tested in a later section of this test page.

This first section will test the Wiki:WikiOriginalTextFormattingRules.

If a wiki properly interprets the Wiki:WikiOriginalTextFormattingRules, the text will appear as described here.

This should appear as plain variable width text, not bold or italic.

The original Wiki:WardsWiki text formatting rules make no provision for headings. They can be simulated by applying emphasis. See the next several lines.

'This text, enclosed within in 1 set of single quotes, should appear as normal text surrounded by 1 set of single quotes.'

This text, enclosed within in 2 sets of single quotes, should appear in italics.

This text, enclosed within in 3 sets of single quotes, should appear in bold face type.

This text, enclosed within in 4 sets of single quotes, should appear in bold face type surrounded by 1 set of single quotes.

This text, enclosed within in 5 sets of single quotes, should appear in bold face italics.

This text, enclosed within in 6 sets of single quotes, should appear as normal text.

This line, prefixed with one or more spaces, should appear as monospaced text. Monospaced text does not wrap.

'This text, enclosed within in 1 set of single quotes and preceded by one or more spaces, should appear as monospaced text surrounded by 1 set of single quotes.'

This text, enclosed within in 2 sets of single quotes and preceded by one or more spaces, should appear in monospaced italics.

This text, enclosed within in 3 sets of single quotes and preceded by one or more spaces, should appear in monospaced bold face type.

This text, enclosed within in 4 sets of single quotes and preceded by one or more spaces, should appear in monospaced bold face type surrounded by 1 set of single quotes.

This text, enclosed within in 5 sets of single quotes and preceded by one or more spaces, should appear in monospaced bold face italics.

This text, enclosed within in 6 sets of single quotes and preceded by one or more spaces, should appear as monospaced normal text.

This line, prefixed with one or more spaces, should appear as monospaced text.


In this sentence, bold should appear as bold, and italic should appear as italic.

The next phrase, even though enclosed in triple quotes, '''will not display in bold because
I've broken the phrase across a line''' boundary by inserting a <return>.

If I don't break the phrase by inserting a <return>, the bold portion can start and end on different lines, as this does.

Note that the logic seems to be easily confused. In the next paragraph I combine the two sentences (with no other changes). Notice the results. (The portion between the "innermost" set of triple quotes, and nothing else, is bold.)

The next phrase, even though enclosed in triple quotes, '''will not display in bold because
I've broken the phrase across a line boundary by inserting a <return>. If I don't break the phrase by inserting a <return>, the bold portion can start and end on different lines,''' as this does.

I don't know if Wiki:WardCunningham considers this the desired behavior.

This is a multilevel bulleted list:

  • Top level, preceded by <tab>*<space>, appears indented 4 spaces with a solid circular bullet.
    • Second level, preceded by <tab><tab>*<space>, appears indented 8 spaces with a hollow circular bullet.
      • Third level, preceded by <tab><tab><tab>*<space>, appears indented 12 spaces with a solid square bullet.
        • Fourth level, preceded by <tab><tab><tab><tab>*<space>, appears indented 16 spaces with a solid square bullet.
          • Fifth level, preceded by <tab><tab><tab><tab><tab>*<space>, appears indented 20 spaces with a solid square bullet.
            • Sixth level, preceded by <tab><tab><tab><tab><tab><tab>*<space>, appears indented 24 spaces with a solid square bullet.
              • Seventh level, preceded by <tab><tab><tab><tab><tab><tab><tab>*<space>, appears indented 28 spaces with a solid square bullet.
                • Eighth level, preceded by <tab><tab><tab><tab><tab><tab><tab><tab>*<space>, appears indented 32 spaces with a solid square bullet.
                  • Ninth level, preceded by <tab><tab><tab><tab><tab><tab><tab><tab><tab>*<space>, appears indented 36 spaces with a solid square bullet.
                    • Tenth level, preceded by <tab><tab><tab><tab><tab><tab><tab><tab><tab><tab>*<space>, appears indented 40 spaces with a solid square bullet. It is left to the reader to determine whether there is a limit to this progression.

