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  • MatrixAndQuaternionsFaq . . . . 8 matches
          The rule of thumb with multiplying two matrices together is:
          Raising a matrix to a power greater than one involves multiplying a matrix
          Thus, multiplying a matrix with its inverse will generate the identity
          either applying Kramer's rule or by solving as a set of linear
          Simplifying M' gives:
          Simplifying M gives a 3x3 matrix:
          is trying to find the path with the least amount of rotation between
          However, displaying a rotation matrix as an array of numeric values
  • 영호의해킹공부페이지 . . . . 7 matches
          Always yield to the Hands-On imperative!
         trying to get it right so I can just paste it more or less unchanged here -
         READ UP on whatever I'm trying to do before I try DO it so I don't waste so
         really, I just used assembly as an example because it's what we're playing
          but I'm sure there are newer versions lying around. Well, I hope. Otherwise
         This technique was picked up by me when trying to phone ppl in Johannesburg
  • WebGL . . . . 6 matches
         Attribute는 각 포인트 별로 전달되는 정보이고 uniform 은 전체에서 공통적인 정보이다. 일반적으로 Attribute는 각 정점의 위치 정보와 각 지점의 법선 벡터 정보를을 전달한다. uniform은 일반적으로 카메라의 위치나 환경광의 위치처럼 전체적인 것을 전달한다. Attribute나 uniform은 일종의 변수인데 핸들을 얻어와서 그것을 통해 값을 전달할수 있다. 즉 Atrribute나 Uniform은 Javascript측에서 쉐이더로 정보를 보내는 것이다. varying은 쉐이더 간의 정보 전달에 사용된다. vertex shader에서 fragment shader로 값이 전달되며 반대는 불가능하다(파이프라인 구조상 당연한 것이다). 이때 vertex shader는 각 정점(꼭지점) fragment shader는 각 픽셀에 한번 호출되게 되는데 각 정점 사이의 값들은 [보간법]을 거쳐 전달되게 된다(그라디언트 같은 느낌이다 중간값을 알아서 만들어 준다).
         각 정점 사이에 있는 픽셀 마다 호출된다. 주로 광원효과를 적용한 픽셀의 최종적인 색깔이나 텍스쳐 연산에 사용된다. varying변수를 vertex shader에서 fragment shader로 넘겨주면 각 정점 사이에는 보간법으로 변환된 값이 넘어 온다.
         varying vec4 vFinalColor;
         varying vec3 vNormal;
         varying vec4 vFinalColor;
         varying vec3 vNormal;
          var url = document.getElementById("vertexShader").getAttribute("src");
          var url = document.getElementById("fragmentShader").getAttribute("src");
  • zyint . . . . 6 matches
         MSN : {{{zyint 앳 zyint닷컴}}} >> 앳을 @로 닷컴을 .com으로 공백을 지운후 이메일 주소를 재구성 하세요.
         = zyint EXCLUSIVE =
  • 나를만든책장관리시스템/DBSchema . . . . 6 matches
         || rDelay || tinyint || FK refereneces bm_tblDelay(dID) ||
         || rApplication || tinyint || FK refereneces bm_tblApplication(aID) ||
         || mAdmin || tinyint || FK refereneces bm_tblAdmin(adID) ||
         || dID || tinyint || PK ||
         || aID || tinyint || PK ||
         || adID || tinyint || PK ||
  • MultiplyingByRotation . . . . 4 matches
         === About Multiplying By Rotation ===
          || 김회영 || c++ || ? ||[MultiplyingByRotation/김회영]||
          || 문보창 || c++ || ? ||[MultiplyingByRotation/문보창]||
          || 곽세환 || c++ || ? ||[MultiplyingByRotation/곽세환]||
  • [Lovely]boy^_^/Diary/2-2-15 . . . . 4 matches
          * A data communication course ended. Professor told us good sayings. I feel a lot of things about his sayings.
          * A computer architecture&organization course ended too. I am worrying about a final test.
          * A object programming course ended. Professor told us good sayings, similar to a data communication course's professor. At first, I didn't like him, but now it's not. I like him very much. He is a good man.
  • [Lovely]boy^_^/EnglishGrammer/PresentAndPast . . . . 4 matches
          So at 10:30 they were playing tennis.
