[-]1. 12/16 Mon ¶
- I completely destroy the marriage and family final-exam.--;
- I borrow the Role Playing Game with DirectX.
3. 12/18 Wed ¶
- It's 1st day of a winter school vacation. I must do a plan.
- Let's enumarate. English, Smalltalk, Design Pattern, Accelerated C++, DirectX, etc...
- I read a novel named the Brain all day. Today's reading amount is about 600 pages. It's not so interesting as much as the price of fame.
- Today, I saw a psycho that is only heard. I felt grimness at her.
- I heard my mom will leave hospital. assa~
- When I am given a motive, I can do the things extreme.
- There is no man nicer than a man who has a target, and rushs towards it.
- I can't translate english sentence that I writed.--;
4. 12/19 thu ¶
- I heard Jung mong-joon revenged No moo-hyun. I can't believe government men.
- Today, I'll type DirectX Codes.... but I didn't.--;
- I studied Grammar in Use Chapter 39,40. I have not done study this book since then summer.--;
- I read a little Power Reading. Today's reading's principle content is using a regulator(ex) pen, pinger. etc). but this method is what I have used all the time.--; I should read a lot more.
- I studied ProgrammingPearls chapter 3. When I was reading, I could find familiar book name - the Mythical Man Month, and Code Complete.
- I summarized a ProgrammingPearls chapter 3.
- Don't write a big program when a little one will do.
- The more general problem may be easier to solve.
5. 12/20 Fri ¶
- I typed directX codes from NeXe sites, because RolePlaying Games with DirectX that I borrowed some days ago is so difficult for me. Let's study slow and steady...
- I don't understand accuracy a world, view, projection matrix.--; I should study a lot more.
- I studied ProgrammingPearls chapter 4,5. Both 4 and 5 are using a binary search. Its content is no bug programm.
- I studied Grammar in Use Chapter 41,42.
- I had drunken with friend until A.M. 2:00. and had sung until A.M. 4:00--;
- My mom was leaving a hospital.
- Damn it! Algorithm score--; why?~~~~~~~~~
- Keeping the code simple is usually the key to correctness.
6. 12/21 Sat ¶
- I summarized a ProgrammingPearls chapter 4,5.
- I was drunken today too.--;
7. 12/22 Sun ¶
- I summarized a ProgrammingPearls chapter 6.
- I read a Squeak chapter 1,2.
- I don't know my drinking amount yet.--;