Difference between r1.3 and the current
@@ -6,12 +6,946 @@
= 진행상황 =
* 배열과 포인터에 대한 설명
* 포인터를 가지고 연산 하기
* call by reference?
* call by value?
* 질의응답
= 과제 =
* 틱택토!!!
* 마지막 과제입니다. 어려운거 해봅시다
* 한 줄 빙고를 만들면 이기는 간단한 게임
* 사용자와 컴퓨터가 대전
* 선 플레이어 설정 기능과 난이도 설정 기능 구현
* 간단한 GUI...
=== 박성훈 ==={{{
{{{#include <stdio.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
void playerturn();
void computerturn();
void hardcomputerturn();
int attack();
int protect();
int playerwin();
int computerwin();
int draw();
int full[9] = { 0, };
char matrix[3][3] = { '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9' };
int main(){
int a = 0;
int first;
int level;
int levelfirst;
int replay;
printf("난이도를 골라주세요. 1.easy 2.hard\n");
scanf("%d", &level);
printf("누가 먼저 할껀가요? 1.사람 2. 컴퓨터\n");
scanf("%d", &first);
if (level == 1 && first == 1)
levelfirst = 1;
else if (level == 1 && first == 2)
levelfirst = 2;
else if (level == 2 && first == 1)
levelfirst = 3;
levelfirst = 4;
for (;;){
printf("│%c │%c │%c │\n", matrix[0][0], matrix[0][1], matrix[0][2]);
printf("│%c │%c │%c │\n", matrix[1][0], matrix[1][1], matrix[1][2]);
printf("│%c │%c │%c │\n", matrix[2][0], matrix[2][1], matrix[2][2]);
if (levelfirst == 1)
levelfirst = 2;
else if (levelfirst == 2)
levelfirst = 1;
else if (levelfirst == 3)
levelfirst = 4;
else if (levelfirst == 4)
if (full[4] == 0)
matrix[1][1] = 'X';
full[4] = 2;
levelfirst = 3;
levelfirst = 3;
if (playerwin() == 1){
printf("│%c │%c │%c │\n", matrix[0][0], matrix[0][1], matrix[0][2]);
printf("│%c │%c │%c │\n", matrix[1][0], matrix[1][1], matrix[1][2]);
printf("│%c │%c │%c │\n", matrix[2][0], matrix[2][1], matrix[2][2]);
printf("YOU WIN!!!\n");
if (computerwin() == 1){
printf("│%c │%c │%c │\n", matrix[0][0], matrix[0][1], matrix[0][2]);
printf("│%c │%c │%c │\n", matrix[1][0], matrix[1][1], matrix[1][2]);
printf("│%c │%c │%c │\n", matrix[2][0], matrix[2][1], matrix[2][2]);
printf("You lose...\n");
if (draw() == 1){
printf("│%c │%c │%c │\n", matrix[0][0], matrix[0][1], matrix[0][2]);
printf("│%c │%c │%c │\n", matrix[1][0], matrix[1][1], matrix[1][2]);
printf("│%c │%c │%c │\n", matrix[2][0], matrix[2][1], matrix[2][2]);
return 0;
void playerturn()
int place = 0;
int playerturnfinish = 0;
printf("번호를 고르시오.\n");
for (; playerturnfinish != 1;){
scanf("%d", &place);
if (place == 1)
if (full[0] == 0)
matrix[0][0] = 'O';
full[0] = 1;
playerturnfinish = 1;
else if (full[0] == 1 || full[0] == 2)
printf("이미 기호가 존재합니다. 다른 번호를 눌러주세요.\n");
else if (place == 2)
if (full[1] == 0)
matrix[0][1] = 'O';
full[1] = 1;
playerturnfinish = 1;
else if (full[1] == 1 || full[1] == 2)
printf("이미 기호가 존재합니다. 다른 번호를 눌러주세요.\n");
else if (place == 3)
if (full[2] == 0)
matrix[0][2] = 'O';
full[2] = 1;
playerturnfinish = 1;
else if (full[2] == 1 || full[2] == 2)
printf("이미 기호가 존재합니다. 다른 번호를 눌러주세요.\n");
else if (place == 4)
if (full[3] == 0)
matrix[1][0] = 'O';
full[3] = 1;
playerturnfinish = 1;
else if (full[3] == 1 || full[3] == 2)
printf("이미 기호가 존재합니다. 다른 번호를 눌러주세요.\n");
else if (place == 5)
if (full[4] == 0)
matrix[1][1] = 'O';
full[4] = 1;
playerturnfinish = 1;
else if (full[4] == 1 || full[4] == 2)
printf("이미 기호가 존재합니다. 다른 번호를 눌러주세요.\n");
else if (place == 6)
if (full[5] == 0)
matrix[1][2] = 'O';
