- AseParserByJhs . . . . 2 matches
OutputDebugString (ds);
OutputDebugString (debug_buf);
- MFCStudy_2001/MMTimer . . . . 2 matches
- Applications should not call any system-defined functions from inside a callback function, except for PostMessage, timeGetSystemTime, timeGetTime, timeSetEvent, timeKillEvent, midiOutShortMsg, midiOutLongMsg, and OutputDebugString.[[BR]]
- 어플리케이션은 콜백 함수 내부로부터 다음 함수를 제외하고는 시스템 정의 함수를 부를 수가 없다. : PostMessage, timeGetSystemTime, timeGetTime, timeSetEvent, timeKillEvent, midiOutShortMsg, midiOutLongMsg, and OutputDebugString.[[BR]]
- Trace . . . . 1 match
OutputDebugString(szBuffer); // debug output window 에 string 출력
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