          They were playing = they were in the middle of playing. They had not finished playing.
  • ACM_ICPC/2013년스터디 . . . . 3 matches
          * 퀵 정렬,이진검색,parametric search - [ 숫자 추측하기], [ 세 값의 정렬], [ 부분 구간], [ 건조], [ 공격적인 소]
  • DPSCChapter2 . . . . 3 matches
         Before launching into our descriptions of specific design patterns, we present a case study of sorts, involving multiple patterns. In the Design Pattern preface, the Gang of Four speak about moving from a "Huh?" to an "Aha!" experience with regard to understanding design patterns. We present here a little drama portraying such a transition. It consists of three vignettes: three days in the life of two Smalltalk programmers who work for MegaCorp Insurance Company. We are listening in on conversations between Don (an object newbie, but an experienced business analyst) and Jane (an object and pattern expert). Don comes to Jane with his design problems, and they solve them together. Although the characters are fictitious, the designs are real and have all been part of actual systems written in Smalltalk. Our goal is to demonstrate how, by careful analysis, design patterns can help derive solutions to real-world problems.
          5. Adjudication of Pended Claims. The adjudicator can access the system for a claim history or a representation of the original claim. The adjudicator either approves the claim for payment, specifying the proper amount to pay, or generates correspondence denying the claim.
  • MoreEffectiveC++/Appendix . . . . 3 matches
         So your appetite for information on C++ remains unsated. Fear not, there's more — much more. In the sections that follow, I put forth my recommendations for further reading on C++. It goes without saying that such recommendations are both subjective and selective, but in view of the litigious age in which we live, it's probably a good idea to say it anyway. ¤ MEC++ Rec Reading, P2
         Each chapter in this book starts with some C++ software that has been published as an example of how to do something correctly. Cargill then proceeds to dissect — nay, vivisect — each program, identifying likely trouble spots, poor design choices, brittle implementation decisions, and things that are just plain wrong. He then iteratively rewrites each example to eliminate the weaknesses, and by the time he's done, he's produced code that is more robust, more maintainable, more efficient, and more portable, and it still fulfills the original problem specification. Anybody programming in C++ would do well to heed the lessons of this book, but it is especially important for those involved in code inspections. ¤ MEC++ Rec Reading, P21
         Below are two presentations of an implementation for auto_ptr. The first presentation documents the class interface and implements all the member functions outside the class definition. The second implements each member function within the class definition. Stylistically, the second presentation is inferior to the first, because it fails to separate the class interface from its implementation. However, auto_ptr yields simple classes, and the second presentation brings that out much more clearly than does the first. ¤ MEC++ auto_ptr, P3
  • Ruby/2011년스터디/세미나 . . . . 3 matches
          yield : get the block and run it
          * 아.. 세미나가 끝나니까 할말이 생각나네요..ㅠㅠ 루비의 블록 넘기기는 사실 블록이 yield구문에게 전달되는 것이 아니라 yield를 만나면 함수의 호출부로 컨트롤이 이동해 블록이 있는지 확인하고 실행합니다. 책에서는 co-routine 이라고 이해하면 된다는 설명이 있어요~ 블록이 전달되는게 아니라 컨트롤 플로우가 왔다갔다!! 스위치 태스킹처럼요. 세미나때 설명을 잘 해드렸어야 했는데 죄송천만번입니다 - [서지혜]
  • SummationOfFourPrimes/1002 . . . . 3 matches
          yield [aList[i],aList[j],aList[k],aList[l]]
          yield [aList[i],aList[j],aList[k],aList[l]]
          yield [aList[i],aList[j],aList[k],expectedLastValue]
  • WikiTextFormattingTestPage . . . . 3 matches
         The original Wiki:WardsWiki text formatting rules make no provision for headings. They can be simulated by applying emphasis. See the next several lines.
