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  • VonNeumannAirport/1002 . . . . 46 matches
         class TestOne : public CppUnit::TestCase {
          CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE (TestOne);
         class TestOne : public CppUnit::TestCase {
          CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE (TestOne);
          void testOneToOneMove () {
          void testOneToTwoMove () {
          void testOneToTwoMove () {
         이 경우 testOneToOneMove 가 깨지게 된다. 데이터형이 다르기 때문이다. testOneToOneMove 쪽 테스트 형을 똑같이 작성해준다.
          void testOneToOneMove () {
         1) test: TestOne::testOneToTwoMove (F) line: 66 C:\User\reset\AirportSec\main.c
         1) test: TestOne::testOneToOneMove (F) line: 54 C:\User\reset\AirportSec\main.cpp equality assertion failed
         2) test: TestOne::testOneToTwoMove (F) line: 71 C:\User\reset\AirportSec\main.cpp equality assertion failed
         3) test: TestOne::testGetDistance (F) line: 84 C:\User\reset\AirportSec\main.cpp equality assertion failed
          void testRealOne () {
         class TestOne : public CppUnit::TestCase {
          CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE (TestOne);
          CPPUNIT_TEST (testOneToOneMove);
          CPPUNIT_TEST (testOneToTwoMove);
          CPPUNIT_TEST (testRealOne);
          void testOneToOneMove () {
  • GuiTestingWithMfc . . . . 41 matches
         #include "GuiTestingOne.h"
         #include "GuiTestingOneDlg.h"
         BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CGuiTestingOneApp, CWinApp)
         CGuiTestingOneApp theApp;
         BOOL CGuiTestingOneApp::InitInstance()
          CGuiTestingOneDlg dlg;
         || test1One || 연습겸 Assert Equals. 10 == 10 ||
         || test2GuiOne || 버튼이 눌러졌을 경우에 CGuiTestingOneDlg::m_bFlag 가 true 상태가 된다. ||
         #include "GuiTestingOneDlg.h" // import GuiTestingOneDlg
          CPPUNIT_TEST ( test1One );
          CPPUNIT_TEST ( test2GuiOne );
          CGuiTestingOneDlg* pDlg;
          pDlg = new CGuiTestingOneDlg();
          void test1One () {
          void test2GuiOne () {
         void CGuiTestingOneDlg::OnButtonadd()
         || test1One || 연습겸 Assert Equals. 10 == 10 ||
  • EightQueenProblem/이선우3 . . . . 16 matches
          Chessman prevOne;
          prevOne = (Chessman)e.nextElement();
          if( chessman.doIHurtYou( prevOne ) || prevOne.doIHurtYou( chessman )) return false;
          Chessman prevOne;
          prevOne = (Chessman)e.nextElement();
          if( prevOne.isSamePoint( point )) return prevOne;
          Chessman prevOne;
          prevOne = (Chessman)e.nextElement();
          if( prevOne.isSamePoint( point )) return removeChessman( prevOne );
          Chessman prevOne;
          prevOne = (Chessman)e.nextElement();
          if( y <= prevOne.getY() ) removeChessman( prevOne );
  • RUR-PLE/Newspaper . . . . 14 matches
         def climbUpOneStair():
         def climbDownOneStair():
         def climbUpOneStair():
         def climbDownOneStair():
  • One . . . . 11 matches
          * [One/실습]
          * [One/김태형]
          * [One/윤현수]
          * [One/박원석]
          * [One/주승범]
          * [One/남상재]
          * [One/구구단]
          * [One/피라미드]
          * [One/마름모]
          '''원'''석이의 [One]
         구구단 실습해 보신 분은 피라미드 만들어 보세요. 조금만 생각해보면 그리 어렵지 않습니다. [One/피라미드] -- [황재선]
  • Java/ModeSelectionPerformanceTest . . . . 10 matches
          if (mode.equals("One")) {
          public void doOne(int i) {
          public void doOne(int i) {
          public void doOne(int i) {
          public class ExOne implements IMode {
          modeMap.put("One", new ExOne());
          public void printPerformance(String[] modeExecute) throws NoSuchMethodException, InstantiationException, ClassNotFoundException, InvocationTargetException, IllegalAccessException {
          private void initModeMapWithReflection(String[] modeExecute) throws InstantiationException, InvocationTargetException, IllegalAccessException, NoSuchMethodException {
          public class ExOne implements IMode {
          public static void main(String[] args) throws NoSuchMethodException, IllegalAccessException, InvocationTargetException, ClassNotFoundException, InstantiationException {
          String[] modeExecute = new String[]{"One", "Two", "Three", "Four", "Five", "hugu"};
  • Ones/1002 . . . . 9 matches
         def isAllOne(aValue):
         def ones(aValue):
          theOnes = "1"
          onesValue = int(theOnes)
          if isMultiplyOf(onesValue,aValue):
          return len(theOnes)
          theOnes += "1"
         class OnesTest(unittest.TestCase):
          self.assertEquals(3, ones(3))
          self.assertEquals(6, ones(7))
          self.assertEquals(9, ones(9))
          self.assertEquals(12, ones(9901))
          def testIsAllOne(self):
          self.assert_(not isAllOne(1112))
          print ones(int(raw_input()))
  • CSP . . . . 8 matches
          if self.q.get()!=None: #for block
          raise "None expected"
          self.q.put(None) #for block
         class OneToNet(ViaNet):
         class NetToOne(ViaNet):
  • EightQueenProblem/이선우2 . . . . 8 matches
          private boolean checkOne;
          checkOne = false;
          boolean prevCheckOne = checkOne;
          checkOne = true;
          checkOne = prevCheckOne;
          if( checkOne && numberOfAnswers > 0 ) break;
  • 주민등록번호확인하기/조현태 . . . . 8 matches
         mulAndSum([FirstOne|RemainOne], [FirstAnother|RemainAnother]) -> FirstOne * FirstAnother + mulAndSum(RemainOne, RemainAnother).
         sumList([FirstOne|RemainOne], [FirstAnother|RemainAnother]) -> [FirstOne + FirstAnother] ++ sumList(RemainOne, RemainAnother).