full[5] = 1;
playerturnfinish = 1;
else if (full[5] == 1 || full[5] == 2)
printf("이미 기호가 존재합니다. 다른 번호를 눌러주세요.\n");
else if (place == 7)
if (full[6] == 0)
matrix[2][0] = 'O';
full[6] = 1;
playerturnfinish = 1;
else if (full[6] == 1 || full[6] == 2)
printf("이미 기호가 존재합니다. 다른 번호를 눌러주세요.\n");
else if (place == 8)
if (full[7] == 0)
matrix[2][1] = 'O';
full[7] = 1;
playerturnfinish = 1;
else if (full[7] == 1 || full[7] == 2)
printf("이미 기호가 존재합니다. 다른 번호를 눌러주세요.\n");
else if (place == 9)
if (full[8] == 0)
matrix[2][2] = 'O';
full[8] = 1;
playerturnfinish = 1;
else if (full[8] == 1 || full[8] == 2)
printf("이미 기호가 존재합니다. 다른 번호를 눌러주세요.\n");
void computerturn()
int place = 0;
int computerturnfinish = 0;
for (; computerturnfinish != 1;){
place = rand() % ((9 - 1) + 1)+1;
if (place == 1)
if (full[0] == 0)
matrix[0][0] = 'X';
full[0] = 2;
computerturnfinish = 1;
else if (full[0] == 1 || full[0] == 2)
else if (place == 2)
if (full[1] == 0)
matrix[0][1] = 'X';
full[1] = 2;
computerturnfinish = 1;
else if (full[1] == 1 || full[1] == 2)
else if (place == 3)
if (full[2] == 0)
matrix[0][2] = 'X';
full[2] = 2;
computerturnfinish = 1;
else if (full[2] == 1 || full[2] == 2)
else if (place == 4)
if (full[3] == 0)
matrix[1][0] = 'X';
full[3] = 2;
computerturnfinish = 1;
else if (full[3] == 1 || full[3] == 2)
else if (place == 5)
if (full[4] == 0)
matrix[1][1] = 'X';
full[4] = 2;
computerturnfinish = 1;
else if (full[4] == 1 || full[4] == 2)
else if (place == 6)
if (full[5] == 0)
matrix[1][2] = 'X';
full[5] = 2;
computerturnfinish = 1;
else if (full[5] == 1 || full[5] == 2)
else if (place == 7)
if (full[6] == 0)
matrix[2][0] = 'X';
full[6] = 2;
computerturnfinish = 1;
else if (full[6] == 1 || full[6] == 2)
else if (place == 8)
if (full[7] == 0)
matrix[2][1] = 'X';
full[7] = 2;
computerturnfinish = 1;
else if (full[7] == 1 || full[7] == 2)
else if (place == 9)
if (full[8] == 0)
matrix[2][2] = 'X';
full[8] = 2;
computerturnfinish = 1;
else if (full[8] == 1 || full[8] == 2)
int playerwin(){
if (full[0] ==1 && full[1] ==1 && full[2] == 1)
return 1;
else if (full[3] == 1 && full[4] == 1 && full[5] == 1)
return 1;
else if (full[6] == 1 && full[7] == 1 && full[8] == 1)
return 1;
else if (full[0] == 1 && full[3] == 1 && full[6] == 1)
return 1;
else if (full[1] == 1 && full[4] == 1 && full[7] == 1)
return 1;
else if (full[2] == 1 && full[5] == 1 && full[8] == 1)
return 1;
else if (full[0] == 1 && full[4] == 1 && full[8] == 1)
return 1;
else if (full[2] == 1 && full[4] == 1 && full[6] == 1)
return 1;
int computerwin(){
if (full[0] == 2 && full[1] == 2 && full[2] == 2)
return 1;
else if (full[3] == 2 && full[4] == 2 && full[5] == 2)
return 1;
else if (full[6] == 2 && full[7] == 2 && full[8] == 2)
return 1;
else if (full[0] == 2 && full[3] == 2 && full[6] == 2)
return 1;
else if (full[1] == 2 && full[4] == 2 && full[7] == 2)
return 1;
else if (full[2] == 2 && full[5] == 2 && full[8] == 2)
return 1;
else if (full[0] == 2 && full[4] == 2 && full[8] == 2)
return 1;
else if (full[2] == 2 && full[4] == 2 && full[6] == 2)
return 1;
int draw()
if (full[0] != 0 && full[1] != 0 && full[2] != 0 && full[3] != 0 && full[4] != 0 && full[5] != 0 && full[6] != 0 && full[7] != 0 && full[8] != 0)
return 1;
