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  • evernote 페이지를 공유해버리겠습니다. 위키 형식으로 수정하기도 귀찮고 페이지가 너무 길어져서
    1. Vocabulary
    2. idiom


  1. 제조
  2. 제조하다 : NAS(Network Attached Storage) is often manufactured as a computer appliance

피할 수 없는
명령적인 : 1. imperative programming. 2. We use the Imperative for direct orders and suggestions and also for a variety of other purposes

당황하게 하다 : The thing that baffles me is that the conversations do not center around the adults but almost exclusively about their respective kids

수업료 : Tuition payments, known primarily as tuition in American English and as tuition fees in British English.

(세금)추가 부담금 : he does not object to paying the levy
소집 : a levy brief meaning
부과하다 : It's easier to levy tax on property

줄여쓰다 :
  1. What you need to do, instead, is to abbreviate.
  2. Mister is usually abbreviated to Mr.

음절 : 1. Don't breathe a syllable(word) about it to anyone. 2. He explained it in words of one syllable. 3. He couldn't utter a syllable in reply(그는 끽소리도 못했다)

책임이 있는
설명할 수 있는

마부, 조련사 :
The wrangler rounded the drove toward the tents.
code wrangler(IT업계에서 관리자라는 말 처럼 쓰인다).
논쟁하는 사람

관리직 : administration officer
학과, 학부 :
  1. I've decided to study full-time to finish my business administration degree
  2. I'm working on a master's degree in business administration.

administer (= administrate)
관리하다 : The pension funds are administered by commercial banks.
집행하다 : It is no basis on which to administer law and order that people must succumb to the greater threat of force.
(정식으로)주다, 부여하다

무릎을 꿇다 : The town succumbed after a short siege.

포위 작전 : Our army is laying siege to the enemy.

인용 : The forms of citations generally subscribe to one of the generally excepted citations systems, such as Oxford, Harvard, and other citations systems, as their syntactic conventions are widely known and easily interrupted by readers.

The study of history of words, their origins, and how their form and meaning have changed over time.

본래 갖추어진 (<-> extrinsic)
Density is physical intrinsic property of any physical object, whereas weight is an extrinsic property that varies depending on the strength of the gravitational field in which the respective object is placed.

식별하다 : The computer program was unable to discriminate between letters and numbers.
차별하다 :
practices that discriminate against women and in favour of men.
It is illegal to discriminate on grounds of race, sex or religion.

인종 :
What is the difference between ethnicity and race?
The traditional definition of race and ethnicity is related to biological and sociological factors respectively.

변함없이, 언제나 :
invariably the reply came back, "Not now!"
executables for stack architectures are invariably smaller than executables for register architectures.

밀도 : Moore's law has effectively predicted the density of transistors in silicon chips.

~하도록 만들다, 강요하다

자발적으로 : Successful people spontaneously do things differently from those individuals who stagnate.

진단의 : Medical diagnosticians see a patient once or twice, make an assessment in an effort to solve a particularly difficult case, and then move on.

침체되다, 부진해지다 : I feel I'm stagnating in this job.
고이다, 썩다 : The water in the pond was stagnating.

방대한 : He spends a lot of his own time checking up on his patients, taking extensive notes on what he's thinking at the time of diagnosis, and checking back to see how accurate he is.

우월, 우세, 지배 : The relationship between the subject and the viewers is of dominance and subordination
우성 : Dominance in genetics is a relationship between alleles of a gene, in which one allele masks the expression (phenotype) of another allele at the same locus. In the simplest case, where a gene exists in two allelic forms (designated A and B), three combinations of alleles (genotypes) are possible: AA, AB, and BB. If AA and BB individuals (homozygotes) show different forms of the trait (phenotype), and AB individuals (heterozygotes) show the same phenotype as AA individuals, then allele A is said to dominate or be dominance to allele B, and B is said to be recessive to A. - dominance gene wiki

분비하다 : These bone cells secrete the material that makes up bone tissue.

잊기쉬운, lack of memory, forgetful
망각 : Eternal oblivion, or simply oblivion, is the philosophical concept that the individual self "experiences" a state of permanent non-existence("unconsciousness") after death. Belief in oblivion denies the belief that there is an afterlife (such as a heaven, purgatory or hell), or any state of existence or consciousness after death. The belief in "eternal oblivion" stems from the idea that the brain creates the mind; therefore, when the brain dies, the mind ceases to exist. Some reporters describe this state as "nothingness".

정확성 : conformity with truth or fact : accuracy
What gives the book its integrity are the simplicity and veracity of there recipes and small touches - bits of history, discovery and personal reflection. - Harvey Steiman, Wine Spectator
진실성 : devotion to the truth : truthfulness
We questioned the veracity of his statements.

보좌관, 부관 :
I got a call from a man who need services and wanted his ex-wife to be his aide.

노력하다 : to try
노력 : an effort to do or attain something
no man can succeed in a line of endeavor which he does not like.

연습 : Without enough practice, she would not get better at english
연습하다 : He is a practiced man


step up to the plate

to move into a position where one is ready to do a task

feel cheap
저렴하게 느끼다, 부끄럽게 여기다, 기분이 언짢다. :
  1. He makes me feel cheap.
  2. living cheap and feeling cheap.

eye opening
괄목할 만한 :
  1. students take an eye-opening trip.
  2. hunting for a first apartment in a big city is an eye-opening experience for young people
잠을 깨우는

bang for the buck : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bang_for_the_buck
본전은 뽑을 만한 가치 :
  1. Huge bang for the buck.
  2. Look if this bangs for the buck before you start it.
bang : 쾅, 성공적인 것, 즐길만 한 것(excitement),

Can't be beat
능가할 수 없는 : It used to be said 'if you can't beat it, join it'.
(Nobody can beat it의 수동태, beaten은 beat으로도 사용된다.)

Come before
앞에 나타나다 : come before the court(법정에 출두하다)
앞에 오다 : come to an understanding before parting(이별전에 합의가 되다)

Breathe a word(syllable)
비밀을 누설하다 : I'll not breathe a word of your secret.

in a nutshell

pass out
의식을 잃다

break someone's fall
넘어지는 것을 잡다, 받쳐주다 : When the little boy fell out of the window, the bushes broke his fall.

the senior wrangler
수석 1급 합격자 : It is the first wrangler to ever come with this option.

state of siege
계엄 상태

under siege
포위 당한 : The police placed the city centre under a virtual state of siege.
(문제등에) 계속 시달리는 : Wine lovers in this country are under siege.

virtual state

head down
머리를 숙이다
잠을 자다

put one's head down
잠시 수면을 취하다 : Feeling so tired, I put my head down.
keep (one's) head down
위험을 피하다 : In such a confused situation, you should careful and keep your head down.
자중하다 : Keep your head down, and keep working.

get one's head down
하던일로 돌아가다 : He took a rest in bed, bu he got his head down soon.

constrain a person from doing
남에게 ~하지 못하게 하다 : With the exception of some sports, no characteristic of brain or body constrains an individual from reaching an expert level.

engage in
종사하다 : Elite performers engage in what we call "deliberate practice"

compare with
~와 비교되다 : This extra step he created gives him a significant advantage compare with his peers.

melting into something
to melt and change into a different state
Their health was to be monitored for a month, but after two woks all of the rats in the programming group had melted into a dense goo that tasted a little like quiche. - GotoConsideredHarmful

melt something into something
to cause something to change its state when melting.

similar to
similar with

in lieu of
= instead of
BS degree. in lieu of degree, 4 years of relevant experience.
time off in lieu : free time given to an employee for previously worked overtime

wrap up
to finish something, especially something that requires a conclusion
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