Boost/Smart Pointer

ŠคงˆํŠธ ํฌธํ„“ฐธฐ


  • boost — €„œ ‹คšดฐ›ณ  „˜ํ•œ‹ค.
  • boost ดธŒŸฌฆฌŠ” ํ—ค” ํŒŒงŒด กดžฌํ•œ‹ค. ชจ“  ตฌํ˜„„ ํ—ค” ํŒŒ— ํ•ด †“•˜ธฐ •Œฌธด‹ค. ฐ”กœ ํ•„‚ด ํ—ค”™€ ตฌํ˜„ „ฆฌํ•˜ธฐ €ž––ด ธฐˆ ....ณธธ€ • šฉํ•œ‹ค...


  • new ํ•ดณ  delete ํ•˜Š” ฒƒ —„œ ํ•ดฐฉ„!
  • ํ‘œ€ ดธŒŸฌฆฌ—„ auto_ptr ดณ  ฐ™€ ฐœ…˜ ํดž˜Šค€ žˆ€งŒ, „ทธ€ žˆ‹ค. -_-;; auto_ptr ปจํ…Œด„ˆ— ง‘–ด„œฉด „ทธ•œ‹œ ŠคŠคกœ ‚ญ œ€ •ˆ˜ ฉ”ชจฆฌ€ ƒˆŠ” •„ ‹ฌฐํ•œ ฌธ œด‹ค.

#include <boost/smart_ptr.hpp>
using namespace boost;
class Vertex3D {...}
typedef shared_ptr<Vertex3D> Vertex3DSPtr;
typedef vector<Vertex3DSPtr> Vertexs; // ‹จ–ด ํ‹€ ธ‹คŠ”•Œ€งŒ ทธƒฅ ”€ -_-
typedef Vertexs::size_type VertexsSize;
typedef Vertexs::iterator VertexsItr;
typedef shared_ptr<Vertexs> VertexsSPtr;
  VertexsSPtr vertexs(new Vertexs);
  Vertex3DSPtr vertex(new Vertex3D);
  • new ํ–ˆ€งŒ delete •ˆํ•ด„ €€ •Œ•„„œ ‚ฌ„‹ค.
  • ชจ“  ฐฒด— ŠคงˆํŠธํฌธํ„ “ฐ„ก ํ”„กœทธžจ งœฉด žฐ”ฐ™€ Š‚Œœกœ งคˆ˜„ ...


//  Boost shared_ptr_example.cpp  --------------------------------------------//

//  (C) Copyright Beman Dawes 2001. Permission to copy,
//  use, modify, sell and distribute this software is granted provided this
//  copyright notice appears in all copies. This software is provided "as is"
//  without express or implied warranty, and with no claim as to its
//  suitability for any purpose.

//  See http://www.boost.org for most recent version including documentation.

//  Revision History
//  21 May 01  Initial complete version (Beman Dawes)

//  The original code for this example appeared in the shared_ptr documentation.
//  Ray Gallimore pointed out that foo_set was missing a Compare template
//  argument, so would not work as intended.  At that point the code was
//  turned into an actual .cpp file so it could be compiled and tested.

#include <vector>
#include <set>
#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
#include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp>

//  The application will produce a series of
//  objects of type Foo which later must be
//  accessed both by occurrence (std::vector)
//  and by ordering relationship (std::set).

struct Foo
  Foo( int _x ) : x(_x) {}
  ~Foo() { std::cout << "Destructing a Foo with x=" << x << "\n"; }
  int x;
  /* ... */

typedef boost::shared_ptr<Foo> FooPtr;

struct FooPtrOps
  bool operator()( const FooPtr & a, const FooPtr & b )
    { return a->x > b->x; }
  void operator()( const FooPtr & a )
    { std::cout << a->x << "\n"; }

int main()
  std::vector<FooPtr>         foo_vector;
  std::set<FooPtr,FooPtrOps>  foo_set; // NOT multiset!

  FooPtr foo_ptr( new Foo( 2 ) );
  foo_vector.push_back( foo_ptr );
  foo_set.insert( foo_ptr );

  foo_ptr.reset( new Foo( 1 ) );
  foo_vector.push_back( foo_ptr );
  foo_set.insert( foo_ptr );

  foo_ptr.reset( new Foo( 3 ) );
  foo_vector.push_back( foo_ptr );
  foo_set.insert( foo_ptr );

  foo_ptr.reset ( new Foo( 2 ) );
  foo_vector.push_back( foo_ptr );
  foo_set.insert( foo_ptr );

  std::cout << "foo_vector:\n";
  std::for_each( foo_vector.begin(), foo_vector.end(), FooPtrOps() );

  std::cout << "\nfoo_set:\n";
  std::for_each( foo_set.begin(), foo_set.end(), FooPtrOps() );
  std::cout << "\n";

//  Expected output:
//   foo_vector:
//   2
//   1
//   3
//   2
//   foo_set:
//   3
//   2
//   1
//   Destructing a Foo with x=2
//   Destructing a Foo with x=1
//   Destructing a Foo with x=3
//   Destructing a Foo with x=2

  return 0;


shared_ptr_example2.hpp (ํ—‰ ด„ˆํดž˜Šค€ ˜„ค.. ฒ˜Œดค‹ค --;;)
//  Boost shared_ptr_example2 header file  -----------------------------------//

#include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp>

//  This example demonstrates the handle/body idiom (also called pimpl and
//  several other names).  It separates the interface (in this header file)
//  from the implementation (in shared_ptr_example2.cpp).

//  Note that even though example::implementation is an incomplete type in
//  some translation units using this header, shared_ptr< implementation >
//  is still valid because the type is complete where it counts - in the
//  shared_ptr_example2.cpp translation unit where functions requiring a
//  complete type are actually instantiated.

class example
  example( const example & );
  example & operator=( const example & );
  void do_something();
  class implementation;
  boost::shared_ptr< implementation > _imp; // hide implementation details

// Boost shared_ptr_example2 implementation file  -----------------------------//

#include "shared_ptr_example2.hpp"
#include <iostream>

class example::implementation
  ~implementation() { std::cout << "destroying implementation\n"; }

example::example() : _imp( new implementation ) {}
example::example( const example & s ) : _imp( s._imp ) {}

example & example::operator=( const example & s )
  { _imp = s._imp; return *this; }

void example::do_something()
  { std::cout << "use_count() is " << _imp.use_count() << "\n"; }

// Boost shared_ptr_example2_test main program  ------------------------------//

#include "shared_ptr_example2.hpp"

int main()
  example a;
  example b(a);
  example c;
  c = a;
  return 0;

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