- BabyStepsSafely . . . . 2 matches
Class TestsGeneratePrimes
Our first activity is to refactor the tests. [We might need some justification정당화 for refactoring the tests first, I was thinking that it should tie동여매다 into writing the tests first] The array method is being removed so all the test cases for this method need to be removed as well. Looking at Listing2. "Class TestsGeneratePrimes," it appears that the only difference in the suite of tests is that one tests a List of Integers and the other tests an array of ints. For example, testListPrime and testPrime test the same thing, the only difference is that testListPrime expects a List of Integer objects and testPrime expects and array of int variables. Therefore, we can remove the tests that use the array method and not worry that they are testing something that is different than the List tests.
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