This is another bulleted list, formatted the same way but with shortened lines to display the behavior when nested and when separated by blank lines.

  • Top level
    • Second level
      • Third level
        • Fourth level
          • Fifth level
            • Sixth level
              • Seventh level
                • Eighth level
                  • Ninth level
                    • Tenth level
  • Top level -- these headings should appear with a blank line between them

    • Second level

      • Third level

        • Fourth level

          • Fifth level

            • Sixth level

              • Seventh level

                • Eighth level

                  • Ninth level

                    • Tenth level

The following nested list is numbered. Numbers are created by replacing the "*" with "1."

  1. Top level
    1. Second level
    2. Second level
      1. Third level
      2. Third level
        1. Fourth level
          1. Fifth level
    3. Second level
      1. Third level
        1. Sixth level
          1. Seventh level
            1. Eighth level
              1. Ninth level
                1. Tenth level
  2. Top level
    1. Second level
      1. Third level
        1. Fourth level
          1. Fifth level
            1. Sixth level
              1. Seventh level
                1. Eighth level
                  1. Ninth level
                    1. Tenth level
  3. Top level

View the page in the original Wiki:WardsWiki, note the numbering, and then compare it to what it looks like in the wiki being tested.

Aside: I wonder if any wikis provide multilevel numbering -- I know that Wiki:MicrosoftWord, even back to the Dos 3.0 version, can number an outline with multiple digits, in "legal" or "outline" style numbering. I forget which is which -- one is like, the other is like II.A.3.c., and I think there is another one that includes ii.

Definition Lists:

Wiki: A very strange wonderland. (Formatted as <tab>Wiki:<tab>A very strange wonderland.)

Wiki: A very strange wonderland.

Wiki: A very strange wonderland.

Indented Paragraphs (For quotations)

: Fourscore and seven years ago, our forefathers brought forth upon this continent a new nation, conceived in liberty, ... and I wish I could remember the rest. Formatted by preceding this paragraph with <tab><space>:<tab>.

:: Here I tried some experimentation to see if I could indent a paragraph 8 spaces instead of 4 -- not successful but there might be a way. Fourscore and seven years ago, our forefathers brought forth upon this continent a new nation, conceived in liberty, ... and I wish I could remember the rest. Formatted by preceding this paragraph with <tab><tab><space>::<tab><tab>.

Weighted horizontal lines.

The next 10 double spaced lines are a succession of lines with an increasing number of dashes on each line, in other words, the first line is one dash, the second is two, ... until the tenth is 10 dashes.

In at least one wiki (which? PikiPiki, and thus MoinMoin), the weight (thickness) of the lines increases based on the number of dashes (starting at 4 dashes).




(the following line has 80 dashes)

End of line weight test.

I inserted 8 blank lines after this, to see if whitespace is "contracted".


As stated earlier, the original Wiki:WardsWiki does not handle headings except by a workaround using emphasis. Some other wikis do.

Some use a prefix of exclamation points, others use other methods. As I find those methods, I will expand this section accordingly.

Here is a test of headings using "!"

This works for:

!Top level

!!Second level

!!!Third level

!!!!Fourth level

!!!!!Fifth level

Here is a test of headings enclosed in equal signs (=), one for the top level, one more for each lower level. Whitespace is not allowed outside of the equals signs, while whitespace is required on the inside (separating the header text and the equals signs).

This works for:

Top level

Second level

Third level

Fourth level

Fifth level

An older version of WardsWiki engine, as used at the CLUG Wiki (http://www.clug.org/cgi/wiki.cgi?RandyKramer), creates headings as shown below. I don't know whether this is part of what Ward wrote or an enhancement by JimWeirich (or somebody else).

----:: Major Heading -- four dashes, two colons, and a space

----: Minor Heading -- four dashes, one colon, and a space

Swiki uses equal signs as prefixes, no space before the heading text -- actually this is not working in Swiki -- tried with and without spaces, now without

=Top level (one equal sign)

==Second level

===Third level

====Fourth level

=====Fifth level (five equal signs)

======Sixth level (six equal signs)


This area will test WikiName validity.


