[[TableOfContents]] = 2012.07.04 = {{{#!vim java // EmeraldStage/ESGameInfo.uc class ESGameInfo extends UTDeathmatch; // definition of member variable, assigning value is done at defaultproperties function var int a; // Its behavior is similarly to constructor. DefaultProperties { // Extend PlayerController class to custom class PlayerControllerClass = class'ESPlayerController'; } // Event occured when character logged in(or creation). There are existing function PreLogin, PostLogin functions. event PlayerController Login(string portal, string options, const UniqueNetId uniqueID, out string errorMsg) { local PlayerController pc; pc = super.Login(portal, options, uniqueID, errorMsg); return pc; } event PostLogin(PlayerController pc) { `log("Hello World!"); `log(pc.Name@"logged in"); super.PostLogin(pc); } }}} {{{#!vim javascript // EmeraldStage/ESPlayerController.uc class ESPlayerController extends UTPlayerController; DefaultProperties { } event Tick(float deltaTime) { // called every update time `log("tick!"); } }}} ---- [2012년활동지도], [UDK/2012년스터디]