  • 3N+1Problem/황재선 . . . . 7 matches
         class ThreeNPlusOne:
         class ThreeNPlusOneTest(unittest.TestCase):
          self.u = ThreeNPlusOne()
          def testOneCal(self):
          o = ThreeNPlusOne()
         class ThreeNPlusOneTest(unittest.TestCase):
          def testOneCal(self):
  • DermubaTriangle/조현태 . . . . 6 matches
         double GetHouseDistance(POINT trianglePointOne, POINT trianglePointAnother)
          return sqrt(pow(GetHousePointX(trianglePointOne) - GetHousePointX(trianglePointAnother), 2) +
          pow(GetHousePointY(trianglePointOne) - GetHousePointY(trianglePointAnother), 2));
          int houseNumberOne;
          while ( cin >> houseNumberOne >> houseNumberAnother)
          printf("%.3f\n", GetHouseDistance(GetTrianglePoint(houseNumberOne), GetTrianglePoint(houseNumberAnother)));
  • 김재현 . . . . 6 matches
         int ThreeNOne(int aInput);
         int ThreeNOneTwoNum(int aInput, int aInput2);
          printf ("%d", ThreeNOneTwoNum(num1, num2));
         int ThreeNOne(int aInput){
         int ThreeNOneTwoNum(int aInput, int aInput2){
          cycle_length = ThreeNOne(num1);
  • CubicSpline/1002/test_NaCurves.py . . . . 5 matches
          def testOne(self):
          self.l = None
          def testFunctionExistence(self):
          def testSubBasedFunctionOne(self):
          def testBasedFunctionOne(self):
          def testOne(self):
          def testPerformOne(self):
          self.s = None
  • DataCommunicationSummaryProject/Chapter5 . . . . 5 matches
          * Global roaming - 특별한 multimode phone에서만 가능
          * 인터넷의 중요성을 느낀 후, Packet Switching Backbone에 기초한 인터넷 프로토콜을 제공하기로 요구사항 추가
          * cdmaOne과의 차이점 : 시간 동기화가 필요없다. GPS 필요없다. 마이크로셀 사용. negative feedback에 기초한, 보다 쉬운 파워 컨트롤 메카니즘 사용
          * 2G 중 cdmaOne만이 CDMA이다. 이로부터 3G로 업글한 것을 CDMA-2000이라 한다.
          * CDMA2000 : cdmaOne의 다중
          * cdmaOne을 물려받음 - chip rate와 GPS 타이밍
          * CDMA2000은 cdmaOne으로부터의 직접적인 업그레이드지만, 몇몇의 경쟁력있는 계획으로 구성되어 있다.
  • 영호의바이러스공부페이지 . . . . 5 matches
         Say you have a copy of a played out virus, lets say an older one like
         One warning, this only works with un-encrypting viruses, or on the
          Heres one for all of you who don't have an assembler. It can be
         run it on the wrong day. One day of the year it will perform a HD format.
          Encryption is perhaps one of the key parts of writing a virus. If you
          One easy way to encrypt data is the XOR method. XOR is a matamatical
          assume cs:code,ds:code ; One segment for both code & data
         chdir: ; Routine to step back one level
          mov si,code_start ; One array to compare is this file
          jmp find_healthy ; If so, try the process on this one!
  • 3N+1Problem/강희경 . . . . 4 matches
         def TreeNPlusOne(aNumber):
         def TreeNPlusOne(aNumber, aMin, aMax, aBinaryMap):
          cycleLength = TreeNPlusOne(i, aMin, aMax, aBinaryMap)
  • CppUnit . . . . 4 matches
          CPPUNIT_TEST ( testOne );
          void testOne () {
          void testOne() {
  • Ones . . . . 4 matches
         === About [Ones] ===
          || [문보창] || C++ || 30분 || [Ones/문보창] ||
          || [1002] || Python || 25분 || [Ones/1002] ||
          || [정진경] || C || ? || [Ones/정진경] ||
  • OurMajorLangIsCAndCPlusPlus/XML/조현태 . . . . 4 matches
          bool isOneTable;
          newBlock->isOneTable = FALSE;
          myPoint->isOneTable = TRUE;
          if (showBlock->isOneTable)
  • PrimaryArithmetic/1002 . . . . 4 matches
         def carryCount(one,two):
         def hasCarry(one,two):
          return one+two >= 10
          def testCarryOne(self):
         def carryCount(one,two):
          oneList,twoList = toList(one),toList(two)
          for eachOne,eachTwo in zip(oneList,twoList):
          if hasCarry(eachOne,eachTwo):
         def carryCount(one,two):
          oneList,twoList = withNullList(one),withNullList(two)
          if hasCarry(oneList[idx],twoList[idx]):
          oneList[idx-1] += 1
          one,two,expected= eachTest
         def carryCount(one,two):
          oneList,twoList = withNullList(one),withNullList(two)
          if hasCarry(oneList[idx],twoList[idx]):
          oneList[idx-1] += 1
         def hasCarry(one,two):
          return one+two >= 10
  • 데블스캠프2005/금요일/OneCard/이동현 . . . . 4 matches
         public class OneCard {
          boolean isOneCard = false;
          OneCard game = new OneCard();
  • 만년달력/손동일,aekae . . . . 4 matches
          int ThirtyOne=0;
          for (i=1; i<month; i++) // ThirtyOne : month 이전의 달에서 31일이 있는 달의 갯수
          int day = (((year-1) * 365 + two) + ((month-1) * 30 + ThirtyOne - XOR)) % 7;
  • 현재 위키에 어떤 습관이 생기고 있는걸까? . . . . 4 matches
         우리가 현재 OneWiki(가제 이하 OneWiki로 표현)라는 공원을 돌아다닌지(또는 길을 설계한지) 일주일 이상의 시간이 흐르고 있는데, 그동안 자신들이 어떠한 경로를 만들어내려고 했는지, 또는 어떠한 편한 경로들이 있고 돌아보면서 어떠한 느낌을 받는지 생각해 봤으면 합니다.
          * 그것이 왜? 편한 길인가 앞으로도 편할수 있는 길인가? 나쁜점은 왜 나쁜가? 하는 것을 이야기 하자는 것이지요. 저 이야기에는 분명 많은 부분이 생략되었을 겁니다. 이 길을 내도 되는건가? 왜 사람들이 많이 다닐까? 하는 고민들이요. OneWiki 에 길을 보면서 생각해 BoA요. --NeoCoin
         지금 OneWiki 는 ZeroWiki 에 대해서 어떠한 차별점을 만들어내었습니까? --[1002].