         Trying angle brackets and escape notation:
         Swiki Formatting (started by copying their text formatting rules page,
  • 2006신입생/연락처 . . . . 2 matches
         || 윤성준 || sayiii at hotmail dot com || 010-8927-0036 ||
         || 성우용 || wooyongyi at hotmail dot com || 011-9263-6315 ||
  • AcceleratedC++/Chapter14 . . . . 2 matches
          // free the left-hand side, destroying pointers if appropriate
          // \f2free the lhs, destroying pointers if appropriate\fP
  • CPPStudy_2005_1 . . . . 2 matches
         || 05 || 김태훈 || zyint@zyint.com ||
  • DPSCChapter1 . . . . 2 matches
         In general, designers -- in numerous domains, not just software -- apply their experience with past problems and solution to new, similar problems. As Duego and Benson(1996) point out, expert designers apply what is known in cognitive psychology and artificial intelligence as '''case-based reasoning''', remembering past cases and applying what they learned there. This is the sort of reasoning that chess masters, doctors, lawyers, and architects empoly to solve new problems. Now, design patterns allow software designers to learn from and apply the experiences of other designers as well. As in other domains, a literature of proven patterns has emerged. As a result, we can "stand on the shoulders of giants" to get us closer to the expert peak. As John Vlissies (1997) asserts, design patterns "capture expertise and make it accessible to non-experts" (p. 32).
         This book is designed to be a companion to ''Design Patterns'', but one written from the Smalltalk perspective. One way to think of the ''Smalltalk Companion'', then, is as a variation on a theme. We provide the same pattern as in the Gang of Four book but view them through Smalltalk glasses. (In fact, when we were trying out names for the ''Smalltalk Companion'', someone suggested "DesignPattern asSmalltalkCompanion." However, we decided only hard-core Smalltalkers would get it.)
  • FortuneCookies . . . . 2 matches
          * Recent investments will yield a slight profit.
          * When the wind is great, bow before it; when the wind is heavy, yield to it.
  • Garbage collector for C and C++ . . . . 2 matches
         # Appeared to run into some underlying thread problems.
         # order by specifying a nonstandard finalization mark procedure (see
  • IpscLoadBalancing . . . . 2 matches
          yield getRounds(eachLine)
          yield thisLine
  • JavaScript/2011년스터디/7월이전 . . . . 2 matches
          * 오늘은 PairProgramming으로 [http://probablyinteractive.com/url-hunter URLHunter]를 만들어보았는데 setInterval 함수를 사용하여 계속 페이지 주소를 바꿔주는 부분까지 성공했습니다. 처음에는 setTimeout 함수를 사용해서 생각처럼 제대로 작동하지 않았어요. 다음주엔 새내기가 스터디에 합류할텐데 매우 기대됩니다. 우리가 했던것들을 설명해주고 같이 [http://probablyinteractive.com/url-hunter URLHunter]를 만들어보려고 해요. 시간이 너무 걸리지 않도록 어떻게 접근할지 주말에 미리 생각해보겠습니다. - [김수경]
  • LoveCalculator . . . . 2 matches
         || 김태훈[zyint] || C++ || 1시간23분 || [LoveCalculator/zyint] ||
  • LoveCalculator/zyint . . . . 2 matches
          함수가 막 나열되어 있어서 좀 보기는 그렇다... 크크-zyint
          위에말대로 클래스는 아직 배우지 않아서;; 배우면 곧 적용시켜야 겠네요^^ 아직 클래스의 위력은 잘 모르겠어서; -zyint
  • MineSweeper . . . . 2 matches
          || 김태훈 [zyint] || python || || [MineSweeper/zyint] ||
  • MoinMoinFaq . . . . 2 matches
          * Click on the magnifying glass icon. This brings you to the FindPage
         improbable case of someone trying to sabotage the wiki.
  • MoinMoinTodo . . . . 2 matches
          * Send a timestamp with the EditPage link, and then compare to the current timestamp; warn the user if page was edited since displaying.
          * Implement the update script (copying new images etc.) described elsewhere on this page or MoinMoinIdeas.
  • MoreEffectiveC++/Techniques1of3 . . . . 2 matches
          * Copying and assignment. (복사와 할당)
         이런 문제는 auto_ptr이 만약 복사(copying)와 할당(assignment)를 하지 않는다면, 근본적으로 제거 될수 있다. 하지만 auto_ptr 클래스를 간단히 조작해서 문제를 피해본다. 위에서 언급한것과 같이 겉으로는 복사이지만, 내부적으로는 소유권(ownership)를 넘기는 작업을 하도록 구성하는 것이다. 코드는 다음과 같다.
