Celfin's ACM training

Already Solved Problem

No. Part Problem No Problem Name Develop
Source Code
1 1 110101/100 The 3n+1 Problem . 3n 1/Celfin
2 1 110102/10189 Minesweeper . minesweeper/Celfin
3 1 110103/10137 The Trip . The Trip/Celfin
4 1 110104/706 LCD Display . LCD Display/Celfin
5 6 110603/10198 Counting . Counting/Celfin
6 6 110606/10254 The Priest Mathmatician . The Priest Mathmatician/Celfin
7 6 110608/846 Steps . Steps/Celfin
8 9 110908/10276 Hanoi Tower Troubles Again . Hanoi Tower Troubles Again/Celfin
9 6 110602/10213 How Many Pieces Of Land? 3 hours How Many Pieces Of Land?/Celfin
10 6 110601/10183 How Many Fibs? 2 hours How Many Fibs?/Celfin
11 10 111007/10249 The Grand Dinner 1 hour The Grand Dinner/Celfin
12 12 111201/10161 Ant on a Chessboard 40 mins Ant on a Chessboard/Celfin
13 12 111204/10182 Bee Maja 30 mins Bee Maja/Celfin
14 12 111207/10233 Dermuba Triangle 3 hours Dermuba Triangle/Celfin
15 11 111105/10003 Cutting Sticks 3 days CuttingSticks/Celfin
16 13 111303/10195 The Knights of the Round Table 1 hour TheKnightsOfTheRoundTable/Celfin
17 13 111306/10215 The Largest/Smallest Box 40 mins TheLargestSmallestBox/Celfin
18 13 111307/10209 Is This Integration? 2 hours IsThisIntegration/Celfin
19 1 110106/10033 Interpreter much Interpreter/Celfin
20 1 110107/10196 Check the Check 4 hours CheckTheCheck/Celfin
21 2 110201/10038 Jolly Jumpers 30 mins JollyJumpers/Celfin
22 13 111305/10167 Birthday Cake 1hour 30 mins BirthdayCake/Celfin
23 3 110301/10082 WERTYU 30 mins WERTYU/Celfin
24 1 110105/10267 Graphical Editor many days Graphical Editor/Celfin
25 2 110203/10050 Hartal 30 mins Hartal/Celfin
26 4 110401/10041 Vito's Family 1 hour VitosFamily/Celfin
27 5 110501/10035 Primary Arithmatic 30 mins PrimaryArithmatic/Celfin
28 5 110502/10018 Reverse And Add 2 hours ReverseAndAdd/Celfin
29 2 110202/10315 Poker Hands many days PokerHands/Celfin
30 3 110302/10010 Where's Waldorf? 1 hour 30 mins WheresWaldorf/Celfin

Current Solving Problem

No. Problem No. Problem Name Error Source Code
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