  • ACM_ICPC/2011년스터디 . . . . 3 matches
          * [http://poj.org/problem?id=2551 2551 Ones/송지원]
          * [Ones/송지원]
          * [Ones/정진경]
  • BeeMaja/조현태 . . . . 3 matches
          bool isAddOne = FALSE;
          if (4 == i && FALSE == isAddOne)
          isAddOne = TRUE;
  • JSP/SearchAgency . . . . 3 matches
          class OneNormsReader extends FilterIndexReader {
          public OneNormsReader(IndexReader in, String field) {
          reader = new OneNormsReader(reader, normsField);
  • OOP/2012년스터디 . . . . 3 matches
         int isThirtyOne(int mth);
         int isThirtyOne(int mth){
  • ScheduledWalk/석천 . . . . 3 matches
          // One More Time..~
          // One More Time..~
          // One More Time..~
  • WeightsAndMeasures/황재선 . . . . 3 matches
          def testOneData(self):
          def testOneData2(self):
          def testOneData3(self):
  • ZeroWikiVsOneWiki . . . . 3 matches
         OneWiki 의 목적중, 신입 회원분들이 ZeroWiki를 쓰면서 그간 쌓여 있는 것들을 보면서 짖눌린 느낌을 받지 않을까 해서 였습니다. ZeroWiki는 내부 포멧이나, 내용이나 암묵적으로 무거움을 가지고 있다는 생각이 드는 걱정으로 OneWiki를 열고 새 인원들의 원할한 실험의 장으로서 그 역할을 하기를 바랬던 것이지요.
         아쉽게도 자유롭게 쓰면서 의견의 충돌이나, 논의등을 이루며 발전에 나아가는 이상적 상황은 아직은 오지 못한것 같습니다. 시기 적절함을 보아서, OneWiki가 ZeroWiki 먹어버리거나 그 반대의 형태로 한쪽이 사라져 버리는 운명일까요?
  • 데블스캠프2005/RUR-PLE/Harvest/이승한 . . . . 3 matches
         def getSixBeepOneLine():
  • 3N+1/임인택 . . . . 2 matches
         threeNPlusOne numbers =
         TNPO> threeNPlusOne [[1,10], [100,200], [201,210]]
  • Ant . . . . 2 matches
          Ant 를 다룰줄 안다는 말은 즉, Build File 을 만들줄 안다는 의미와 같다. Build File 은 파일이름에서도 알 수 있듯이 xml 을 기반으로 하고 있다. 예제로 참조해볼만한 화일로 ["Ant/TaskOne"], ["Ant/BuildTemplateExample"] 이 있다. 해당 화일을 보면서 설명을 읽으면 편할것이다.
          * '''Task''' : Ant 에서의 작업단위(빌드, CVS, FTP, JUnit 실행 등등)를 말하는 것입니다. 예를 들어 설명하면 property task 는 Ant에서 쓰는 변수(쉘에서의 환경변수와 비슷한)의 값을 설정합니다. ["Ant/TaskOne"]
  • ClassifyByAnagram/Passion . . . . 2 matches
          public void testOneLine1() throws IOException
          public void testOneLine2() throws IOException
  • DataCommunicationSummaryProject/Chapter4 . . . . 2 matches
          * cdmaOne 은 예외.
         == cdma One ==
         == GTE Airfone ==
  • DesignPatternsAsAPathToConceptualIntegrity . . . . 2 matches
         During our discussions about the organization of design patterns there was a comment about the difficulty of identifying the “generative nature” of design patterns. This may be a good property to identify, for if we understood how design patterns are used in the design process, then their organization may not be far behind. Alexander makes a point that the generative nature of design patterns is one of the key benefits. In practice, on the software side, the generative nature seems to have fallen away and the more common approach for using design patterns is characterized as “when faced with problem xyz…the solution is…” One might say in software a more opportunistic application of design patterns is prevalent over a generative use of design patterns.
         This is what Brooks wrote 25 years ago. "… Conceptual integrity is the most important consideration in system design."[Brooks 86] He continues: “The dilemma is a cruel one. For efficiency and conceptual integrity, one prefers a few good minds doing design and construction. Yet for large systems one wants a way to bring considerable manpower to bear, so that the product can make a timely appearance. How can these two needs be reconciled?”
         One approach would be to identify and elevate a single overriding quality (such as adaptability or isolation of change) and use that quality as a foundation for the design process. If this overriding quality were one of the goals or even a specific design criteria of the process then perhaps the “many” could produce a timely product with the same conceptual integrity as “a few good minds.” How can this be accomplished and the and at least parts of the “cruel dilemma” resolved?
         1. Some O-O design methodologies provide a systematic process in the form of axiomatic steps for developing architectures or micro-architectures that are optimality partitioned (modularized) according to a specific design criteria.
         · Along what principle (experience, data, existence dependency, contract minimization, or some unknown principle) is the application partitioned?
         The dilemma is a cruel one. For efficiency and conceptual integrity, one prefers a few good minds doing design and construction. Yet for large systems one wants a way to bring considerable manpower to bear, so that the product can make a timely appearance. How can these two needs be reconciled?
  • DuplicatedPage . . . . 2 matches
         ZeroWiki와 OneWiki의 통합시 제목은 같으나 내용이 다른 페이지 입니다.
         DuplicatedPage 란 마크를 기준으로 상단은 ZeroWiki 내용, 하단은 OneWiki 내용 입니다. 적절히 통합해 주세요
  • JTDStudy/첫번째과제/원명 . . . . 2 matches
          BaseBall oneGame = new BaseBall();
          guess = oneGame.inputGuess();
          result = oneGame.compare(guess);
          BaseBall oneGame = new BaseBall();
          assertEquals(30, oneGame.compare(123));
          assertEquals(10, oneGame.compare(100, 123));
          assertEquals(2, oneGame.compare(310, 123));
          BaseBall oneGame = new BaseBall();
          assertEquals(30, oneGame.compare(123, 123));
          assertEquals(10, oneGame.compare(100, 123));
          assertEquals(2, oneGame.compare(310, 123));
          BaseBall oneGame = new BaseBall();
          int result = oneGame.runOneTurn();
          public int runOneTurn() {
          BaseBall oneGame = new BaseBall();
          assertEquals(30, oneGame.compare(123, 123));
  • JTDStudy/첫번째과제/정현 . . . . 2 matches
          return getOneWord(numbers);
          private String getOneWord(Set<String> set) {
  • MatrixAndQuaternionsFaq . . . . 2 matches
         Q13. How do I multiply one or more vectors by a matrix?
         Q38. How do I generate a rotation matrix to map one vector onto another?