THisIsNotValidInTheOriginalWiki -- Adjacent caps

This8IsNotValidInTheOriginalWiki -- Numbers

YAGNI -- All caps

YAGNI -- All caps, enclosed in single square brackets

YAGNI -- All caps, enclosed in double square brackets

This8isNotValidInTheOriginalWiki --

T8HisNotValidInTheOriginalWiki --

This Is Not Valid In The Original Wiki -- Separated by spaces, enclosed in square brackets.

ThisIsNotValidInTheOriginalWiki -- Enclosed in square brackets -- this is valid in the original wiki.

ThisIsNotValid_InTheOriginalWiki -- Enclosed in square brackets, with underbar.

ThisIsNotValid8InTheOriginalWiki -- Enclosed in square brackets, with number.

ThisIsNotValidTInTheOriginalWiki -- Enclosed in square brackets, with doubled caps.

This Is Not Valid In The Original Wiki -- Separated by spaces, enclosed in square brackets and quotes.

This Is Not Valid In The Original Wiki -- Separated by spaces, enclosed in double square brackets.

ThisIsNotValidInTheOriginalWiki -- Enclosed in double square brackets -- this is valid in the original wiki.

ThisIsNotValid_InTheOriginalWiki -- Enclosed in double square brackets, with underbar.

ThisIsNotValid8InTheOriginalWiki -- Enclosed in double square brackets, with number.

ThisIsNotValidTInTheOriginalWiki -- Enclosed in double square brackets, with doubled caps.

This Is Not Valid In The Original Wiki -- Separated by spaces, enclosed in square brackets and quotes.

*This Is Not Valid In The Original Wiki* -- Separated by spaces, enclosed in asterisks, valid in Swiki

SomePartOfThisIsValidInTheOriginalWiki -- Attempted to invalidate putting 6 single quotes between the first pair of words.

ThisIsIntentionallyNotValidInTheOriginalWiki -- Invalidated by 6 single quotes between every pair of words.

Remote references are created by inserting a number in square brackets, they are not automatically numbered. To make these links work, you must go to Wiki:EditLinks and fill in URLs.



If a remote reference ends in .gif, the image is inlined.

Here is a .gif URL for testing: http://c2.com/sig/wiki.gif (This link disabled by 6 single quotes after the http.)

In WardsWiki the URL for a remote reference in the number syntax must be entered using EditLinks. The image is placed where the number is located.


Simply typing a link (starting with http: and ending in .gif) also works.

Will pictures overlap? In WardsWiki, these 4 pictures form two rows of two pictures, separated by a horizontal blank line.

ISBN Links (to a bookseller) -- several variations

ISBN:0137483104 -- ISBN followed by colon, followed by 10 digits (Wiki:InterWiki style)

ISBN: 0-13-748310-4 -- ISBN followed by optional colon, followed by 10 digits with optional hyphens

ISBN 0-13-748310-4 -- ISBN, no colon, followed by 10 digits with optional hyphens, entire string surrounded by square brackets

ISBN: 0-13-748310-X -- ISBN, with colon, entire string surrounded by square brackets, followed by 10 digits with optional hyphens, last digit an X "X" is the "digit" ten (the roman numeral, actually), which is a possible value for the checksum (last) digit.

Twiki formatting (just a few samples)

*This, embedded between asterisks, should be bold*

_This, embedded between single "underbars" should be italic_

This, embedded between double "underbars" should be bold and italic

This line, preceded by a space, appears normal

<H1>A heading embedded between HTML H1 tags</H1>

<H2>A heading embedded between HTML H2 tags</H2>

<H3>A heading embedded between HTML H3 tags</H3>

<H4>A heading embedded between HTML H4 tags</H4>

<H5>A heading embedded between HTML H5 tags</H5>

<H6>A heading embedded between HTML H6 tags</H6>

Trying angle brackets and escape notation:

< -- arrows in

<> -- arrows out

<enclosing text> -- enclosing text -- text is hidden in TWiki

&lt &gt -- escape (ampersand) lt and gt

I think there is (or will be) another way to mark up headings -- this might require that the TocPlugin be installed. (The following does not work, either because it hasn't been implemented (yet), the TocPlugin is not installed, or because I haven't stumbled across exactly the right syntax.)

