AcceleratedC++/Chapter5 | AcceleratedC++/Chapter7 |
~cpp ret.insert(ret.end(), bottom,begin(), bottom.end());
~cpp copy(bottom.begin(), bottom.end(), back_inserter(ret));
~cpp copy(bottom.begin(), bottom.end(), ret.end());
~cpp vector<string> split(const string& str) { typedef string::const_iterator iter; vector<string> ret; iter i = str.begin(); while(i != str.end()) { i = find_if(i, str.end(), not_space); // 공백이 아닌 부분을 찾고 iter j = find_if(i, str.end(), space); // 공백인 부분을 찾아서 if(i != str.end()) ret.push_back(string(i,j)); // 그만큼의 문자열엘 벡터에 넣음 i = j; } return ret; }
~cpp bool isPalindrome(const string& s) { return equal(s.begin(), s.end(), s.rbegin()); }
~cpp #ifndef GUARD_urls_h #define GUARD_urls_h #include <vector> #include <string> std::vector<std::string> find_urls(const std::string& s); #endif
~cpp #include <algorithm> #include <cctype> #include <string> #include <vector> #include "urls.h" using std::find; using std::find_if; using std::isalnum; using std::isalpha; using std::isdigit; using std::search; using std::string; using std::vector; bool not_url_char(char); string::const_iterator url_end(string::const_iterator, string::const_iterator); string::const_iterator url_beg(string::const_iterator, string::const_iterator); vector<string> find_urls(const string& s) { vector<string> ret; typedef string::const_iterator iter; iter b = s.begin(), e = s.end(); // look through the entire input while (b != e) { // look for one or more letters followed by `://' b = url_beg(b, e); // if we found it if (b != e) { // get the rest of the \s-1URL\s0 iter after = url_end(b, e); // remember the \s-1URL\s0 ret.push_back(string(b, after)); // advance `b' and check for more \s-1URL\s0s on this line b = after; } } return ret; } string::const_iterator url_end(string::const_iterator b, string::const_iterator e) { return find_if(b, e, not_url_char); } // find_if 함수의 테스팅에 이용되는 함수이다. char은 string 의 iterator의 값이다. bool not_url_char(char c) { // characters, in addition to alphanumerics, that can appear in a \s-1URL\s0 static const string url_ch = "~;/?:@=&$-_.+!*'(),"; // see whether `c' can appear in a \s-1URL\s0 and return the negative return !(isalnum(c) || find(url_ch.begin(), url_ch.end(), c) != url_ch.end()); } //이 예제의 핵심 함수이다. string::const_iterator url_beg(string::const_iterator b, string::const_iterator e) { /* b 는 protocol type의 시작위치를 가르키게된다. i 는 :// 의 시작 위치를 가리키는 역할을 한다. e 는 url의 마지막 텍스트를 가리키는 역할을 한다. */ static const string sep = "://"; typedef string::const_iterator iter; // `i' marks where the separator was found iter i = b; // string 에서 sep 의 문자열의 시작부분을 찾아서 i에 iterator를 대입한 후 e와 비교하여 // 같지 않으면 실행한다. (즉, sep를 찾았을 경우) while ((i = search(i, e, sep.begin(), sep.end())) != e) { // make sure the separator isn't at the beginning or end of the line if (i != b && i + sep.size() != e) { // `beg' marks the beginning of the protocol-name iter beg = i; while (beg != b && isalpha(beg[-1])) --beg; //protocol-typed의 위치에 존재하는 문자열이 조건에 맞을 경우 앞으로 한칸씩 움직이면서 검사한다. // is there at least one appropriate character before and after the separator? if (beg != i && !not_url_char(i[sep.size()])) return beg; } // the separator we found wasn't part of a \s-1URL\s0; advance `i' past this separator i += sep.size(); } return e; }
~cpp bool did_all_hw(const Student_info& s) { return ((find(s.homework.begin(), s.homework.end(), 0)) == s.homework.end()); }find함수는 처음두개의 전달인자 범위에서 세번째 전달인자의 값을 찾지 못하면 2번째 전달인자를 리턴한다. (찾으면 첫번째전달인자
~cpp vector<Student_info> did, didnt; // read the student records and partition them Student_info student; while (read(cin, student)) { if (did_all_hw(student)) did.push_back(student); else didnt.push_back(student); } // verify that the analyses will show us something if (did.empty()) { cout << "No student did all the homework!" << endl; return 1; } if (didnt.empty()) { cout << "Every student did all the homework!" << endl; return 1; }empty멤버함수: 컨테이너가 비어 있으면 true, 아니면 false리턴
~cpp // 이 함수는 제대로 동작하지 않습니다. double median_anlysis(const vector<Strudent_info>& students) { vector<double> grades; transform(students.begin(), students.end(), back_inserter(grades), grade); return median(grades); }transform함수: 처음2개의 전달인자 범의의 값들을 4번째함수에 대입 리턴값을 3번째 주소부터 넣음(?)
