== stdlib.h == 담당 : 김상섭 string.h - string과 관련된 라이브러리 == 함수 (Functions) == || 함 수 명 || 내 용 || || void * memcpy(void * dest, const void * scr, size_t count) || Copies characters between buffers. || || void * memccpy(void * dest, const void * scr, int c, unsigned int count) || Copies characters from a buffer. || || void * memmove(void * dest, const void * scr, size_t count) || Moves one buffer to another. || || int memcmp(const void * buf1, const void * buf2, size_t count) || Compare characters in two buffers. || || int memicmp(const void * buf1, const void * buf2, unsigned int count) || Compares characters in two buffers (case-insensitive). || || void * memset(void * dest, int c, size_t count) || Sets buffers to a specified character. || || void * memchr(const void * buf, int c, size_t count) || Finds characters in a buffer. || || 함 수 명 || 내 용 || || char * strcpy(char * strDestination , const char * strSource ) || Copy a string. || || char * strncpy(char * strDestination, const char * strSource, size_t count) || Copy characters of one string to another || || char * strcat(char * strDestination, const char * strSource) || Append a string. || || char * strncat(char * strDestination, const char * strSource, size_t count) || Append characters of a string. || || int strcmp(const char *stirng1, const char *string2) || Compare strings. || || int strcmpi(const char *stirng1, const char *string2) || Compares two strings to determine if they are the same. The comparison is not case-sensitive. || || int stricmp(const char *stirng1, const char *string2) || Perform a lowercase comparison of strings. || || int strncmp(const char *string1, const char *string2, size_t count) || Compare characters of two strings. || || int strnicmp(const char *string1, const char *string2, size_t count) || Compare characters of two strings without regard to case. || || char * strset(char *string, int c) || Set characters of a string to a character. || || char * strnset(char *stirng, int c, size_t count) || Initialize characters of a string to a given format. || || size_t strlen(const char *string) || Get the length of a string. || || int strcoll(const char * stirng1, const char * stirng2) || Compare strings using locale-specific information. || || char * strchr(const char *string, int c) || Find a character in a string. || || char * strrchr(const char *string, int c) || Scan a string for the last occurrence of a character. || || size_t strcspn(const char *string, const char *strCharSet) || Find a substring in a string. || || size_t strspn(const char *string, const char *strCharSet) || Find the first substring. 포함개수?|| || char * strdup(const char *strSource ) || Duplicate strings. || || char * strerror(int errnum) || Get a system error message (strerror, _wcserror) or prints a user-supplied error message (_strerror, __wcserror). || || char * strlwr(char *string) || Convert a string to lowercase. || || char * strpbrk(const char *string, const char *strCharSet) || Scan strings for characters in specified character sets. || || char * strstr(const char *string, const char *strCharSet) || Find a substring. || || char * strtok(char *strToken, const char *strDelimit) || Find the next token in a string. || || size_t strxfrm (char *strDest, const char *strSource, size_t count) || Transform a string based on locale-specific information || || char * strrev(char *string) || Reverse characters of a string. || || char * strupr(char *string) || Convert a string to uppercase ||