          OpenGL uses a one-dimensional array to store matrices - but fortunately,
          In the code snippets scattered throughout this document, a one-dimensional
          row or column consists of one or more numeric values.
          So, it is more efficient to stick with linear arrays. However, one issue
          One of the first questions asked about the use of matrices in computer
          However, one objection that frequently comes up is that it would be
          sx = sin(A) // Setup - only done once
          and columns. Also, all the elements in which i=j are set one. All others
          Raising a matrix to a power greater than one involves multiplying a matrix
         === Q13. How do I multiply one or more vectors by a matrix? ===
          For an identity matrix, the determinant is always equal to one.
          An Isotropic matrix is one in which the sum of the squares of all
          three rows or columns add up to one.
          is sometimes necessary to enlarge or shrink one axis more than the
          of multiplication, it is sometimes the case that the rotation in one
          However, someone else facing you will say that you turned towards their
          to have 10 elements with value zero (0), 2 elements with value one (1)
          arithmetic expressions which lead to either zero or one.
  • MoinMoinFaq . . . . 2 matches
         To be honest, it is good for whatever you use it for. At
          * Editability by anyone - A wiki page is editable by anyone with a web browser
         There are two main ways to devalue a wiki. One is through erasure
         corruption is more difficult to deal with. The possibility exists that someone
         particular comment, or someone can change the content of a paragraph to
         event, and one that could be dealt with (if needed) with a notification
         In other words, the philosophy of wiki is one of dealing manually with the
         formatted in a consistent way. One important
         create a new page. If you click on one of
         This is done by putting your html text as a parameter to the
         This is done as a hedge against the
         improbable case of someone trying to sabotage the wiki.
  • MoreEffectiveC++/Exception . . . . 2 matches
          class PhoneNumber{ ... };
          void addPhoneNumber(const PhoneNumber& number);
          list<phoneNumber> thePhones;
          BookEntry b( "Addison-Wesley Publishing Company", "One Jacob Way, Reading, MA 018678");
          pb = new BookEntry( "Addison-Wesley Publishing Company", "One Jacob Way, Reading, MA 018678");
  • Ones/문보창 . . . . 2 matches
         // no10127 - Ones
         [Ones] [문보창]
  • PokerHands/Celfin . . . . 2 matches
         bool isOnePair(Poker *card, int turn)
          else if(isOnePair(card, turn))
  • PokerHands/문보창 . . . . 2 matches
         enum {HighCard, OnePair, TwoPairs, ThreeCard, Straight, Flush, FullHouse, FourCard, StraightFlush};
         const int NONE = 0;
         bool onePair(Poker & po);
          interpret(onePair(b), onePair(w), result);
          result = NONE;
          result = NONE;
         bool onePair(Poker & po)
          po.rank[0] = OnePair;
  • ProjectPrometheus/AT_BookSearch . . . . 2 matches
          def testOne(self):
          def testOne(self):
  • PythonMultiThreading . . . . 2 matches
         def runOne(args):
          thread.start_new_thread(runOne, ((1,)))
  • RUR-PLE/Hudle . . . . 2 matches
         def goOneStepAndJump():
  • SilentASSERT . . . . 2 matches
         - One Source Code, One Library
  • SpiralArray/Leonardong . . . . 2 matches
          def testStoreMovementWhenTurnRoundAndBoudaryNotOne(self):
          def testStoreMovementWhenTurnRoundAndBoudaryOne(self):
  • TwistingTheTriad . . . . 2 matches
         with a widget-based system it is easy to avoid having to think about the (required) separation between the user interface and the application domain objects, but it is all too easy to allow one's domain code to become inextricably linked with the general interface logic.
         it was much more that the widget system was just not flexible enought. We didn't know at the time, but were just starting to realise, that Smalltalk thrives on plugability and the user interface components in out widget framework were just not fine-grained enough.
         One example of this deficiency surfaced in SmalltalkWorkspace widget. This was originally designed as a multiline text-editing component with additional logic to handle user interface commands such as Do-it, Show-it, Inspect-it etc. The view itself was a standard Windows text control and we just attached code to it to handle the workspace functionality. However, we soon discovered that we also wanted to have a rich text workspace widget too. Typically the implementation of this would have required the duplication of the workspace logic from the SmalltalkWorkspace component or, at least, an unwarranted refactoring session. It seemed to us that the widget framework could well do with some refactoring itself!
         For example, let's say one wants to explicitly change the colour of one or more views dependent on some conditions in the application model. The correct way to do this in MVC would be to trigger some sort of event, passing the colour along with it. Behaviour would then have to be coded in the view to "hang off" this event and to apply the colour change whenever the event was triggered. This is a rather circuitous route to achieving this simple functionality and typically it would be avoided by taking a shoutcut and using #componentAt : to look up a particular named view from the application model and to apply the colour change to the view directly. However, any direct access of a view like this breaks the MVC dictum that the model should know nothing about the views to which it is connected. If nothing else, this sort of activity surely breaks the possibility of allowing multiple views onto a model, which must be the reason behind using the Observer pattern in MVC in the first place.
         This is the data upon which the user interface will operate. It is typically a domain object and the intention is that such objects should have no knowledge of the user interface. Here the M in MVP differs from the M in MVC. As mentioned above, the latter is actually an Application Model, which holds onto aspects of the domain data but also implements the user interface to manupulate it. In MVP, the model is purely a domain object and there is no expectation of (or link to) the user interface at all.
         One significant difference in MVP is the removal of the controller. Instead, the view is expected to handle the raw user interface events generated by the operating system (in Windows these come in as WM_xxxx messages) and this way of working fits more naturally into the style of most modern operating systems. In some cases, as a TextView, the user input is handled directly by the view and used to make changes to the model data. However, in most cases the user input events are actually routed via the presenter and it is this which becomes responsible for how the model gets changed.
         Compared with our orignnal widget framework, MVP offers a much greater separation between the visual presentation of an interface and the code required to implement the interface functionality. The latter resides in one or more presenter classes that are coded as normal using a standard class browser.
  • User Stories . . . . 2 matches
         User stories also drive the creation of the acceptance tests. One or more automated acceptance tests must be created to verify the user story has been correctly implemented.