  • MultiplyingByRotation/문보창 . . . . 2 matches
         // no550 - Multiplying by Rotation
          int carryIn, carryOut;
          carryIn = (temp * factor) / base;
          carryOut = (temp * factor + carryIn) / base;
          temp = (temp * factor + carryIn) % base;
          carryIn = carryOut;
         [MultiplyingByRotation] [문보창]
  • NotToolsButConcepts . . . . 2 matches
         - Communication/efficient problem solving: not trying yourself for days to
          concentration, unit tests, and always trying to improve on yourself help
  • TwistingTheTriad . . . . 2 matches
         In MVC, most of the application functionality must be built into a model class known as an Application Model. It is the reponsibility of the application model to be the mediator between the true domain objects and the views and their controllers. The views are responsible for displaying the domain data while the controller handle the raw usr gestures that will eventually perform action on this data. So the application model typically has method to perform menu command actions, push buttons actions and general validation on the data that it manages. Nearly all of the application logic will reside in the application model classes. However, because the application model's role is that of a go-between, it is at times necessary for it to gain access to the user interface directly but, because of the Observer relationship betweeen it and the view/controller, this sort of access is discouraged.
         While it is the view's responsibility to display model data it is the presenter that governs how the model can be manipulated and changed by the user interface. This is where the heart of an application's behaviour resides. In many ways, a MVP presenter is equivalent to the application model in MVC; most of the code dealing with how a user interface works is built into a presenter class. The main difference is that a presenter is ''directly'' linked to its associated view so that the two can closely collaborate in their roles of supplying the user interface for a particular model.
  • WinampPlugin을이용한프로그래밍 . . . . 2 matches
          // if playing starts correctly
          // when playing stops, terminate
  • [Lovely]boy^_^/Diary/2-2-16 . . . . 2 matches
          * I borrow the Role Playing Game with DirectX.
          * I typed directX codes from NeXe sites, because RolePlaying Games with DirectX that I borrowed some days ago is so difficult for me. Let's study slow and steady...
  • joosama . . . . 2 matches
         || [[HTML(<img src = http://galleryimage.naver.com/1/2004-02/04/07/70m1434m0.jpg width = 500 height = 375>)]] ||
  • zyint/vb . . . . 2 matches
  • 갓헌내기C,C++스터디 . . . . 2 matches
          * playing with C,엡솔루트 C++ , WINAPI , C로 쓴 자료구조론 (이석호 저)
          * playing with C는 내년에 새싹을 가르치는 만큼 스터디 보다는, 누군가를 붙잡고 가르쳐 보는것에 집중해서 공부를 진행
  • 데블스캠프2005/화요일후기 . . . . 2 matches
         허아영, 박경태, 윤성복, [송수생],[최경현],남도연, 이규완, 김민경, 김범준, 최정빈, 정진수, [이재혁], 김소현, 김태훈([zyint]), [조현태] 한유선,김영록,김재성, 정수민
         김태훈([zyint]) :사실:python과 알고리즘을 배웠다/느낌:힘들었지만 파이선 만드는것이 재밌었다+ㅁ+/교훈:구조적으로 만들자-_- 소스 드럽지 않게;
  • 무엇을공부할것인가 . . . . 2 matches
         - Communication/efficient problem solving: not trying yourself for days to
          concentration, unit tests, and always trying to improve on yourself help
  • 서지혜/단어장 . . . . 2 matches
          (세금)추가 부담금 : he does not object to paying the levy
          포위 작전 : Our army is laying siege to the enemy.