void hardcomputerturn()
int place = 0;
int computerturnfinish = 0;
for (; computerturnfinish != 1;){
place = rand() % ((9 - 1) + 1) + 1;
if (attack() == 1)
computerturnfinish = 1;
else if (protect() == 1)
computerturnfinish = 1;
if (place == 1)
if (full[0] == 0)
matrix[0][0] = 'X';
full[0] = 2;
computerturnfinish = 1;
else if (full[0] == 1 || full[0] == 2)
else if (place == 2)
if (full[1] == 0)
matrix[0][1] = 'X';
full[1] = 2;
computerturnfinish = 1;
else if (full[1] == 1 || full[1] == 2)
else if (place == 3)
if (full[2] == 0)
matrix[0][2] = 'X';
full[2] = 2;
computerturnfinish = 1;
else if (full[2] == 1 || full[2] == 2)
else if (place == 4)
if (full[3] == 0)
matrix[1][0] = 'X';
full[3] = 2;
computerturnfinish = 1;
else if (full[3] == 1 || full[3] == 2)
else if (place == 5)
if (full[4] == 0)
matrix[1][1] = 'X';
full[4] = 2;
computerturnfinish = 1;
else if (full[4] == 1 || full[4] == 2)
else if (place == 6)
if (full[5] == 0)
matrix[1][2] = 'X';
full[5] = 2;
computerturnfinish = 1;
else if (full[5] == 1 || full[5] == 2)
else if (place == 7)
if (full[6] == 0)
matrix[2][0] = 'X';
full[6] = 2;
computerturnfinish = 1;
else if (full[6] == 1 || full[6] == 2)
else if (place == 8)
if (full[7] == 0)
matrix[2][1] = 'X';
full[7] = 2;
computerturnfinish = 1;
else if (full[7] == 1 || full[7] == 2)
else if (place == 9)
if (full[8] == 0)
matrix[2][2] = 'X';
full[8] = 2;
computerturnfinish = 1;
else if (full[8] == 1 || full[8] == 2)
int attack()
if ((full[0] ==2 && full[1] ==2) &&full[2]==0)
full[2] = 2;
matrix[0][2] = 'X';
return 1;
else if ((full[0] == 2 && full[2] == 2) && full[1] == 0)
full[1] = 2;
matrix[0][1] = 'X';
return 1;
else if ((full[1] == 2 && full[2] == 2) && full[0] == 0)
full[0] = 2;
matrix[0][0] = 'X';
return 1;
else if ((full[3] == 2 && full[4] == 2) && full[5] == 0)
full[5] = 2;
matrix[1][2] = 'X';
return 1;
else if ((full[3] == 2 && full[5] == 2) && full[4] == 0)
full[4] = 2;
matrix[1][1] = 'X';
return 1;
else if ((full[5] == 2 && full[4] == 2) && full[3] == 0)
full[3] = 2;
matrix[1][0] = 'X';
return 1;
else if ((full[6] == 2 && full[7] == 2) && full[8] == 0)
full[8] = 2;
matrix[2][2] = 'X';
return 1;
else if ((full[6] == 2 && full[8] == 2) && full[7] == 0)
full[7] = 2;
matrix[2][1] = 'X';
return 1;
else if ((full[8] == 2 && full[7] == 2) && full[6] == 0)
full[6] = 2;
matrix[2][0] = 'X';
return 1;
else if ((full[0] == 2 && full[3] == 2) && full[6] == 0)
full[6] = 2;
matrix[2][0] = 'X';
return 1;
else if ((full[0] == 2 && full[6] == 2) && full[3] == 0)
full[3] = 2;
matrix[1][0] = 'X';
return 1;
else if ((full[6] == 2 && full[3] == 2) && full[3] == 0)
full[3] = 2;
matrix[0][0] = 'X';
return 1;
else if ((full[1] == 2 && full[4] == 2) && full[7] == 0)
full[7] = 2;
matrix[2][1] = 'X';
return 1;
else if ((full[1] == 2 && full[7] == 2) && full[4] == 0)
full[4] = 2;
matrix[1][1] = 'X';
return 1;
else if ((full[7] == 2 && full[4] == 2) && full[1] == 0)
full[1] = 2;
matrix[0][1] = 'X';
return 1;
else if ((full[2] == 2 && full[5] == 2) && full[8] == 0)
full[8] = 2;
matrix[2][2] = 'X';
return 1;
else if ((full[2] == 2 && full[8] == 2) && full[5] == 0)
full[5] = 2;
matrix[1][2] = 'X';
return 1;
else if ((full[8] == 2 && full[5] == 2) && full[2] == 0)
full[2] = 2;
matrix[0][2] = 'X';