         One of the biggest misunderstandings with user stories is how they differ from traditional requirements specifications. The biggest
  • VonNeumannAirport/Leonardong . . . . 2 matches
          def testOneToOneDistance(self):
  • VonNeumannAirport/남상협 . . . . 2 matches
          readLineOne = Data.readline().split(" ")
  • Zero,One 위키 통합에 대한 토론 . . . . 2 matches
         One Wiki와 ZeroWiki의 데이터를 합쳐버릴 생각을 하고 있습니다. 찬성하세요? SeeAlso ZeroWikiVsOneWiki
  • 경시대회준비반/BigInteger . . . . 2 matches
          // Case 3: First One got more digits
          // Case 4: First One got less digits
          BigInteger& ONE = *new BigInteger(1l);
          *this = *this+ONE;
          BigInteger one(1l);
          *this = *this+one;
          BigInteger one(1l);
          *this = *this-one;
          BigInteger one(1l);
          *this = *this-one;
          BigInteger& ONE = *new BigInteger(1l);
          if(UnsignedCompareTo(ONE)==0) return ONE;
  • 데블스캠프2005/RUR-PLE/Sorting . . . . 2 matches
          else: # one column sorting finished
         def bringOne():
         def notexist_wantone():
  • 새싹교실/2012/나도할수있다 . . . . 2 matches
         char isOne (int num1) {
          a = isOne(b);
  • 위키를새로시작하자 . . . . 2 matches
         '''OneWiki를 새로 시작해서 1년간 실험을 하였습니다. 허나, ZeroWiki 와 그리 다르지 않다는 경험을 얻었습니다. 그래서 OneWiki 와 ZeroWiki를 통합하였습니다. 통합된 페이지중 DuplicatedPage 는 아직 완전한 통합이 이루어 지지 않은 것이니, 해당 페이지를 고쳐주세요.'''
  • 인수/Smalltalk . . . . 2 matches
         RWRoach>>moveOne: aBoard
          [ aBoard isAllPut = false. ] whileTrue: [ self moveOne:aBoard. ].}}}
  • 정모/2004.2.17 . . . . 2 matches
          * OneWiki:RummikubProject 진행자 불참
          * OneWiki:TheJavaMan 진행중.
  • 정모/2011.5.30 . . . . 2 matches
          * [정의정]의 One Man Show
          * 7시에 튜터링이라 조금 일찍 가긴 했는데 (그런데 7시 20분에 나갔..) 뭐 거의 다 하고 나간 거 같네요,, 이번 OMS에서는 정말로 One Man Show에 대한 것을 봤는데요, 평소 그런 영상도 많이 봐서 그런지 조금 더 관심있게 봤던 것 같습니다. 뭐 보면 Five For Fighting과 같이 혼자 악기를 다루고 노래 해서 음반 발매하는 사람도 있으니깐요. 데블스 캠프 연락처를 받고 연락을 돌렸는데, 연락이 되신 분도 있는데 다시 연락 주신다고 하시고.. (뭐 하루밖에 안 지났지만..) 답이 없으시네요 -_-;; 이번 5월 회고에서는 색다른 방식으로 진행되었던 것 같습니다. Zeropage에게 인격을 부여하니 참 다양한 모습이 나와 재밌었습니다. 생각해 보니 별명을 슬레이어즈의 가우리로 할껄 그랬네요 (밥 못 먹었을 때의 모습 -_-) 아무튼 재밌는 회고였습니다. ㅎ - [권순의]
  • 프로그래밍/DigitGenerator . . . . 2 matches
          private static int processOneCase(String line) {
          int result = processOneCase(line);
  • 프로그래밍/Pinary . . . . 2 matches
          private static String processOneCase(String line) {
          String result = processOneCase(line);
  • 프로그래밍/Score . . . . 2 matches
          int result = processOneCase(line);
          private int processOneCase(String line) {
  • 프로그래밍/장보기 . . . . 2 matches
          public static int processOneCase(int num) {
          int result = processOneCase(Integer.parseInt(line));
  • 3N+1Problem/1002_2 . . . . 1 match
          if self._cache.get(n) is not None: return self._cache.get(n)
         def testOne():
  • AOI/2004 . . . . 1 match
          || [Ones] || . || . || O || . || . || . || . || . ||
  • ClipMacro . . . . 1 match
  • Counting/황재선 . . . . 1 match
          BigInteger one = new BigInteger("1");
          first = one;
          public void testOne() {
  • DPSCChapter1 . . . . 1 match
         ''Design Patterns'' describes 23 design patterns for applications implemented in an object-oriented programming language. Of course, these 23 patterns do not capture ''all'' the design knowledge an object-oriented designer will ever need. Nonetheless, the patterns from the "Gang of Four"(Gamma et al.) are a well-founded starting point. They are a design-level analog to the base class libraries found in Smalltalk development environments. They do not solve all problems but provide a foundation for learning environments. They do not solve all problems but provide a foundation for learning about design patterns in general and finding specific useful architectures that can be incorporated into the solutions for a wide variety of real-world design problems. They capture an expert level of design knowledge and provide the foundation required for building elegant, maintainable, extensible object-oriented programs.
         A '''design pattern''' is a reusable implementation model or architecture that can be applied to solve a particular recurring class of problem. The pattern sometimes describes how methods in a single class or subhierarchy of classes work together; more often, it shows how multiple classes and their instances collaborate. It turns out that particular architectures reappear in different applications and systems to the extent that a generic pattern template emerges, one that experts reapply and customize to new application - and domain-specific problems. Hence, experts know how to apply design patterns to new problems to implement elegant and extensible solutions.
         '''''패턴은 각기 다른 어플리케이션과 시스템상에서 재현되는 특별한(고유한, 플랫폼 종속적인) 아키택처, 전문가들이 새로운 어플리케이션,분야에서 발생하는 특별한 문제들을 제거한다. '''''(위에서 쓰인 one이 particular architecture와 동등한 위치로 해석한 방법. 다른의견 제안바람-상민
         Design patterns also provide a succinct vocabulary with which to describe new designs and retrospectively explain existing ones. Patterns let us understand a design at a high level before drilling down to focus on details. They allow us to envision entire configurations of objects and classes at a large grain size and communicate these ideas to other designers by name. We can say, "Implement the database access object as a Singleton," rather than, "Let's make sure the database access class has just one instance. The class should include a class variable to keep track of the singl instance. The class should make the instance globally available but control access to it. The class should control when the instance is created and ..." Which would you prefer?
         This book is designed to be a companion to ''Design Patterns'', but one written from the Smalltalk perspective. One way to think of the ''Smalltalk Companion'', then, is as a variation on a theme. We provide the same pattern as in the Gang of Four book but view them through Smalltalk glasses. (In fact, when we were trying out names for the ''Smalltalk Companion'', someone suggested "DesignPattern asSmalltalkCompanion." However, we decided only hard-core Smalltalkers would get it.)