  • 시간맞추기 . . . . 2 matches
          || 김태훈([zyint]) || C || 10분 || [시간맞추기/김태훈zyint] ||
  • 주민등록번호확인하기 . . . . 2 matches
         || 김태훈([zyint]) || C || 40분? || [주민등록번호확인하기/김태훈zyint] ||
  • 중위수구하기 . . . . 2 matches
         || 김태훈([zyint]) || PHP || . || [중위수구하기/김태훈zyint] ||
  • 최대공약수 . . . . 2 matches
          || 김태훈([zyint]) || C || 30분 || [최대공약수/김태훈zyint] ||
  • 최소정수의합 . . . . 2 matches
         || 김태훈[zyint] || C || . || [최소정수의합/김태훈zyint] ||
  • 큰수찾아저장하기 . . . . 2 matches
          ||김태훈[zyint]|| C || . || [큰수찾아저장하기/김태훈zyint] ||
  • 파스칼삼각형 . . . . 2 matches
         || 김태훈([zyint]) || 30분 || . || C || [파스칼삼각형/김태훈zyint] ||
  • 호너의법칙 . . . . 2 matches
          || 김태훈([진트]) || C || || [호너의법칙/김태훈zyint] ||
         an 요거 n이 아래첨자군요 -_-;;;........ 태훈[zyint]
  • 1002/Journal . . . . 1 match
          책을 읽으면서 '해석이 안되는 문장' 을 그냥 넘어가버렸다. 즉, NoSmok:HowToReadaBook 에서의 첫번째 단계를 아직 제대로 못하고 있는 것이다. 그러한 상황에서는 Analyicial Reading 을 할 수가 없다.
  • 1002/TPOCP . . . . 1 match
          What the programmer is trying to do
  • 2010Python . . . . 1 match
          * [박정근] - python의 특이한 배열? keyindex를 지정가능하고 순서대로 출력도 가능함. 그리고 python은 지정하는것이 특기인 듯
  • AOI/2004 . . . . 1 match
          || [MultiplyingByRotation] || . || X || X || . || . || X ||
  • AcceleratedC++/Chapter11 . . . . 1 match
          // allocate and initialize the underlying array
  • AcceleratedC++/Chapter6 . . . . 1 match
          == 6.3 Classifying students, revisited ==
  • Benghun/Diary . . . . 1 match
         table에 대한 query가 여러 곳에 분산되어 있었다. table이 변경되자 모든 코드를 살펴야 했었다. 이 문제를 해결하기 위해 테이블에 접근하는 클래스와 쿼리를 실행하는 클래스를 추가했다. Java 웹 애플리케이션 프레임웍 분석과 설계의 노하우, Applying UML and Patterns, 마소 2003/7 고전을 찾아서4 모듈화와 정보은닉의 상관관계가 도움을 줬다.
  • Boost/SmartPointer . . . . 1 match
          ~implementation() { std::cout << "destroying implementation\n"; }
  • BoostLibrary/SmartPointer . . . . 1 match
          ~implementation() { std::cout << "destroying implementation\n"; }
  • BusSimulation . . . . 1 match
         || ["BusSimulation/태훈zyint"] || 태훈 ||
  • CVS . . . . 1 match
         This problem is quite common apparently... <the problem>snip > I've been trying to use CVS with the win-cvs client without much > success. I managed to import a module but when I try to do a > checkout I get the following error message: > > cvs checkout chargT > > cvs server: cannot open /root/.cvsignore: Permission denied > > cvs [server aborted]: can't chdir(/root): Permission denied > > I'm using the cvs supplied with RedHat 6.1 - cvs 1.10.6 /snip</the> ---------
  • CategoryHomepage . . . . 1 match
         Just saying Hi! -- J
  • Class/2006Fall . . . . 1 match
          * Buying a College Degree is due to 3 Nov. But actually, I had to prepare Adultery.
  • CodeConvention . . . . 1 match
          * 1980년대 charles simonyi 논문 Meta-programming : A Software Prodution Method
  • Cpp/2011년스터디 . . . . 1 match
          * 난 이 짤을 정말 쓰고 싶군. 내가 하고싶은말을 모두 담아놨어. http://flyingsbgame.blog.me/140137167016 -[김태진]
  • CppStudy_2005_1/BasicBusSimulation . . . . 1 match
         || 김태훈[zyint] || [CPP_Study_2005_1/Basic Bus Simulation/김태훈] ||
  • DataCommunicationSummaryProject/Chapter9 . . . . 1 match
          * CCK(Complementary Code Keying)라고 불리는DSSS의 2.4GHZ를 사용한다. 물론 기존의 기계와 호환성을 기진다. MAC하는 방법은 CSMA/CA(여기서 A는 avoidance이다 유선과는 틀리다) half-duples이다.shared이다. 대역폭이 11Mbps이지만 오보헤드가 심하다. 여기에다가 쉐어드이니 장에가 심하면 1-2Mbps밖에 안된다.하지만 데이터 전송률은 쓸만하다. 이러한 낭비를 줄이려고 차세대로 갈수록 물리적인 데이터 율을 줄인다.