return 1;
else if ((full[0] == 2 && full[4] == 2)&& full[8] == 0)
full[8] = 2;
matrix[2][2] = 'X';
return 1;
else if ((full[0] == 2 && full[8] == 2)&& full[4] == 0)
full[4] = 2;
matrix[1][1] = 'X';
return 1;
else if ((full[8] == 2 && full[4] == 2) && full[0] == 0)
full[0] = 2;
matrix[0][0] = 'X';
return 1;
else if ((full[2] == 2 && full[4] == 2) && full[6] == 0)
full[8] = 2;
matrix[2][0] = 'X';
return 1;
else if ((full[2] == 2 && full[6] == 2)&& full[4] == 0)
full[8] = 2;
matrix[1][1] = 'X';
return 1;
else if ((full[6] == 2 && full[4] == 2) && full[2] == 0)
full[2] = 2;
matrix[0][2] = 'X';
return 1;
return 0;
int protect()
if (full[0] == 1 && full[1] == 1 && full[2] == 0)
full[2] = 2;
matrix[0][2] = 'X';
return 1;
else if (full[0] == 1 && full[2] == 1 && full[1] == 0)
full[1] = 2;
matrix[0][1] = 'X';
return 1;
else if (full[1] == 1 && full[2] == 1 && full[0] == 0)
full[0] = 2;
matrix[0][0] = 'X';
return 1;
else if (full[3] == 1 && full[4] == 1 && full[5] == 0)
full[5] = 2;
matrix[1][2] = 'X';
return 1;
else if (full[3] == 1 && full[5] == 1 && full[4] == 0)
full[4] = 2;
matrix[1][1] = 'X';
return 1;
else if (full[5] == 1 && full[4] == 1 && full[3] == 0)
full[3] = 2;
matrix[1][0] = 'X';
return 1;
else if (full[6] == 1 && full[7] == 1 && full[8] == 0)
full[8] = 2;
matrix[2][2] = 'X';
return 1;
else if (full[6] == 1 && full[8] == 1 && full[7] == 0)
full[7] = 2;
matrix[2][1] = 'X';
return 1;
else if (full[8] == 1 && full[7] == 1 && full[6] == 0)
full[6] = 2;
matrix[2][0] = 'X';
return 1;
else if (full[0] == 1 && full[3] == 1 && full[6] == 0)
full[6] = 2;
matrix[2][0] = 'X';
return 1;
else if (full[0] == 1 && full[6] == 1 && full[3] == 0)
full[3] = 2;
matrix[1][0] = 'X';
return 1;
else if (full[6] == 1 && full[3] == 1 && full[3] == 0)
full[3] = 2;
matrix[0][0] = 'X';
return 1;
else if (full[1] == 1 && full[4] == 1 && full[7] == 0)
full[7] = 2;
matrix[2][1] = 'X';
return 1;
else if (full[1] == 1 && full[7] == 1 && full[4] == 0)
full[4] = 2;
matrix[1][1] = 'X';
return 1;
else if (full[7] == 1 && full[4] == 1 && full[1] == 0)
full[1] = 2;
matrix[0][1] = 'X';
return 1;
else if (full[2] == 1 && full[5] == 1 && full[8] == 0)
full[8] = 2;
matrix[2][2] = 'X';
return 1;
else if (full[2] == 1 && full[8] == 1 && full[5] == 0)
full[5] = 2;
matrix[1][2] = 'X';
return 1;
else if (full[8] == 1 && full[5] == 1 && full[2] == 0)
full[2] = 2;
matrix[0][2] = 'X';
return 1;
else if (full[0] == 1 && full[4] == 1 && full[8] == 0)
full[8] = 2;
matrix[2][2] = 'X';
return 1;
else if (full[0] == 1 && full[8] == 1 && full[4] == 0)
full[4] = 2;
matrix[1][1] = 'X';
return 1;
else if (full[8] == 1 && full[4] == 1 && full[0] == 0)
full[0] = 2;
matrix[0][0] = 'X';
return 1;
else if (full[2] == 1 && full[4] == 1 && full[6] == 0)
full[8] = 2;
matrix[2][0] = 'X';
return 1;
else if (full[2] == 1 && full[6] == 1 && full[4] == 0)
full[8] = 2;
matrix[1][1] = 'X';
return 1;
else if (full[6] == 1 && full[4] == 1 && full[2] == 0)
full[2] = 2;
matrix[0][2] = 'X';
return 1;
return 0;
=== 정창민 ===
진행상황 ¶
- 배열과 포인터에 대한 설명
- 포인터를 가지고 연산 하기
- call by reference?
- call by value?
- 질의응답
과제 ¶
- 틱택토!!!
- 마지막 과제입니다. 어려운거 해봅시다
- 한 줄 빙고를 만들면 이기는 간단한 게임
- 사용자와 컴퓨터가 대전
- 선 플레이어 설정 기능과 난이도 설정 기능 구현
- 간단한 GUI...