  • DPSCChapter2 . . . . 1 match
         2.1 Scene One : State of Confusion
         Jane : Can you show me what you've done?
  • DebuggingSeminar_2005/AutoExp.dat . . . . 1 match
         ; format Watch format specifier. One of the following:
  • EnglishSpeaking/TheSimpsons/S01E05 . . . . 1 match
         One will circle around this way to cut off the enemy's retreat,
  • FortuneCookies . . . . 1 match
          * If you always postpone pleasure you will never have it. Quit work and play for once!
          * Money will say more in one moment than the most eloquent lover can in years.
          * Money may buy friendship but money can not buy love.
          * You are tricky, but never to the point of dishonesty.
          * You are dishonest, but never to the point of hurting a friend.
          * You will hear good news from one you thought unfriendly to you.
          * A man who fishes for marlin in ponds will put his money in Etruscan bonds.
          * You will be awarded a medal for disregarding safety in saving someone.
          * You will be imprisoned for contributing your time and skill to a bank robbery.
          * You will gain money by a speculation or lottery.
          * Mistakes are oft the stepping stones to failure.
          * Promptness is its own reward, if one lives by the clock instead of the sword.
          * Like winter snow on summer lawn, time past is time gone.
          * Among the lucky, you are the chosen one.
          * You are unscrupulously dishonest, false, and deceitful.
          * Someone is unenthusiastic about your work.
          * Lend money to a bad debtor and he will hate you.
          * You are scrupulously honest, frank, and straightforward.
          * One man tells a falsehood, a hundred repeat it as true.
          * Try to value useful qualities in one who loves you.
  • Gof/FactoryMethod . . . . 1 match
          4. Using templates to avoid subclassing. As we've mentioned, another potential problem with factory methods is that they might force you to subclass just to create the appropriate Product objects. Another way to get around this in C++ is to provide a template subclass of Creator that's parameterized by the Product
         The function CreateMaze (page 84) builds and returns a maze. One problem with this function is that it hard-codes the classes of maze, rooms, doors, and walls. We'll introduce factory methods to let subclasses choose these components.
         Each factory method returns a maze component of a given type. MazeGame provides default implementations that return the simplest kinds of maze, rooms, walls, and doors.
         The Orbix ORB system from IONA Technologies [ION94] uses Factory Method to generate an appropriate type of proxy (see Proxy (207)) when an object requests a reference to a remote object. Factory Method makes it easy to replace the default proxy with one that uses client-side caching, for example.
  • HelpForBeginners . . . . 1 match
         위키위키의 문법을 지금 당장 알고싶으신 분은 HelpOnEditing 페이지로 가시기 바랍니다.
         위키위키에 대하여 좀 더 배우고 싶으신 분은 Wiki:WhyWikiWorks 와 Wiki:WikiNature 를 읽어보시기 바라며, Wiki:WikiWikiWebFaq 와 Wiki:OneMinuteWiki 도 도움이 될 것 입니다.
  • HelpOnXmlPages . . . . 1 match
         If you have Python4Suite installed in your system, it is possible to save XML documents as pages. It's important to start those pages with an XML declaration "{{{<?xml ...>}}}" in the very first line. Also, you have to specify the stylesheet that is to be used to process the XML document to HTML. This is done using a [http://www.w3.org/TR/xml-stylesheet/ standard "xml-stylesheet" processing instruction], with the name of a page containing the stylesheet as the "{{{href}}}" parameter.
         /!\ MoniWiki support two type of XSLT processors. One is the xslt.php, the other is xsltproc.php. xslt.php need a xslt module for PHP and xsltproc.php need the xsltproc.
  • MoreEffectiveC++/Appendix . . . . 1 match
         What follows is the list of books I find myself consulting when I have questions about software development in C++. Other good books are available, I'm sure, but these are the ones I use, the ones I can truly recommend. ¤ MEC++ Rec Reading, P5
         That book is organized similarly to this one, but it covers different (arguably more fundamental) material. ¤ MEC++ Rec Reading, P15
         Each chapter in this book starts with some C++ software that has been published as an example of how to do something correctly. Cargill then proceeds to dissect — nay, vivisect — each program, identifying likely trouble spots, poor design choices, brittle implementation decisions, and things that are just plain wrong. He then iteratively rewrites each example to eliminate the weaknesses, and by the time he's done, he's produced code that is more robust, more maintainable, more efficient, and more portable, and it still fulfills the original problem specification. Anybody programming in C++ would do well to heed the lessons of this book, but it is especially important for those involved in code inspections. ¤ MEC++ Rec Reading, P21
         One topic Cargill does not discuss in C++ Programming Style is exceptions. He turns his critical eye to this language feature in the following article, however, which demonstrates why writing exception-safe code is more difficult than most programmers realize: ¤ MEC++ Rec Reading, P22
         I generally refer to this as "the LSD book," because it's purple and it will expand your mind. Coplien covers some straightforward material, but his focus is really on showing you how to do things in C++ you're not supposed to be able to do. You want to construct objects on top of one another? He shows you how. You want to bypass strong typing? He gives you a way. You want to add data and functions to classes as your programs are running? He explains how to do it. Most of the time, you'll want to steer clear of the techniques he describes, but sometimes they provide just the solution you need for a tricky problem you're facing. Furthermore, it's illuminating just to see what kinds of things can be done with C++. This book may frighten you, it may dazzle you, but when you've read it, you'll never look at C++ the same way again. ¤ MEC++ Rec Reading, P27
         Carroll and Ellis discuss many practical aspects of library design and implementation that are simply ignored by everybody else. Good libraries are small, fast, extensible, easily upgraded, graceful during template instantiation, powerful, and robust. It is not possible to optimize for each of these attributes, so one must make trade-offs that improve some aspects of a library at the expense of others. Designing and Coding Reusable C++ examines these trade-offs and offers down-to-earth advice on how to go about making them. ¤ MEC++ Rec Reading, P30
         This book provides an overview of the ideas behind patterns, but its primary contribution is a catalogue of 23 fundamental patterns that are useful in many application areas. A stroll through these pages will almost surely reveal a pattern you've had to invent yourself at one time or another, and when you find one, you're almost certain to discover that the design in the book is superior to the ad-hoc approach you came up with. The names of the patterns here have already become part of an emerging vocabulary for object-oriented design; failure to know these names may soon be hazardous to your ability to communicate with your colleagues. A particular strength of the book is its emphasis on designing and implementing software so that future evolution is gracefully accommodated (see Items 32 and 33). ¤ MEC++ Rec Reading, P36
         For hard-core C++ programmers, there's really only one game in town: ¤ MEC++ Rec Reading, P40
         In November 1995, a moderated version of comp.lang.c++ was created. Named °comp.lang.c++.moderated, this newsgroup is also designed for general discussion of C++ and related issues, but the moderators aim to weed out implementation-specific questions and comments, questions covered in the extensive °on-line FAQ ("Frequently Asked Questions" list), flame wars, and other matters of little interest to most C++ practitioners. ¤ MEC++ Rec Reading, P48
         Items 9, 10, 26, 31 and 32 attest to the remarkable utility of the auto_ptr template. Unfortunately, few compilers currently ship with a "correct" implementation.1 Items 9 and 28 sketch how you might write one yourself, but it's nice to have more than a sketch when embarking on real-world projects. ¤ MEC++ auto_ptr, P2
         friend class auto_ptr<U>; // friends of one another
         If your compilers lack support for member templates, you can use the non-template auto_ptr copy constructor and assignment operator described in Item 28. This will make your auto_ptrs less convenient to use, but there is, alas, no way to approximate the behavior of member templates. If member templates (or other language features, for that matter) are important to you, let your compiler vendors know. The more customers ask for new language features, the sooner vendors will implement them. ¤ MEC++ auto_ptr, P8
  • MoreEffectiveC++/Techniques1of3 . . . . 1 match
         class NLComponent{ // News Letter 의 부모 인자
         class TextBlock:public NLComponent{ // 글을 표현하는 인자
         class Graphic:public NLComponent{ // 그림을 표현하는 인자
          list<NLComponent*> components; // 글과 그림 인자의 저장소
          다음에 추가될 인자 객체(component object)를 str로 부터 읽는다.