~cpp double grade_aux(const Student_info& s) { try{ return grade(s); } catch(domain_error) { return grade(s.midterm,, 0); } }
~cpp double median_anlysis(const vector<Strudent_info>& students) { vector<double> grades; transform(students.begin(), students.end(), back_inserter(grades), grade_aux); //grade를 grade_aux로 수정 return median(grades); }
~cpp void write_analysis(ostream& out, const string& name, double analysis(const vector<Student_info>&), const vector<Student_infor>& did, const vector<Student_infor>& didnt) { cout << name << ": median(did) = " << analysis(did) << ", median(didnt) = " << analysis(didnt) << endl; }
~cpp int main() { // students who did and didn't do all their homework vector<Student_info> did, didnt; // read the student records and partition them Student_info student; while (read(cin, student)) { if (did_all_hw(student)) did.push_back(student); else didnt.push_back(student); } // verify that the analyses will show us something if (did.empty()) { cout << "No student did all the homework!" << endl; return 1; } if (didnt.empty()) { cout << "Every student did all the homework!" << endl; return 1; } // do the analyses write_analysis(cout, "median", median_analysis, did, didnt); write_analysis(cout, "average", average_analysis, did, didnt); write_analysis(cout, "median of homework turned in", optimistic_median_analysis, did, didnt); return 0; }
~cpp double average(const vector<double>& v) { return accumulate(v.begin(), v.end(), 0.0) / v.size(); }accumulate함수: 처음2개의 전달인자를 3번째 전달인자에 누적시킴(주의 0.0대신 0을 사용하면 정수로 인식 소수점 부분을 버려버림)
~cpp double average_grade(const Student_info& s) { return grade(s.midterm,, average(s.homework)); }
~cpp double average_analysis(const vector<Student_info>& students) { vector<double> grades; transform(students.begin(), students.end(), back_inserter(gardes), aveage_grade); return median(grades); }
~cpp // s의 0이 아닌 요소들의 중앙 값, 만약 0이 아닌 요소가 하나도 없다면 결과는 0이 됩니다. double optimistic_median(const Student_info& s) { vector<double> nonzero; remove_copy(s.homework.begin(), s.homework.end(), back_inserter(nonzero), 0); if(nozero.empty()) return grade(s.midterm,, 0); else return grade(s.midterm,, median(nonzero)); }
~cpp vector<Student_info> extract_fails(vector<Student_info>& students){ vector<Student_info> fail; remove_copy_if(student.begin(), stduents.end(), back_inserter(fail), pgrade); students.erase(remove_if(studens.begin(), students.end(), fgrade), stduents.end()); return fail; }remove_copy_if함수: 처음 2개의 전달인자 범의의값들을 4번째 전달인자 함수를 만족하지 않는 함수만 3번째 전달인자에 복사
~cpp bool pgrade(const Student_info& s) { return !fgrade(s); }fgrade함수를 반전시킨 함수
~cpp vector<Student_info> extract_fails(vector<Student_info>& students) { vector<Student_info>::iterator iter = stable_partition(students.begin(), students.end9), pgrade); vector<Student_info> fail(iter, stduents.end()); students.erase(iter, students.end()); return fail; }stable_partition, partition 차이점?? 순서를 안바꾸다니?? @,.@
~cpp v.erase(remove_if(students.begin(), students.end(), fgrade), students.end());