- ScheduledWalk/석천 . . . . 31 matches
typedef struct __InputDataStructure {
} InputData;
InputData Input();
InputData inputData;
inputData = Input();
printf ("Board Size value : %d, %d \n", inputData.boardSize.n1, inputData.boardSize.n2);
printf ("Start Position value : %d, %d \n", inputData.roachPosition.n1, inputData.roachPosition.n2);
printf ("Journey : %s \n", inputData.journey);
InputData Input() {
InputData inputData;
inputData.boardSize = InputBoardSize();
inputData.roachPosition = InputStartRoachPosition();
return inputData;
typedef struct __InputDataStructure {
} InputData;
InputData Input();
typedef struct __InputDataStructure {
} InputData;
InputData Input();
- 2002년도ACM문제샘플풀이/문제C . . . . 3 matches
struct InputData
InputData* inputData;
inputData = new InputData[numberOfData];
cin >> inputData[i].s >> inputData[i].f >> inputData[i].k;
count = inputData[i].f - inputData[i].s - 1;
if(inputData[i].s % 2 == 0)
if( ((count / inputData[i].k) % 2 == 1 && (count % inputData[i].k) == 0)
|| ((count / inputData[i].k) % 2 == 0 && (count % inputData[i].k) != 0))
delete [] inputData;
- 2002년도ACM문제샘플풀이/문제E . . . . 3 matches
struct InputData
InputData inputData[10];
cin >> inputData[i].n;
for(int j = 0 ; j < inputData[i].n ; j++)
cin >> inputData[i].weight[j];
InputData temp;
temp = inputData[i];
for(int j=0;j<inputData[i].n;j++)
- [Lovely]boy^_^/USACO/BrokenNecklace . . . . 3 matches
void InputData();
void InputData()
- [Lovely]boy^_^/USACO/GreedyGiftGivers . . . . 3 matches
void InputData();
void InputData()
- 2002년도ACM문제샘플풀이/문제D . . . . 2 matches
struct InputData
InputData inputData[10];
cin >> inputData[i].n;
cin >> inputData[i].x;
for(int j = 0 ; j < inputData[i].n; j++)
cin >> inputData[i].weight[j];
int team1 = inputData[i].weight[0], team2 = inputData[i].weight[1];
for(int j=2;j < inputData[i].n;j++)
team1 += inputData[i].weight[j];
team2 += inputData[i].weight[j];
if(abs(team1 - team2) <= inputData[i].x)
- BusSimulation . . . . 1 match
* 종점에서는 모든 승객이 내린다. 종점에서는 타는 승객이 없다. (주의 - 아래 InputData에서 원하는 시간을 5400(1시간30분)이 아니라 9600(2시간40분)으로 설정함)
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