== Dylan 소개 == Dylan is an advanced, object-oriented, dynamic language which supports rapid program development. When needed, programs can be optimized for more efficient execution by supplying more type information to the compiler. Nearly all entities in Dylan (including functions, classes, and basic data types such as integers) are first class objects. Additionally Dylan supports multiple inheritance, polymorphism, multiple dispatch, keyword arguments, object introspection, macros, and many other advanced features... --Peter Hinely == 홈페이지 == * http://www.opendylan.org == Hello world 코드 == {{{~cpp Module: hello-world Copyright: Original Code is Copyright (c) 1995-2004 Functional Objects, Inc. All rights reserved. License: Functional Objects Library Public License Version 1.0 Dual-license: GNU Lesser General Public License Warranty: Distributed WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND define method say-hello() format-out("hello there!\n"); end method say-hello; say-hello(); // eof }}} 저걸 빌드하면 엄청나게 많은 빌드로그를 토해낸 후에 (*nix의 경우)자기의 홈 디렉토리에 실행파일이 생성된다. == 생각나누기 == * dynamic language 라.. dynamic programming 은 들어봤어도.. -_-a [임인택] * 보통 '약형 언어'를 dynamic languages 라고 하던데. 런타임에서 동적으로 타입을 처리하니까. 처음 들어봤는데, 97년에 태어난 언어네... --[이덕준] * '약형'이 뭔지 한참생각했는데 loosely-typed 로군요..; - 임인택 ---- [언어분류]