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Board Size

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  • ScheduledWalk/석천 . . . . 32 matches
         void InputBoardSize() {
         void InputBoardSize();
         void InputBoardSize() {
         구현 순서에 대한 원칙을 잡았으면 구현을 해봅니다. 일단 Input 부분을 구현하기로 정해졌고요. (순서상 가장 왼쪽) 그 중 가장 깊이가 깊은 InputBoardSize, InputStartRoachPosition, InputRoachJourney 중 InputBoardSize 를 구현합니다.
         void InputBoardSize() {
         void InputBoardSize() {
         IntPair InputBoardSize(); // void InputBoardSize() 에서 IntPair InputBoardSize() 로 리턴값이 바뀌었습니다. 어차피 처음에 만든 프로토타입들은 말 그대로 '뼈' 이기에.
         IntPair InputBoardSize() {
         IntPair InputBoardSize();
         IntPair InputBoardSize() {
          testReceiver = InputBoardSize();
         IntPair InputBoardSize();
          testReceiver = InputBoardSize();
         IntPair InputBoardSize() {
          IntPair boardSize;
         IntPair InputBoardSize();
          printf ("Board Size value : %d, %d \n", inputData.boardSize.n1, inputData.boardSize.n2);
          inputData.boardSize = InputBoardSize();
  • ScheduledWalk/창섭&상규 . . . . 15 matches
          * 크기가 정해져 있다.(BoardSize)
          * 판의 크기를 말해줄 수 있다.(GetBoardSize)
          Size BoardSize;
          BoardSize = size;
          for (int i = 0; i < BoardSize.height; i++)
          for (int i = 0; i < BoardSize.height; i++)
          for (int j = 0; j < BoardSize.width; j++)
          if(CurrentLocation.x==-1) CurrentLocation.x=MyBoard->BoardSize.height-1;
          if(CurrentLocation.x==MyBoard->BoardSize.height) CurrentLocation.x=0;
          if(CurrentLocation.y==-1) CurrentLocation.y=MyBoard->BoardSize.width-1;
          if(CurrentLocation.y==MyBoard->BoardSize.width) CurrentLocation.y=0;
          Size GetBoardSize()
          for (int h = 0; h < board->BoardSize.height; h++)
          for (int w = 0; w < board->BoardSize.width; w++)
          Size boardsize=user->GetBoardSize();
          Board board(boardsize);
  • EightQueenProblem/da_answer . . . . 14 matches
          CBoardSize = 8;
          setLength(QueenPosArr, CBoardSize);
          for i:=0 to CBoardSize-1 do
          for i:=0 to CBoardSize-1 do
          for j:=0 to CBoardSize-1 do
          for i:=0 to CBoardSize-1 do
          if i = CBoardSize-1 then
          CBoardSize = 8;
          setLength(QueenPosArr, CBoardSize);
          for i:=0 to CBoardSize-1 do
          for i:=0 to CBoardSize-1 do
          for i:=0 to CBoardSize-1 do
          for j:=0 to CBoardSize-1 do
          if i = CBoardSize-1 then
  • ALittleAiSeminar . . . . 2 matches
          def __init__(self,aBoardSize=8):
Found 4 matching pages out of 7555 total pages (5000 pages are searched)

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