{{{~cpp import pickle import time import sys user={} t0,t1,t2="1","1","1" nations={'KOREA':0 ,'JAPAN':700 , 'CHINA':300, 'INDIA':100} items={'INT':400 , 'DOUBLE':800} def start_menu(): print '*'*25 print '1. Current Nation states ' print '2. My business ' print '3. Move to another Nation ' print '4. Invest to this Nation ' print '5. View Ranking ' print '6. Earn Money ' print '*'*25 def Move(): global t0,t1,t2,user print '*'*10 print '1. JAPAN ' print '2. CHINA ' print '3. INDIA ' print '*'*10 select = input('Select Menu -->') if select == 1: user[t2] = 'JAPAN' elif select == 2: user[t2] = 'CHINA' else: user[t2] = 'INDIA' start_menu() def Invest(): global t0,t1,t2,user print 'Current Nation is : ',user[t2] def join(): global user,t0,t1,t2 t0 = raw_input('INPUT ID ---->') user[t0] = raw_input('INPUT PASSWORD ---->') t1 = t0+'money' user[t1] = 5000 t2 = t0+'nation' user[t2] = 'KOREA' f= open('t7.txt','a+') pickle.dump(user, f) f.close() f = open('t7.txt','r') f.close() def State(): pass if __name__ == '__main__': join() start_menu() select = raw_input('Select Menu -->') if select == '1': State() elif select == '2': Business() elif select == '3': Move() elif select == '4': Invest() elif select == '5': Ranking() elif select == '6': Earn() }}} 09.23 {{{~cpp import pickle import time import sys user={} ID,MONEY,NATION,INVEST="","","","" nation={'KOREA':0 ,'JAPAN':0.8 , 'CHINA':0.3, 'INDIA':0.1} items={'INT':400 , 'DOUBLE':800} f= open('t8.txt','a+') def join(): global user,ID,MONEY,NATION ID = raw_input('INPUT ID ---->') user[ID] = raw_input('INPUT PASSWORD ---->') '''if user.has_key(ID) == False:''' MONEY = ID+'money' user[MONEY] = 5000 NATION = ID + 'nation' user[NATION] = 'KOREA' ''' for i in range(0,4): for j in range(0,3): temp = ID + nation.keys()[i] + items.keys()[j] user[temp] = 0 ''' def start_menu(): print '*'*25 print '1. Current Nation states ' print '2. My business ' print '3. Move to another Nation ' print '4. Invest to this Nation ' print '5. View Ranking ' print '6. Earn Money ' print '7. Save and Exit ' print '*'*25 select_menu() def select_menu(): select = raw_input('Select Menu -->') if select == '1': m.state() elif select == '2': m.business() elif select == '3': m.move() elif select == '4': m.invest() elif select == '5': m.ranking() elif select == '6': m.earn() elif select == '7': m.exit() else : start_menu() class Menu: def move(self): global ID,MONEY,NATION,user print '*'*10 print '1. JAPAN ' print '2. CHINA ' print '3. INDIA ' print '*'*10 select = input('Select Menu -->') if select == 1: user[NATION] = 'JAPAN' elif select == 2: user[NATION] = 'CHINA' else: user[NATION] = 'INDIA' print ' WELCOME TO ', user[NATION] start_menu() def invest(self): global ID,MONEY,NATION,user,INVEST print 'This Nation has these items :: ' ,items.keys()[0] ,' , ', items.keys()[1] print items.keys()[0] , ' :: ' , items.values()[0] , ' bytes ' print items.keys()[1] , ' :: ' , items.values()[1] , ' bytes ' print 'What item do you want to invest ? ' print '1. ' ,items.keys()[0] print '2. ' ,items.keys()[1] select = input('select ----> ') quantity = input('How Many do want to buy this item ? ') if select == 1: INVEST = user[ID] + user[NATION] +items.keys()[0] user[INVEST] = nation[user[NATION]] * items.values()[0] * quantity print 'You invested to ' , items.keys()[0], 'as much ', quantity , 'in', user[NATION] print 'You consumed ' , user[INVEST] , ' bytes' user[MONEY] = user[MONEY]- user[INVEST] print 'Your remained bytes is ' , user[MONEY] elif select == 2: INVEST = user[ID] + user[NATION] + items.keys()[1] user[INVEST] = nation[user[NATION]] * items.values()[1] * quantity print 'You invested to ' , items.keys()[1], 'as much ', quantity , 'in', user[NATION] print 'You consumed ' , user[INVEST] , ' bytes' user[MONEY] = user[MONEY]- user[INVEST] print 'Your remained bytes is ' , user[MONEY] start_menu() def state(self): Temp = user[NATION] print user[NATION] print 'The Market price is ' , nation[user[NATION]] , ' bytes ' print 'This Nation has these items :: ' ,items.keys()[0] ,' , ', items.keys()[1] print items.keys()[0] , ' :: ' , items.values()[0] , ' bytes ' print items.keys()[1] , ' :: ' , items.values()[1] , ' bytes ' start_menu() def business(self): for i in range(0,4): for j in range(0,3): temp = ID + nation.keys()[i] + items.keys()[j] print items.keys()[j] , ' in ' , nation.keys()[i] , ' : ', user[temp] print 'My location is ' , user[NATION] print 'Current my money is ' , user[MONEY] , ' bytes' def exit(self): pickle.dump(user, f) f.close() print 'Log out, Thank you~~!' if __name__ == '__main__': m = Menu() join() start_menu() }}} 9.25 ALPHA Version complete. {{{~cpp import pickle import time import sys ID,MONEY,NATION,INVEST="","","","" nation={'KOREA':0 ,'JAPAN':0.8 , 'CHINA':0.3, 'INDIA':0.1} items={'INT':400 , 'DOUBLE':800} user = {} f= open('t8.txt','a+') def join(): global user,ID,MONEY,NATION ID = raw_input('INPUT ID ---->') user[ID] = raw_input('INPUT PASSWORD ---->') MONEY = ID+'money' user[MONEY] = 5000 NATION = ID + 'nation' user[NATION] = 'KOREA' temp = ID + 'CHINAINT' user[temp] = 0 temp = ID + 'CHINADOUBLE' user[temp] = 0 temp = ID + 'JAPANINT' user[temp] = 0 temp = ID + 'JAPANDOUBLE' user[temp] = 0 temp = ID + 'INDIAINT' user[temp] = 0 temp = ID + 'INDIADOUBLE' user[temp] = 0 def start_menu(): print '*'*25 print '1. Current Nation states ' print '2. My business ' print '3. Move to another Nation ' print '4. Invest to this Nation ' print '5. View Ranking ' print '6. Give up this game ' print '7. Save and Exit ' print '*'*25 select_menu() def select_menu(): select = raw_input('Select Menu -->') if select == '1': m.state() elif select == '2': m.business() elif select == '3': m.move() elif select == '4': m.invest() elif select == '5': m.ranking() elif select == '6': m.bankrupt() elif select == '7': m.exit() else : start_menu() class Menu: def move(self): global ID,MONEY,NATION,user print '*'*10 print '1. JAPAN ' print '2. CHINA ' print '3. INDIA ' print '*'*10 select = input('Select Menu -->') if select == 1: user[NATION] = 'JAPAN' elif select == 2: user[NATION] = 'CHINA' else: user[NATION] = 'INDIA' print ' WELCOME TO ', user[NATION] start_menu() def invest(self): global ID,MONEY,NATION,user,INVEST if user[NATION] == 'KOREA': print 'Can not invest this nation!!' else: print 'This Nation has these items :: ' ,items.keys()[0] ,' , ', items.keys()[1] print items.keys()[0] , ' :: ' , items.values()[0] , ' bytes ' print items.keys()[1] , ' :: ' , items.values()[1] , ' bytes ' print 'What item do you want to invest ? ' print '1. ' ,items.keys()[0] print '2. ' ,items.keys()[1] select = input('select ----> ') quantity = input('How Many do want to buy this item ? ') if select == 1: INVEST = ID + user[NATION] +items.keys()[0] user[INVEST] = nation[user[NATION]] * items.values()[0] * quantity print 'You invested to ' , items.keys()[0], 'as much ', quantity , 'in', user[NATION] print 'You consumed ' , user[INVEST] , ' bytes' user[MONEY] = user[MONEY]- user[INVEST] print 'Your remained bytes is ' , user[MONEY] elif select == 2: INVEST = ID + user[NATION] + items.keys()[1] user[INVEST] = nation[user[NATION]] * items.values()[1] * quantity print 'You invested to ' , items.keys()[1], 'as much ', quantity , 'in', user[NATION] print 'You consumed ' , user[INVEST] , ' bytes' user[MONEY] = user[MONEY]- user[INVEST] print 'Your remained bytes is ' , user[MONEY] start_menu() def state(self): Temp = user[NATION] print user[NATION] print 'The Market price is ' , nation[user[NATION]] print 'This Nation has these items :: ' ,items.keys()[0] ,' , ', items.keys()[1] print items.keys()[0] , ' :: ' , items.values()[0] , ' bytes ' print items.keys()[1] , ' :: ' , items.values()[1] , ' bytes ' start_menu() def business(self): print 'My location is ' , user[NATION] print 'Current my money is ' , user[MONEY] , ' bytes' temp = ID + 'CHINAINT' print 'INT in CHINA : ', user[temp] temp = ID + 'CHINADOUBLE' print 'DOUBLE in CHINA : ', user[temp] temp = ID + 'JAPANINT' print 'INT in JAPAN : ', user[temp] temp = ID + 'JAPANDOUBLE' print 'DOUBLE in JAPAN : ', user[temp] temp = ID + 'INDIAINT' print 'INT in INDIA : ', user[temp] temp = ID + 'INDIADOUBLE' print 'DOUBLE in INDIA : ', user[temp] start_menu() def ranking(self): print ID, ':' , user[MONEY] , ' bytes' start_menu() def bankrupt(self): if user[MONEY] > 0: print 'Consider your decide again. You still have some money.' start_menu() else: user[NATION] = 'KOREA' print 'You become bankrupt!! You must make new ID for continuing this game.' m.exit() def exit(self): pickle.dump(user, f) f.close() print 'Log out, Thank you~~!' if __name__ == '__main__': m = Menu() join() start_menu() }}} ---- [실시간멀티플레이어게임프로젝트]