== 코드 == {{{~cpp --TNPO module TNPO where import List threeNPlusOne numbers = mergeList numbers (map maxCycleLength numbers) [] -- list merge ( merge [[1,2],[3,4]] [5,6] == [[1,2,5], [3,4,6]]) mergeList [] listB targetList = targetList mergeList listA listB targetList = mergeList (tail listA) (tail listB) (targetList ++ [(head listA ++ [head listB])] ) maxCycleLength fromto = head (List.sortBy (flip compare) (gatherCycleLength (head fromto) (head (tail fromto)) []) ) gatherCycleLength num to gathered = if num == to then gathered else gatherCycleLength (num+1) to ( gathered ++ [doCycle num 1]) doCycle 1 count = count doCycle n count = if mod n 2 == 1 then doCycle (3*n+1) (count+1) else doCycle (div n 2) (count+1) }}} == 결과 == {{{~cpp TNPO> threeNPlusOne [[1,10], [100,200], [201,210]] [[1,10,20],[100,200,125],[201,210,89]] TNPO> }}} == 날적이 == * 시간 측정은 어떻게 하는가? -_-a ---- [3N+1Problem]