박성훈 ¶
#include <stdio.h> #include <time.h> #include <stdlib.h> void playerturn(); void computerturn(); void hardcomputerturn(); int attack(); int protect(); int playerwin(); int computerwin(); int draw(); int full[9] = { 0, }; char matrix[3][3] = { '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9' }; int main(){ int a = 0; int first; int level; int levelfirst; int replay; srand((unsigned)time(NULL)); printf("난이도를 골라주세요. 1.easy 2.hard\n"); scanf("%d", &level); printf("누가 먼저 할껀가요? 1.사람 2. 컴퓨터\n"); scanf("%d", &first); if (level == 1 && first == 1) levelfirst = 1; else if (level == 1 && first == 2) levelfirst = 2; else if (level == 2 && first == 1) levelfirst = 3; else levelfirst = 4; system("cls"); for (;;){ printf("┌─┬─┬─┐\n"); printf("│%c │%c │%c │\n", matrix[0][0], matrix[0][1], matrix[0][2]); printf("├─┼─┼─┤\n"); printf("│%c │%c │%c │\n", matrix[1][0], matrix[1][1], matrix[1][2]); printf("├─┼─┼─┤\n"); printf("│%c │%c │%c │\n", matrix[2][0], matrix[2][1], matrix[2][2]); printf("└─┴─┴─┘\n"); if (levelfirst == 1) { playerturn(); levelfirst = 2; } else if (levelfirst == 2) { computerturn(); levelfirst = 1; } else if (levelfirst == 3) { playerturn(); levelfirst = 4; } else if (levelfirst == 4) { if (full[4] == 0) { matrix[1][1] = 'X'; full[4] = 2; levelfirst = 3; } else { hardcomputerturn(); levelfirst = 3; } } if (playerwin() == 1){ system("cls"); printf("┌─┬─┬─┐\n"); printf("│%c │%c │%c │\n", matrix[0][0], matrix[0][1], matrix[0][2]); printf("├─┼─┼─┤\n"); printf("│%c │%c │%c │\n", matrix[1][0], matrix[1][1], matrix[1][2]); printf("├─┼─┼─┤\n"); printf("│%c │%c │%c │\n", matrix[2][0], matrix[2][1], matrix[2][2]); printf("└─┴─┴─┘\n"); printf("YOU WIN!!!\n"); break; } if (computerwin() == 1){ system("cls"); printf("┌─┬─┬─┐\n"); printf("│%c │%c │%c │\n", matrix[0][0], matrix[0][1], matrix[0][2]); printf("├─┼─┼─┤\n"); printf("│%c │%c │%c │\n", matrix[1][0], matrix[1][1], matrix[1][2]); printf("├─┼─┼─┤\n"); printf("│%c │%c │%c │\n", matrix[2][0], matrix[2][1], matrix[2][2]); printf("└─┴─┴─┘\n"); printf("You lose...\n"); break; } if (draw() == 1){ system("cls"); printf("┌─┬─┬─┐\n"); printf("│%c │%c │%c │\n", matrix[0][0], matrix[0][1], matrix[0][2]); printf("├─┼─┼─┤\n"); printf("│%c │%c │%c │\n", matrix[1][0], matrix[1][1], matrix[1][2]); printf("├─┼─┼─┤\n"); printf("│%c │%c │%c │\n", matrix[2][0], matrix[2][1], matrix[2][2]); printf("└─┴─┴─┘\n"); printf("Draw\n"); break; } system("cls"); } return 0; } void playerturn() { int place = 0; int playerturnfinish = 0; printf("번호를 고르시오.\n"); for (; playerturnfinish != 1;){ scanf("%d", &place); if (place == 1) { if (full[0] == 0) { matrix[0][0] = 'O'; full[0] = 1; playerturnfinish = 1; } else if (full[0] == 1 || full[0] == 2) { printf("이미 기호가 존재합니다. 다른 번호를 눌러주세요.\n"); continue; } } else if (place == 2) { if (full[1] == 0) { matrix[0][1] = 'O'; full[1] = 1; playerturnfinish = 1; } else if (full[1] == 1 || full[1] == 2) { printf("이미 기호가 존재합니다. 다른 번호를 눌러주세요.\n"); continue; } } else if (place == 3) { if (full[2] == 0) { matrix[0][2] = 'O'; full[2] = 1; playerturnfinish = 1; } else if (full[2] == 1 || full[2] == 2) { printf("이미 기호가 존재합니다. 다른 번호를 눌러주세요.\n"); continue; } } else if (place == 4) { if (full[3] == 0) { matrix[1][0] = 'O'; full[3] = 1; playerturnfinish = 1; } else if (full[3] == 1 || full[3] == 2) { printf("이미 기호가 존재합니다. 다른 번호를 눌러주세요.\n"); continue; } } else if (place == 5) { if (full[4] == 0) { matrix[1][1] = 'O'; full[4] = 1; playerturnfinish = 1; } else if (full[4] == 1 || full[4] == 2) { printf("이미 기호가 존재합니다. 