  • DesignPatternsAsAPathToConceptualIntegrity . . . . 1 match
         During our discussions about the organization of design patterns there was a comment about the difficulty of identifying the “generative nature” of design patterns. This may be a good property to identify, for if we understood how design patterns are used in the design process, then their organization may not be far behind. Alexander makes a point that the generative nature of design patterns is one of the key benefits. In practice, on the software side, the generative nature seems to have fallen away and the more common approach for using design patterns is characterized as “when faced with problem xyz…the solution is…” One might say in software a more opportunistic application of design patterns is prevalent over a generative use of design patterns.
  • Django스터디2006 . . . . 1 match
         || 우용 || wooyongyi(골뱅이)hotmail.com ||
  • DocumentObjectModel . . . . 1 match
         DOM puts no restrictions on the document's underlying data structure. A well-structured document can take the tree form using DOM.
  • DylanProgrammingLanguage . . . . 1 match
         Dylan is an advanced, object-oriented, dynamic language which supports rapid program development. When needed, programs can be optimized for more efficient execution by supplying more type information to the compiler. Nearly all entities in Dylan (including functions, classes, and basic data types such as integers) are first class objects. Additionally Dylan supports multiple inheritance, polymorphism, multiple dispatch, keyword arguments, object introspection, macros, and many other advanced features... --Peter Hinely
  • EffectiveSTL/Container . . . . 1 match
         = Item3. Make copying cheap and correct for objects in containers. =
  • EnglishSpeaking/2012년스터디 . . . . 1 match
          * Today, we were little confused by Yunji's appearance. We expected conversation between 2 persons but there were 3 persons who take part in episode 2. And we made a mistake about deviding part. Next time, when we get 3 persons' conversation again, we should pay attention to devide part equally. Or we can do line by line reading instead of role playing.
  • Favorite . . . . 1 match
  • FocusOnFundamentals . . . . 1 match
         A: Most students who are studying computer science really want to study software engineering but they don't have that choice. There are very few programs that are designed as engineering programs but specialize in software.
  • GDBUsage . . . . 1 match
         Type "show copying" to see the conditions.
  • GRASP . . . . 1 match
         '''''이 내용은 Applying UML and Patterns CHAPTER 22 [GRASP]에서 얻어온 것입니다'''''
  • Gof/State . . . . 1 match
          * Creating and destroying State objects.
  • HowToStudyDesignPatterns . . . . 1 match
          ''The other thing I want to underscore here is how to go about reading Design Patterns, a.k.a. the "GoF" book. Many people feel that to fully grasp its content, they need to read it sequentially. But GoF is really a reference book, not a novel. Imagine trying to learn German by reading a Deutsch-English dictionary cover-to-cover;it just won't work! If you want to master German, you have to immerse yourself in German culture. You have to live German. The same is true of design patterns: you must immerse yourself in software development before you can master them. You have to live the patterns.
  • JavaScript/2011년스터디/URLHunter . . . . 1 match
         [http://probablyinteractive.com/url-hunter URLHunter]를 만들어보자!!
         document.onkeydown = KeyInput;
         function KeyInput(e){
  • JavaStudy2004/이용재 . . . . 1 match
          JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "I am studying T.T");
  • LawOfDemeter . . . . 1 match
         This is what we are trying to prevent. (We also have an example of Asking instead of Telling in foo.getKey
  • LearningToDrive . . . . 1 match
         I jerked back to attention as the car hit the gravel. My mom (her courage now amazes me) gently got the car back straight on the road. The she actually taught me about driving. "Driving is not about getting the car goint in the right direction. Driving is about constantly paying attention, making a little correction this way, a little correction that way."