          newsletter의 인자중 리스트인 components에 만든 객체를 넣는다.
         혹은 약간 수를 써서 readComponent를 호출하는 식으로 바꾼다면
          // 해당 자료를 해석하고, 알맞는 객체를 만들고 반호나하는 readComponent객체
          static NLComponent * readComponent(istream& str);
          // readComponent가 해석한 객체를 newsletter의 리스트 마지막에 추가시키는 과정
         readComponent가 무엇을 어떻게 하는지 궁리해 보자. 위에 언급한듯이 readComponent는 리스트에 넣을 TextBlock나 Graphic형의 객체를 디스크에서 읽어 드린 자료를 바탕으로 만들어 낸다. 그리고 최종적으로 만들어진 해당 객체의 포인터를 반환해서 list의 인자를 구성하게 해야 할것이다. 이때 마지막 코드에서 가상 생성자의 개념이 만들어 져야 할것이다. 입력되 는자료에 기초되어서, 알아서 만들어 인자. 개념상으로는 옳지만 실제로는 그렇게 구현될수는 없을 것이다. 객체를 생성할때 부터 형을 알고 있어야 하는건 자명하니까. 그렇다면 비슷하게 구현해 본다?
         가상 생성자의 방식의 한 종류로 특별하게 가상 복자 생성자(virtual copy constructor)는 널리 쓰인다. 이 가상 복사 생성자는 새로운 사본의 포인터를 반환하는데 copySlef나 cloneSelf같은 복사의 개념으로 생성자를 구현하는 것이다. 다음 코드에서는 clone의 이름을 쓰였다.
         class NLComponent{
          virtual NLComponent * clone() const = 0;
         class TextBlock: public NLComponent{
          virtual TextBlock * clone() const // 가상 복사 생성자 선언
         class Graphic:public NLComponent{
          virtual Graphic * clone() const // 가상 복사 생성자 선언
         보다시피 클래스의 가상 복사 생성자는 실제 복사 생성자를 호출한다. 그러므로 "복사" 의미로는 일반 복사 생성자와 수행 기능이 같다 하지만 다른 점은 만들어진 객체마다 제각각의 알맞는 복사 생성자를 만든다는 점이 다르다. 이런 clone이 NewsLetter 복사 생성자를 만들때 NLComponent들을 복사하는데 기여를 한다. 어떻게 더 쉬운 작업이 되는지 다음 예제를 보면 이해 할수 있을 것이다.
  • One/구구단 . . . . 1 match
  • One/김태형 . . . . 1 match
  • One/남상재 . . . . 1 match
  • One/박원석 . . . . 1 match
  • One/실습 . . . . 1 match
  • One/윤현수 . . . . 1 match
  • One/주승범 . . . . 1 match
  • One/피라미드 . . . . 1 match
  • OneWikiBackupCondition . . . . 1 match
  • PrimaryArithmetic/Leonardong . . . . 1 match
          def testCountUpCarryEqualDegreeOne(self):
  • ProjectPrometheus/AT_RecommendationPrototype . . . . 1 match
          def testOne(self):
          self.musician = None
          self.mathematician = None
  • ProjectPrometheus/AcceptanceTestServer . . . . 1 match
         AcceptanceTest / Search Test One , Two 등 테스트 리스트가 나오고, 실행을 할 수 있다.
  • QuestionsAboutMultiProcessAndThread . . . . 1 match
          * 그럼 여러 개의 Thread가 존재하는 상황일 때, 하나의 Thread가 One Time Slice를 전부 사용하는 경우가 있는가??
  • SystemPages . . . . 1 match
  • ThinkRon . . . . 1 match
         Let me tell a brief story about how that came about. Our president, at the time was Bob Doherty. Doherty came from General Electric via Yale, and had been one of the bright young men who were taken under the wing of the famous engineer Stiglitz. Every Saturday, Stiglitz would hold a session with these talented young men whom General Electric had recruited and who were trying to learn more advanced engineering theory and problem-solving techniques. Typically, Bob Doherty would sometimes get really stuck while working on a problem. On those occasions, he would walk down the hall, knock on Stiglitz’s door, talk to him — and by golly, after a few minutes or maybe a quarter of an hour, the problem would be solved.
         One morning Doherty, on his way to Stiglitz’s office, said to himself, "Now what do we really talk about? What’s the nature of our conversation?" And his next thought was, "Well Stiglitz never says anything; he just asks me questions. And I don’t know the answer to the problem or I wouldn’t be down there; and yet after fifteen minutes I know the answer. So instead of continuing to Stiglitz’s office, he went to the nearest men’s room and sat down for a while and asked himself, "What questions would Stiglitz ask me about this?" And lo and behold, after ten minutes he had the answer to the problem and went down to Stiglitz’s office and proudly announced that he knew how to solve it.