*You type*
*You see* | *Note* | | =\tab+++ title= | <h3>title</h3> | (we count "+") | | =\tab\tab+ title= | <h2>title</h2> | (we count tabs) | | =\tab*H4: title= | <h4>title</h4> |

+A line preceded by one "+"

\ +A line preceded by \tab+

=\ \ + A line preceded by

+A line preceded by two tabs and a plus sign

+ Another line preceded by two tabs, a space, and a plus sign

Just showing how TWiki displayed something that looked like headings, but by using preformatted HTML.

<nop> + Heading 1
<nop> + Heading 2
<nop> + Heading 3
<nop> ... and so on

_ An underscore at the beginning of a line makes a horizontal line in Swiki
Swiki Formatting (started by copying their text formatting rules page,

Note: I've noticed some inconsistency with Swiki in handling this page, maybe because of the size? Earlier, headings did not work properly, but bulleted lists did. (The numbered and nested lists were added later.) Now headings are working but lists are not. (And I won't be surprised if, when I save this page either everything works, or something different breaks -- no headings still work, lists do not, but I wonder about the next save?)


Bulleted lists start with a dash, with no space before the text.


Numbered lists start each line with '#', with no space before the text.


Lists can be nested. Thus, a line starting with '#-' is an element of a bulleted list that is part of an ordered list.

Now some nesting:


+ Swiki has an append here area, created by starting a line with a plus sign.
"A text area will be inserted into the page that allows users to add contents to the page without having to edit the page. Users can add text even when the page is locked and when they are not logged in."

Special formatting rules for&, <, >, '*', @:

There are five characters (&, <, >, *, @) which to do not display correctly unless you type aliases for them as follows:
Instead of & type: &;
Instead of < type: <;
Instead of > type: >;
Instead of * type: ☆;
Instead of @ type: &at;.

To preserve character spacing, begin each line with '>'.

Some tests for UseMod wiki:

Using b and i in angle brackets:



Lists are marked up using multiple leading asterisks

* Item
** Item
*** Item

Numbered lists are marked up using multiple leading pound signs

# Item
# Item

"Raw" HTML is disabled by default

ToDo: Continue to add formatting rules for other wikis, as identified.


just | try | a |
|table | for | kicks | ouch |

or even a table...

Let's just try a
table for kicks ouch

A wide table (works on SwikiFarm)

A wide table for MoinMoin?

Foreign Characters, copied from the WikiWikiSandbox on 12/8/00:

Well, how about 抑? and other umlaut characters. double single-quoted text
verrry funny pictures for an old chinese; no more meaning like "FA3B27E5" or other Hex-Code

So can I use Japanese characters (EUC) or what? Well, here it goes anyway:
Let's see it then - SpareMissile

wanna test it too. hihi, cool...
댕소봤,i am rose

I just tried adding some characters using the <alt>nnn approach (on IE5):
(For engines which hide HTML tags, I enclosed the "alt" within angle brackets as a prefix to "nnn" (or "real" digits).)

<alt>159: ƒ

It seems to work in WardsWiki

I wonder if that would give me a way to either force white space (sounds likely -- insert <alt>255 on multiple lines?) or force a line break without causing a blank line in the output (doesn't sound as likely)?

Some lines with <alt>255 separated by totally blank lines:





That seemed dumb! Why not try lines with a single space separated by totally blank lines? Why not -- because it doesn't work in WardsWiki:

I could consider adding an ASCII table here:

See also (just for interest):
Aside: What's the difference (in IE5 or similar) betweeen, for example:

<alt>159 with numlock off: ƒ


<alt>0159 with numlock on: Ÿ

Well, there's an answer, but not quite what I was looking for -- the <alt>159 syntax represents the ASCII codes from 0 to 255 (decimal). What does the <alt>0159 syntax represent?

Wiki:TopicWikiEngineReview, CLUG:TopicUsingWiki, CLUG:TopicWikiEditingTraps
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