강사: [김동영] 새싹: [원지환], ~~[이수은]~~ '''refer to''' [https://cs231n.github.io/python-numpy-tutorial/ Python Numpy Tutorial] [https://github.com/dhrim/MDC_2021/blob/master/deep_learming.md deep learning] '''calender''' OT: 3/13 1차: 3/20 2차: 3/27 '''lecture material''' [https://github.com/ktasha45/sprout-class-2022 github] '''things to study''' python algorithm == 1차시 == 3/20 20:00-20:45 참가: 김동영, 원지환 불참: 이수은 배운 것 * python, jupyter notebook, colab 소개 * boolean, 사칙연산, string, list, loop, dictionary 다음 시간에 배울 것 * class * numpy == 2차시 == 3/27 21:00-21:50 배운 것 * numpy * class 조금 다음 시간에 배울 것 * numpy 실습 * matplotlib == 3차시 == 4/03 20:05-21:15 배운 것 * numpy * matplotlib 실습 * numpy, matplotlib ([https://view.officeapps.live.com/op/view.aspx?src=https%3A%2F%2Fraw.githubusercontent.com%2Fktasha45%2Fsprout-class-2022%2Fmaster%2Flearn_numpy2-quiz.pptx&wdOrigin=BROWSELINK quiz]) 다음 시간에 배울 것 * Introduction of neural network