  • LoveCalculator/조현태 . . . . 1 match
         흐흐 이문제 사실 처음 영어라서 무지 당황스러웠다 ㅋㅋ - [zyint]
  • LoveCalculator/허아영 . . . . 1 match
          그래서 gets쓰고 저런함수들 썼구나 ㅠㅠ - [zyint]
  • MFCStudy2006/1주차 . . . . 1 match
          // TODO: Modify the Window class or styles here by modifying
  • Microsoft . . . . 1 match
          * WikiPedia:Charles_Simonyi : 워드의 개발자, 마소 소프트웨어 그룹 담당자. 헝가리언 표기법 제안자.
  • MoinMoinDiscussion . . . . 1 match
          * '''R''': The Icon macro worked well. I wanted to avoid the fully qualified URL because to access the Wiki in question requires password authentication. Including an image using the full URL caused my webserver (Apache 1.3.19) to reprompt for authentication whenever the page was viewed or re-edited. Perhaps a default {{{~cpp [[Image]]}}} macro could be added to the distribution (essentially identical to {{{~cpp [[Icon]]}}} ) which isn't relative to the data/img directory. (!) I've actually been thinking about trying to cook up my own "upload image" (or upload attachment) macro. I need to familiarize myself with the MoinMoin source first, but would others find this useful?
  • MultiplyingByRotation/곽세환 . . . . 1 match
  • MySQL . . . . 1 match
  • PHP . . . . 1 match
          * [zyint/php]
  • PrivateHomepageMaking . . . . 1 match
         || n@board || http://navyism.com || (위와동일) ||
  • RSSAndAtomCompared . . . . 1 match
         Rules for applying standard
  • ReadySet 번역처음화면 . . . . 1 match
         This project does not attempt to provide powerful tools for reorganizing the templates, mapping them to a given software development process, or generating templates from a underlying process model. This project does not include any application code for any tools, users simply use text editors to fill in or customize the templates.
  • Refactoring/SimplifyingConditionalExpressions . . . . 1 match
         = Chapter 9 Simplifying Conditional Expressions =
  • ReplaceTempWithQuery . . . . 1 match
         have been only a boy playing on the seashore, and diverting myself in
  • RoboCode/siegetank . . . . 1 match
  • Ruby/2011년스터디 . . . . 1 match
          * 코드블록 { ~~ } 을 객체처럼 넘길 수 있음. 혹은 yield함수가 호출한다.
  • SeparatingUserInterfaceCode . . . . 1 match
         When separating the presentation from the domain, make sure that no part of the domain code makes any reference to the presentation code. So if you write an application with a WIMP (windows, icons, mouse, and pointer) GUI, you should be able to write a command line interface that does everything that you can do through the WIMP interface -- without copying any code from the WIMP into the command line.
  • SmalltalkBestPracticePatterns/DispatchedInterpretation . . . . 1 match
         The name "dispatched interpretation" comes from the distribution of responsibility. The encoded object "dispatches" a message to the client. The client "interprets" the message. Thus, the Shape dispatches message like #lineFrom:to: and #curveFrom:mid:to:. It's up to the clients to interpret the messages, with the PostScriptShapePrinter creating PostScript and the ShapeDisplayer displaying on the screen.
  • TellVsAsk . . . . 1 match
         you can then progress naturally to specifying commands that the class may execute, as opposed to queries
  • ThinkRon . . . . 1 match
         Let me tell a brief story about how that came about. Our president, at the time was Bob Doherty. Doherty came from General Electric via Yale, and had been one of the bright young men who were taken under the wing of the famous engineer Stiglitz. Every Saturday, Stiglitz would hold a session with these talented young men whom General Electric had recruited and who were trying to learn more advanced engineering theory and problem-solving techniques. Typically, Bob Doherty would sometimes get really stuck while working on a problem. On those occasions, he would walk down the hall, knock on Stiglitz’s door, talk to him — and by golly, after a few minutes or maybe a quarter of an hour, the problem would be solved.
  • Trac . . . . 1 match
         Trac is an enhanced wiki and issue tracking system for software development projects. Trac uses a minimalistic approach to web-based software project management. Our mission; to help developers write great software while staying out of the way. Trac should impose as little as possible on a team's established development process and policies.
