{{{~cpp ;example1.nsi ; 인스톨러의 이름 Name "TestInstallSetup" ; 인스톨러가 될 화일의 이름 OutFile "TestInstallSetup.exe" ; 기본 인스톨 디렉토리 InstallDir $PROGRAMFILES\TestInstallSetup ; The text to prompt the user to enter a directory DirText "This will install the very simple example1 on your computer. Choose a directory" ; 실제 인스톨 할 것에 대한 설정 Section "ThisNameIsIgnoredSoWhyBother?" ; 인스톨 할 디렉토리로 output path 의 설정 SetOutPath $INSTDIR ; 복사할 화일을 추가하기. File "C:\windows\notepad.exe" File "C:\user\reset\Edit.zip" SectionEnd ; section 완료 ; eof }}} ==== makensis 컴파일 과정 ==== {{{~cpp MakeNSIS v1.95 - Copyright 1999-2001 Nullsoft, Inc. Portions Copyright (C) 1995-1998 Jean-loup Gailly and Mark Adler (zlib). Contributors: nnop@newmail.ru, Ryan Geiss, Andras Varga, Drew Davidson, Peter Windridge, Dave Laundon, Robert Rainwater, Yaroslav Faybishenko, et al. Processing config: Processing script file: "example1.nsi" Name: "TestInstallSetup" OutFile: "TestInstallSetup.exe" InstallDir: "$PROGRAMFILES\TestInstallSetup" DirText: "This will install the very simple example1 on your computer. Choose a directory" "" "" Section: "ThisNameIsIgnoredSoWhyBother?" SetOutPath: "$INSTDIR" File: "NOTEPAD.EXE" [compress] 20148/53248 bytes File: "Edit.zip" [compress] 119731/122685 bytes SectionEnd Processed 1 file, writing output: Output: "C:\Program Files\NSIS\TestInstallSetup.exe" Install: 1 section (1 required). Install: 4 instructions (96 bytes), 560 byte string table. EXE header size: 35328 / 35328 bytes Install code+strings: 525 / 944 bytes Install data: 139887 / 175941 bytes CRC (0x74211097): 4 / 4 bytes Total size: 175744 / 212217 bytes (82.8%) }}} ==== 만들어진 TestInstallSetup.exe 실행결과 ==== http://zeropage.org/~reset/zb/data/nsis_output1.png http://zeropage.org/~reset/zb/data/nsis_output2.png -- ["NSIS"]