위로 쌓아가세요. ---- 18. essay *V. he essaied to speak. =try 17. nine *A,N. 9, more than eight, less than ten. 16. yearn *V. To desire strongly or persistently. 15. occupy *V. To fill up (time or space) 14.do *V. act 13.wizard *N. a person who is especially good at sth 12.widow *N. a woman who lost her husband. 11.new *A.unused. 10.run *V.a movement faster than walking. 9.doctor *N.a person who cures diseases. 8.end *N.a finish point of something. 7.node *N.a point of intersection 6.recursion *somebody do something with itself. cf) iteration 5.enter *V.go to the inside 4.gnome * (in stories) a creature like a small man with white hair and a pointed hat who lives under the ground and guards gold and precious things: (informal) the gnomes of Zurich (= Swiss bankers who control foreign money) * a plastic or stone figure of a gnome, used as a garden ornament 3.young *A.fresh, a opposite of old 2.try *V.effort for something *N.a kind of underwear brand 1.student *N.a man who study ---- 재밌어 보이지 않나요? --[강희경] - 재밌어보이기는 한데, [문두삽입방식]을 사용해야 할 것 같고, 페이지가 길어지면 내용정리가 필요할듯.. - [임인택] 룰을 추가하면 재미있을것 같아요. 몇 글자 이상인 단어라든지, 어떤 분류에 속하는 단어 같은 것이 있겠죠. 더불어 뜻은 한글로 바로 적지 말고 영영사전(예를 들면 [http://www.oup.com/elt/global/products/oald/lookup/ OALD])을 이용해 적어주는 것도 괜찮을 듯.--[Leonardong] 간단한 단어는 영영사전없이 영작하는 것이 좋겠군.--[강희경] ---- [상식분류]?