다른 번호를 눌러주세요.\n"); continue; } } else if (place == 6) { if (full[5] == 0) { matrix[1][2] = 'O'; full[5] = 1; playerturnfinish = 1; } else if (full[5] == 1 || full[5] == 2) { printf("이미 기호가 존재합니다. 다른 번호를 눌러주세요.\n"); continue; } } else if (place == 7) { if (full[6] == 0) { matrix[2][0] = 'O'; full[6] = 1; playerturnfinish = 1; } else if (full[6] == 1 || full[6] == 2) { printf("이미 기호가 존재합니다. 다른 번호를 눌러주세요.\n"); continue; } } else if (place == 8) { if (full[7] == 0) { matrix[2][1] = 'O'; full[7] = 1; playerturnfinish = 1; } else if (full[7] == 1 || full[7] == 2) { printf("이미 기호가 존재합니다. 다른 번호를 눌러주세요.\n"); continue; } } else if (place == 9) { if (full[8] == 0) { matrix[2][2] = 'O'; full[8] = 1; playerturnfinish = 1; } else if (full[8] == 1 || full[8] == 2) { printf("이미 기호가 존재합니다. 다른 번호를 눌러주세요.\n"); continue; } } } } void computerturn() { int place = 0; int computerturnfinish = 0; for (; computerturnfinish != 1;){ place = rand() % ((9 - 1) + 1)+1; if (place == 1) { if (full[0] == 0) { matrix[0][0] = 'X'; full[0] = 2; computerturnfinish = 1; } else if (full[0] == 1 || full[0] == 2) { continue; } } else if (place == 2) { if (full[1] == 0) { matrix[0][1] = 'X'; full[1] = 2; computerturnfinish = 1; } else if (full[1] == 1 || full[1] == 2) { continue; } } else if (place == 3) { if (full[2] == 0) { matrix[0][2] = 'X'; full[2] = 2; computerturnfinish = 1; } else if (full[2] == 1 || full[2] == 2) { continue; } } else if (place == 4) { if (full[3] == 0) { matrix[1][0] = 'X'; full[3] = 2; computerturnfinish = 1; } else if (full[3] == 1 || full[3] == 2) { continue; } } else if (place == 5) { if (full[4] == 0) { matrix[1][1] = 'X'; full[4] = 2; computerturnfinish = 1; } else if (full[4] == 1 || full[4] == 2) { continue; } } else if (place == 6) { if (full[5] == 0) { matrix[1][2] = 'X'; full[5] = 2; computerturnfinish = 1; } else if (full[5] == 1 || full[5] == 2) { continue; } } else if (place == 7) { if (full[6] == 0) { matrix[2][0] = 'X'; full[6] = 2; computerturnfinish = 1; } else if (full[6] == 1 || full[6] == 2) { continue; } } else if (place == 8) { if (full[7] == 0) { matrix[2][1] = 'X'; full[7] = 2; computerturnfinish = 1; } else if (full[7] == 1 || full[7] == 2) { continue; } } else if (place == 9) { if (full[8] == 0) { matrix[2][2] = 'X'; full[8] = 2; computerturnfinish = 1; } else if (full[8] == 1 || full[8] == 2) { continue; } } } } int playerwin(){ if (full[0] ==1 && full[1] ==1 && full[2] == 1) return 1; else if (full[3] == 1 && full[4] == 1 && full[5] == 1) return 1; else if (full[6] == 1 && full[7] == 1 && full[8] == 1) return 1; else if (full[0] == 1 && full[3] == 1 && full[6] == 1) return 1; else if (full[1] == 1 && full[4] == 1 && full[7] == 1) return 1; else if (full[2] == 1 && full[5] == 1 && full[8] == 1) return 1; else if (full[0] == 1 && full[4] == 1 && full[8] == 1) return 1; else if (full[2] == 1 && full[4] == 1 && full[6] == 1) return 1; } int computerwin(){ if (full[0] == 2 && full[1] == 2 && full[2] == 2) return 1; else if (full[3] == 2 && full[4] == 2 && full[5] == 2) return 1; else if (full[6] == 2 && full[7] == 2 && full[8] == 2) return 1; else if (full[0] == 2 && full[3] == 2 && full[6] == 2) return 1; else if (full[1] == 2 && full[4] == 2 && full[7] == 2) return 1; else if (full[2] == 2 && full[5] == 2 && full[8] == 2) return 1; else if (full[0] == 2 && full[4] == 2 && full[8] == 2) return 1; else if (full[2] == 2 && full[4] == 2 && full[6] == 2) return 1; } int draw() { if (full[0] != 0 && full[1] != 0 && full[2] != 0 && full[3] != 0 && full[4] != 0 && full[5] != 0 && full[6] != 0 && full[7] != 0 && full[8] != 0) { return 1; } } void hardcomputerturn() { int place = 0; int computerturnfinish = 0; for (; computerturnfinish != 1;){ place = rand() % ((9 - 1) + 1) + 1; if (attack() == 1) { computerturnfinish = 1; break; } else if (protect() == 1) { computerturnfinish = 1; break; } if (place == 1) { if (full[0] == 0) { matrix[0][0] = 'X'; full[0] = 2; computerturnfinish = 1; } else if (full[0] == 1 || full[0] == 2) { continue; } } else if (place == 2) { if (full[1] == 0) { matrix[0][1] = 'X'; full[1] = 2; computerturnfinish = 1; } else if (full[1] == 1 || full[1] == 2) { continue; } } else if (place == 3) { if (full[2] == 0) { matrix[0][2] = 'X'; full[2] = 2; computerturnfinish = 1; } else if (full[2] == 1 || full[2] == 2) { continue; } } else if (place == 4) { if (full[3] == 0) { matrix[1][0] = 'X'; full[3] = 2; computerturnfinish = 1; } else if (full[3] == 1 || full[3] == 2) { continue; } } else if (place == 5) { if (full[4] == 0) { matrix[1][1] = 'X'; full[4] = 2; computerturnfinish = 1; } else if (full[4] == 1 || full[4] == 2) { continue; } } else if (place == 6) { if (full[5] == 0) { matrix[1][2] = 'X'; full[5] = 2; computerturnfinish = 1; } else if (full[5] == 1 || full[5] == 2) { continue; } } else if (place == 7) { if (full[6] == 0) { matrix[2][0] = 'X'; full[6] = 2; computerturnfinish = 1; } else if (full[6] == 1 || full[6] == 2) { continue; } } else if (place == 8) { if (full[7] == 0) { matrix[2][1] = 'X'; full[7] = 2; computerturnfinish = 1; } else if (full[7] == 1 || full[7] == 2) { continue; } } else if (place == 9) { if (full[8] == 0) { matrix[2][2] = 'X'; full[8] = 2; computerturnfinish = 1; } else if (full[8] == 1 || full[8] == 2) { continue; } } } } int attack() { if ((full[0] ==2 && full[1] ==2) &&full[2]==0) { full[2] = 2; matrix[0][2] = 'X'; return 1; } else if ((full[0] == 2 && full[2] == 2) && full[1] == 0) { full[1] = 2; matrix[0][1] = 'X'; return 1; } else if ((full[1] == 2 && full[2] == 2) && full[0] == 0) { full[0] = 2; matrix[0][0] = 'X'; return 1; } else if ((full[3] == 2 && full[4] == 2) && full[5] == 0) { full[5] = 2; matrix[1][2] = 'X'; return 1; } else if ((full[3] == 2 && full[5] == 2) && full[4] == 0) { full[4] = 2; matrix[1][1] = 'X'; return 1; } else if ((full[5] == 2 && full[4] == 2) && full[3] == 0) { full[3] = 2; matrix[1][0] = 'X'; return 1; } else if ((full[6] == 2 && full[7] == 2) && full[8] == 0) { full[8] = 2; matrix[2][2] = 'X'; return 1; } else if ((full[6] == 2 && full[8] == 2) && full[7] == 0) { full[7] = 2; matrix[2][1] = 'X'; return 1; } else if ((full[8] == 2 && full[7] == 2) && full[6] == 0) { full[6] = 2; matrix[2][0] = 'X'; return 1; } else if ((full[0] == 2 && full[3] == 2) && full[6] == 0) { full[6] = 2; matrix[2][0] = 'X'; return 1; } else if ((full[0] == 2 && full[6] == 2) && full[3] == 0) { full[3] = 2; matrix[1][0] = 'X'; return 1; } else if ((full[6] == 2 && full[3] == 2) && full[3] == 0) { full[3] = 2; matrix[0][0] = 'X'; return 1; } else if ((full[1] == 2 && full[4] == 2) && full[7] == 0) { full[7] = 2; matrix[2][1] = 'X'; return 1; } else if ((full[1] == 2 && full[7] == 2) && full[4] == 0) { full[4] = 2; matrix[1][1] = 'X'; return 1; } else if ((full[7] == 2 && full[4] == 2) && full[1] == 0) { full[1] = 2; matrix[0][1] = 