- 몸짱프로젝트/CrossReference . . . . 7 matches
void initNode(Node * aNewNode);
void initNode(Node * aNewNode)
aNewNode->left = NULL;
aNewNode->word = "";
aNewNode->wordCount = 0;
aNewNode->line = lp;
aNewNode->right = NULL;
Node * newNode = new Node;
newNode->word = aWord;
newNode->line->row = aLineCount;
return newNode;
- LinkedList/영동 . . . . 6 matches
Node * allocateNewNode(Node * argNode, int argData);//Function which allocate new node in memory
currentNode=allocateNewNode(currentNode, enterData());
Node * allocateNewNode(Node * argNode, int argData)
Node * allocateNewNode(Node * argNode, int argData, int * argNumberOfElements);//Function which allocates new node in memory
currentNode=allocateNewNode(currentNode, enterData(), &elementsOfLinkedList);
Node * allocateNewNode(Node * argNode, int argData, int * argNumberOfElements)
- 새싹교실/2012/AClass/4회차 . . . . 5 matches
NODE*NewNode = (NODE*)malloc(sizeof(NODE));
NewNode->NextNode = NULL;
Return NewNode;
NODE* 를 반환하는 CreateNode다. NewNode라는 포인터를 생성후 그 해당하는 주소에 malloc함수로 공간을 할당하고 있다.
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