  • WERTYU/1002 . . . . 1 match
         def testOne():
  • XpWeek/20041221 . . . . 1 match
         음, 아침의 testOneWord와 testTwoWord는 꽤 만족 스러웠다. 자바에 대한 재미도 약간씩 붙는듯 했고. 오후의 일정은, 전날의 피로함의 연속이었는지 뭔가에 홀린 기분으로 진행한듯. 내일은 좀더 활기차게 했으면 좋겠다. 계획단계가 너무 오래걸려서 지루한 면이 없지 않아 있었지만 소수의 참여자로 인한 현상이라 생각하며.. ㅎㅎ --[박진하]
  • ZeroPageServer/계정신청상황2 . . . . 1 match
         === From OneWiki : 계정 신청 상황 2 ===
  • django/Model . . . . 1 match
  • 같은 페이지가 생기면 무슨 문제가 있을까? . . . . 1 match
          페이지이름을 만들때, '''제목대상 검색'''은 이전부터 지원되었습니다. 예를들어 이동 창에 Front를 쳐보세요. 처음부터 후자를 이야기 하는 것으로 알고 있었습니다. 보통 '''내용검색(FullTextSearch)'''는 부하 때문에 걸지 않습니다. 하지만, 현재 OneWiki 의 페이지가 적고, 페이지를 만드는 행위 자체가 적으므로, 후자의 기능 연결해 놓고 편리성과 부하의 적당한 수준을 관찰해 보지요. --NeoCoin
  • 논문번역/2012년스터디/김태진 . . . . 1 match
         Set of One or Two Vectors
  • 데블스캠프2009/화요일후기 . . . . 1 match
          * [김준석] - 같은 것을 반복하기 위해 우리는 자주 copy &paste를 사용한다. 단순히 키보드 두번만 누르면 똑같은 것이 한번더 만들어지는 좋은 단축키 이다. 하지만 사실 이 반복되는것을 우리는 단순히 단축키를 누름으로서 만들어지는것은 과거의 저급언어를 사용할때나 만들어지는 반복의 숙달이다. 평소 자주 알고리즘을 연구하자는 말을 들을것이다. 문제를 푸는것 만에는 사실 극히 특별한 알고리즘이 필요없다고 생각한다. 살면서 어떻게든 간단반복으로 대부분은 풀수 있을테니까. 알고리즘을 연구하는것은 우리가 사용하는 컴퓨터의 부담을 줄이기 위해 만들며 이는 단순 반복되는 계산과정을 줄여줘 자원의 낭비를 줄여준다. 이렇듯 컴퓨터의 반복은 줄이면서 직접 키보드를 치며 반복하고있는 나의 자원소비량은 어떤가? 나는 왜 반복을 하고 있는가? 이 긴 코드를 줄일수 있는 방법은 정녕 없는것인가?라는 컴퓨터 알고리즘을 생각하듯 나를 위한 알고리즘을 생각을 해보았나? 대부분의 문서를 한장으로 줄여서 요약할수 있다는것을 가르쳐주는 One Page Proposal이라는 책에서는 "온갖 미사여구를 넣어 50page나 100page가 넘어가는 문서는 문서를 받은 사람의 책상에서 쌓이고 쌓여 결국에는 보여지지도 못하고 세절기에 들어가 버린다. 정말 자신이 있다면 알짜배기만 모아서 1Page로 보기 좋게 만들어라." 맞는 말이다. 아무리 길게 만든 프로그램이라도 20줄도 안되는 프로그램과 성능이 똑같다면 당연히 보기도 좋고 관리하기도 좋은 20줄 프로그램을 쓰겠지.이 20줄 프로그램을 쉽게 만들기위해 사람은 자신이 편리하게 개발과 연구를 했다. 그렇게 편리하도록 발달하는 과정. 그 생각을 잘보여준 세미나였다고 생각한다. 과연 네이버에서 자동완성됬던 Kesarr.
  • 박원석 . . . . 1 match
  • 방울뱀스터디/GUI . . . . 1 match
         radio1 = Radiobutton(frame, text="One", variable=var, value=1)
  • 새싹C스터디2005 . . . . 1 match
          === [One] ===
  • 영호의해킹공부페이지 . . . . 1 match
         This article is an attempt to quickly and simply explain everyone's favourite
         coded daemons - by overflowing the stack one can cause the software to execute
         A stack has the property of a queue of objects being placed one on top of the
         other, and the last object placed on the stack will be the first one to be
         addresses, or up them. This means that one could address variables in the
         you want to win an argument one day.
         one? Well, let's check, we feed it a good 30 "a" characters and we look at the
         getchar() are problematic but for some reason no-one has noticed that 'cin >>'
         has *two* vulnerabilities, and we were exploiting the one we didn't know
         the one specified in the zine. :) Right, just a small update, but a necessary
         one. And watch out for FK9, coming your way in February or March 2000!
         your brain and you've hardly the energy to move, let-alone actually do
         Step One
         here's one that works - lets say - dns.gincorp.co.jp - Right, so now we have
         _. Various Phone Warez from MercEnarY ._ ,;:;,, _.
         First off, let's cover phreaking the telkom tetabox fones. Note: Not the big
         blues ones, those small ones you find in some places [Wyzewun: He's reffering
         This technique was picked up by me when trying to phone ppl in Johannesburg
         when i was at boarding school, and lets you use telkom coin phone to phone for
         1) You need access to the plugin point of the phone (some of the older phones
  • 위키에대한생각 . . . . 1 match
          * 하지만 히스토리 삭제시의 그 가속감을 생각한다면!!! --NamelessOne
  • 조영준 . . . . 1 match
          * 2015년 하계방학 Java 강사 - [https://onedrive.live.com/redir?resid=3E1EBF9966F2EBA!23488&authkey=!AHG1S-XLSURIruo&ithint=folder%2cpptx 수업 자료]
          * [AngelsCamp/2014/OneBot]
          * 여름방학 clonezilla 관련 프로젝트 진행
  • 후각발달특별세미나 . . . . 1 match
          프로젝트 때문에 빠르게 진행한게 아니라 선전부 모임때문에... 여튼 간결하게 하는 건 중요하다. 시간 되면 {{{~cpp The One Page Proposal}}}을 읽어보도록 해. --재동
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