'X'; return 1; } else if ((full[2] == 2 && full[5] == 2) && full[8] == 0) { full[8] = 2; matrix[2][2] = 'X'; return 1; } else if ((full[2] == 2 && full[8] == 2) && full[5] == 0) { full[5] = 2; matrix[1][2] = 'X'; return 1; } else if ((full[8] == 2 && full[5] == 2) && full[2] == 0) { full[2] = 2; matrix[0][2] = 'X'; return 1; } else if ((full[0] == 2 && full[4] == 2)&& full[8] == 0) { full[8] = 2; matrix[2][2] = 'X'; return 1; } else if ((full[0] == 2 && full[8] == 2)&& full[4] == 0) { full[4] = 2; matrix[1][1] = 'X'; return 1; } else if ((full[8] == 2 && full[4] == 2) && full[0] == 0) { full[0] = 2; matrix[0][0] = 'X'; return 1; } else if ((full[2] == 2 && full[4] == 2) && full[6] == 0) { full[8] = 2; matrix[2][0] = 'X'; return 1; } else if ((full[2] == 2 && full[6] == 2)&& full[4] == 0) { full[8] = 2; matrix[1][1] = 'X'; return 1; } else if ((full[6] == 2 && full[4] == 2) && full[2] == 0) { full[2] = 2; matrix[0][2] = 'X'; return 1; } else { return 0; } } int protect() { if (full[0] == 1 && full[1] == 1 && full[2] == 0) { full[2] = 2; matrix[0][2] = 'X'; return 1; } else if (full[0] == 1 && full[2] == 1 && full[1] == 0) { full[1] = 2; matrix[0][1] = 'X'; return 1; } else if (full[1] == 1 && full[2] == 1 && full[0] == 0) { full[0] = 2; matrix[0][0] = 'X'; return 1; } else if (full[3] == 1 && full[4] == 1 && full[5] == 0) { full[5] = 2; matrix[1][2] = 'X'; return 1; } else if (full[3] == 1 && full[5] == 1 && full[4] == 0) { full[4] = 2; matrix[1][1] = 'X'; return 1; } else if (full[5] == 1 && full[4] == 1 && full[3] == 0) { full[3] = 2; matrix[1][0] = 'X'; return 1; } else if (full[6] == 1 && full[7] == 1 && full[8] == 0) { full[8] = 2; matrix[2][2] = 'X'; return 1; } else if (full[6] == 1 && full[8] == 1 && full[7] == 0) { full[7] = 2; matrix[2][1] = 'X'; return 1; } else if (full[8] == 1 && full[7] == 1 && full[6] == 0) { full[6] = 2; matrix[2][0] = 'X'; return 1; } else if (full[0] == 1 && full[3] == 1 && full[6] == 0) { full[6] = 2; matrix[2][0] = 'X'; return 1; } else if (full[0] == 1 && full[6] == 1 && full[3] == 0) { full[3] = 2; matrix[1][0] = 'X'; return 1; } else if (full[6] == 1 && full[3] == 1 && full[3] == 0) { full[3] = 2; matrix[0][0] = 'X'; return 1; } else if (full[1] == 1 && full[4] == 1 && full[7] == 0) { full[7] = 2; matrix[2][1] = 'X'; return 1; } else if (full[1] == 1 && full[7] == 1 && full[4] == 0) { full[4] = 2; matrix[1][1] = 'X'; return 1; } else if (full[7] == 1 && full[4] == 1 && full[1] == 0) { full[1] = 2; matrix[0][1] = 'X'; return 1; } else if (full[2] == 1 && full[5] == 1 && full[8] == 0) { full[8] = 2; matrix[2][2] = 'X'; return 1; } else if (full[2] == 1 && full[8] == 1 && full[5] == 0) { full[5] = 2; matrix[1][2] = 'X'; return 1; } else if (full[8] == 1 && full[5] == 1 && full[2] == 0) { full[2] = 2; matrix[0][2] = 'X'; return 1; } else if (full[0] == 1 && full[4] == 1 && full[8] == 0) { full[8] = 2; matrix[2][2] = 'X'; return 1; } else if (full[0] == 1 && full[8] == 1 && full[4] == 0) { full[4] = 2; matrix[1][1] = 'X'; return 1; } else if (full[8] == 1 && full[4] == 1 && full[0] == 0) { full[0] = 2; matrix[0][0] = 'X'; return 1; } else if (full[2] == 1 && full[4] == 1 && full[6] == 0) { full[8] = 2; matrix[2][0] = 'X'; return 1; } else if (full[2] == 1 && full[6] == 1 && full[4] == 0) { full[8] = 2; matrix[1][1] = 'X'; return 1; } else if (full[6] == 1 && full[4] == 1 && full[2] == 0) { full[2] = 2; matrix[0][2] = 'X'; return 1; } else { return 0; } }