Difference between r1.14 and the current
@@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
{{{#!vim java
@@ -193,3 +195,165 @@
this.depth = depth;
= Table 클래스의 구현 =
{{{#!vim ruby
# Table class
# a 3-dimensional array2 stores 2Byte integer
# Uses hash table internally.
class Table
def initialize(xsize=1, ysize=1, zsize=1)
resize(xsize, ysize, zsize)
def resize xsize, ysize, zsize
@array = Hash.new
@xsize = xsize
@ysize = ysize
@zsize = zsize
def self.resize xsize, ysize, zsize
#puts "resize to (#{xsize}, #{ysize}, #{zsize})"
@array = Hash.new
@xsize = xsize
@ysize = ysize
@zsize = zsize
def [] *args
if args.length > 0
x = args[0]
if args.length > 1
y = args[1]
if args.length > 2
z = args[2]
return @array[[x, y, z]]
def []= *args
value = args[args.size-1]
if args.length > 0
x = args[0]
if args.length > 1
y = args[1]
if args.length > 2
z = args[2]
@array[[x, y, z]] = value
def self._load args
#puts "load table"
header = args.unpack("l5")
table = args.unpack("@20s*")
#puts header.inspect
#puts table.inspect
obj = Table.new(header[1], header[2], header[3])
for z in 0 ... obj.zsize
for y in 0 ... obj.ysize
for x in 0 ... obj.xsize
obj[x, y, z] = table[i = i+1]
#puts "array put #{table[i]}"
return obj
attr_accessor :xsize
attr_accessor :ysize
attr_accessor :zsize
= Color 클래스의 구현 =
알만툴에서 사용하는 Color 클래스이다.
내부적으로 자바의 java.awt.Color 클래스를 가지고 있으며 이를 이용하여 모든 값을 주고받는다.
루비의 Color와 자바의 Color이 이름이 같기 때문에 자바의 Color을 임시 모듈에 담아 모호성을 해결하였다.
{{{#!vim ruby
require 'java'
# use temporary namespace(module) to solve ambiguous class name
module AA
import 'java.awt.Color'
class Color
attr_reader :object
def initialize red, green, blue, alpha=255
@object = AA::Color.new(red, green, blue, alpha)
def set red, green, blue, alpha=255
@object = AA::Color.new(red, green, blue, alpha)
def red
return @object.getRed
def green
return @object.getGreen
def blue
return @object.getBlue
def alpha
return @object.getAlpha
def self._load args
# convert to floting point value
value = args.unpack("d4")
return Color.new(value[0].to_i, value[1].to_i, value[2].to_i, value[3].to_i)
def to_i
return (red | (green << 8) | (blue << 16) | (alpha << 24))
def red= r
r = adjust_value(r, 0, 255)
set(r, green, blue, alpha)
def green= g
g = adjust_value(g, 0, 255)
set(red, g, blue, alpha)
def blue= b
b = adjust_value(b, 0, 255)
set(red, green, b, alpha)
def alpha= a
a = adjust_value(a, 0, 255)
set(red, green, blue, a)
1. Orthogonal projection coordinate system 만들기 ¶
public void onSurfaceChanged(GL10 gl, int width, int height) { this.m_width = width; this.m_height = height; if(buffer == null) { Util.LOGD("make framebuffer"); world = new World(); m_cam = world.getCamera(); // light mass world.setAmbientLight(0xff, 0xff, 0xff); // making background plane float[] coordinates = { // position of vertices 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, m_width, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, m_height, 0.0f, m_width, m_height, 0.0f }; float[] uvs = { // how uv mapped? 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f }; int[] indices = { // index of each coordinate 0, 2, 1, 1, 2, 3 }; // make plane Object3D plane = new Object3D(coordinates, uvs, indices, RMObject2D.getTextureIDByColor(Color.white)); plane.build(); Util.LOGD("center: " + plane.getTransformedCenter()); world.addObject(plane); // FOV settings m_cam.setFOVLimits(0.1f, 2.0f); m_cam.setFOV(0.1f); // set up camera // z = (width/2) / tan(fov/2) m_cam.setPosition(m_width/2, m_height/2, (float) -(m_width/2/Math.tan(m_cam.getFOV()/2.0f))); m_cam.lookAt(plane.getTransformedCenter()); fixCubePosition(); // configuration to view far object Config.farPlane = Math.abs(m_cam.getPosition().z) + 1000f; } // make framebuffer if(buffer != null) buffer.dispose(); buffer = new FrameBuffer(m_width, m_height, FrameBuffer.SAMPLINGMODE_NORMAL); }
2. FillBox class ¶
package cau.rpg.maker.object; import java.awt.Color; import javax.vecmath.Vector2f; import com.threed.jpct.Object3D; public class RMFillBox extends RMObject2D { public RMFillBox(float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2, Color color) { init(x1, y1, x2, y2, color); } public RMFillBox(Vector2f vStart, Vector2f vEnd, Color color) { init(vStart.x, vStart.y, vEnd.x, vEnd.y, color); } private void init(float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2, Color color) { if(x1 >= x2 || y1 >= y2) return; float z = -10f; float[] coords = { x1, y1, z, // up left x1, y2, z, // bottom left x2, y1, z, // up right x2, y2, z // bottom right corner }; float[] uvs = { 0f, 0f, 0f, 1f, 1f, 0f, 1f, 1f }; int[] indices = { 0, 1, 2, 2, 1, 3 }; m_polygon = new Object3D(coords, uvs, indices, getTextureIDByColor(color)); } }
3. 2D line class ¶
package cau.rpg.maker.object; import java.awt.Color; import javax.vecmath.Vector2f; import javax.vecmath.Vector3f; import com.threed.jpct.Object3D; public class RMLine extends RMObject2D { private static final Vector3f vectorZ = new Vector3f(0, 0, -1); public RMLine(Vector2f vStart, Vector2f vEnd, float width, Color color) { float z = -10f; Vector3f v3Start = new Vector3f(vStart.x, vStart.y, z); Vector3f v3End = new Vector3f(vEnd.x, vEnd.y, z); // line vector Vector3f lineVector = new Vector3f(); lineVector.sub(v3End, v3Start); // calc normal vector of line Vector3f normal = new Vector3f(); normal.cross(lineVector, vectorZ); normal.normalize(); normal.scale(width/2.0f); float[] coords = { (vStart.x + normal.x), (vStart.y + normal.y), z, (vStart.x - normal.x), (vStart.y - normal.y), z, (vEnd.x + normal.x), (vEnd.y + normal.y), z, (vEnd.x - normal.x), (vEnd.y - normal.y), z }; float[] uvs = { 0f, 0f, 0f, 1f, 1f, 0f, 1f, 1f }; int[] indices = { 0, 2, 1, 1, 2, 3 }; m_polygon = new Object3D(coords, uvs, indices, getTextureIDByColor(color)); } }
4. Interpolation ¶
public void setDepth(float depth) { float delta = depth - this.depth; // move object SimpleVector curPosition = m_polygon.getTransformedCenter(); SimpleVector toCam = MainRenderer.getCamera().getPosition().calcSub(curPosition); float a = MainRenderer.getCamera().getPosition().z - this.depth; toCam.scalarMul(delta/a); m_polygon.translate(toCam); Util.LOGD("translate to " + toCam); // scale m_polygon.scale((a-delta)/a); this.depth = depth; }
5. Table 클래스의 구현 ¶
# Table class # a 3-dimensional array2 stores 2Byte integer # Uses hash table internally. class Table def initialize(xsize=1, ysize=1, zsize=1) resize(xsize, ysize, zsize) end def resize xsize, ysize, zsize @array = Hash.new @xsize = xsize @ysize = ysize @zsize = zsize end def self.resize xsize, ysize, zsize #puts "resize to (#{xsize}, #{ysize}, #{zsize})" @array = Hash.new @xsize = xsize @ysize = ysize @zsize = zsize end def [] *args x=0 y=0 z=0 if args.length > 0 x = args[0] end if args.length > 1 y = args[1] end if args.length > 2 z = args[2] end return @array[[x, y, z]] end def []= *args value = args[args.size-1] args.delete_at(args.size-1) x=0 y=0 z=0 if args.length > 0 x = args[0] end if args.length > 1 y = args[1] end if args.length > 2 z = args[2] end @array[[x, y, z]] = value end def self._load args #puts "load table" header = args.unpack("l5") table = args.unpack("@20s*") #puts header.inspect #puts table.inspect obj = Table.new(header[1], header[2], header[3]) i=-1 for z in 0 ... obj.zsize for y in 0 ... obj.ysize for x in 0 ... obj.xsize obj[x, y, z] = table[i = i+1] #puts "array put #{table[i]}" end end end return obj end attr_accessor :xsize attr_accessor :ysize attr_accessor :zsize end
6. Color 클래스의 구현 ¶
알만툴에서 사용하는 Color 클래스이다.
내부적으로 자바의 java.awt.Color 클래스를 가지고 있으며 이를 이용하여 모든 값을 주고받는다.
루비의 Color와 자바의 Color이 이름이 같기 때문에 자바의 Color을 임시 모듈에 담아 모호성을 해결하였다.
내부적으로 자바의 java.awt.Color 클래스를 가지고 있으며 이를 이용하여 모든 값을 주고받는다.
루비의 Color와 자바의 Color이 이름이 같기 때문에 자바의 Color을 임시 모듈에 담아 모호성을 해결하였다.
require 'java' # use temporary namespace(module) to solve ambiguous class name module AA import 'java.awt.Color' end class Color attr_reader :object def initialize red, green, blue, alpha=255 @object = AA::Color.new(red, green, blue, alpha) end def set red, green, blue, alpha=255 @object = AA::Color.new(red, green, blue, alpha) end def red return @object.getRed end def green return @object.getGreen end def blue return @object.getBlue end def alpha return @object.getAlpha end def self._load args # convert to floting point value value = args.unpack("d4") return Color.new(value[0].to_i, value[1].to_i, value[2].to_i, value[3].to_i) end def to_i return (red | (green << 8) | (blue << 16) | (alpha << 24)) end def red= r r = adjust_value(r, 0, 255) set(r, green, blue, alpha) end def green= g g = adjust_value(g, 0, 255) set(red, g, blue, alpha) end def blue= b b = adjust_value(b, 0, 255) set(red, green, b, alpha) end def alpha= a a = adjust_value(a, 0, 255) set(red, green, blue, a) end end