  • UML . . . . 1 match
         This diagram describes the sequences of messages of the (simple) Restaurant System. This diagram represents a Patron ordering food and wine; drinking wine then eating the food; finally paying for the food. The dotted lines extending downwards indicate the timeline. The arrows represent messages (stimuli) from an actor or object to other objects. For example, the Patron sends message 'pay' to the Cashier. Half arrows indicate asynchronous method calls.
  • Unicode . . . . 1 match
         Establishing Unicode involves an ambitious project to replace existing character sets, many of them limited in size and problematic in multilingual environments. Despite technical problems and limitations, Unicode has become the most complete character set and one of the largest, and seems set to serve as the dominant encoding scheme in the internationalization of software and in multilingual environments. Many recent technologies, such as XML, the Java programming language as well as several operating systems, have adopted Unicode as an underlying scheme to represent text.
  • User Stories . . . . 1 match
         Another difference between stories and a requirements document is a focus on user needs. You should try to avoid details of specific technology, data base layout, and algorithms. You should try to keep stories focused on user needs and benefits as opposed to specifying GUI layouts.
  • WhyWikiWorks . . . . 1 match
          * anyone can play. This sounds like a recipe for low signal - surely wiki gets hit by the unwashed masses as often as any other site. But to make any sort of impact on wiki you need to be able to generate content. So anyone can play, but only good players have any desire to keep playing.
  • ZeroPageServer/Mirroring . . . . 1 match
  • [Lovely]boy^_^/EnglishGrammer/ReportedSpeech . . . . 1 match
          Later that day you see Jim. He is looking fine and carrying a tennis racquet. You say :
  • django . . . . 1 match
          * [django/ModifyingObject]
  • django/Example . . . . 1 match
  • erunc0/RoboCode . . . . 1 match
          * not yet playing.. but this is so exsiting!!!!
  • html5/문제점 . . . . 1 match
          * http://www.findmebyip.com/litmus#target-selector
  • subsequence/권영기 . . . . 1 match
         * drying
  • zyint/articleTest . . . . 1 match
  • 구구단 . . . . 1 match
         ||.||.||.||Python|| [구구단/김태훈-zyint]||
  • 데블스캠프2005/RUR-PLE/Harvest . . . . 1 match
         == 김태훈([zyint]) ==
  • 데블스캠프2005/RUR-PLE/Harvest/Refactoring . . . . 1 match
  • 데블스캠프2005/RUR-PLE/Sorting . . . . 1 match
         == 김태훈([zyint]) ==
  • 데블스캠프2005/목요일후기 . . . . 1 match
         김태훈([zyint]) 러플 보안과 비쥬얼 파이선을 배웠다. 직접 로봇을 움짓이는것같은 러플은 매우 흥미로웠다. VPython의 신기한 기능...암호화의 원리를 배우게 되었다>.< 매우 재미있었다.
  • 데블스캠프2005/월요일후기 . . . . 1 match
  • 데블스캠프2011/첫째날/후기 . . . . 1 match
          * Playing with Java시간에는 지금까지 한번도 써보지 못했던 이클립스를 써봤는데 아직은 문법을 잘 몰라서 약간 생소했지만 좋은 경험이었다고 생각합니다. 또 처음으로 여러 팀에서 각자 담당한 프로그램들을 짜서 그 다음에 붙여보는 활동을 했는데 재미있고 새로운 시간이었습니다.
  • 마름모출력 . . . . 1 match
          || 김태훈 || 파이선 || || [마름모출력/zyint] ||
  • 문자반대출력 . . . . 1 match
         || 김태훈([진트]) || C || . || [문자반대출력/김태훈zyint] ||
  • 문자반대출력/김태훈zyint . . . . 1 match
          지금보니까 {{{~cpp str[len] == 0 || str[len] == '\0' 요렇게 두번 쓸 필요 없이 str[len] == '\0'}}} 처럼 하나만 써도 될거같네 ㅇㅅㅇ/ - 태훈[zyint]
  • 문자반대출력/허아영 . . . . 1 match
          비베에서는 한글이나 일본어처럼 2바이트를 사용하는 글자의 경우 알아서-_- 판단하고 한 글자 단위로 읽는 함수가 있긴 한데 씨에서는 알파벳과 같은 1바이트 문자인지 아니면 2바이트 문자인지를 어떻게 구분해야 할까요? -태훈 [zyint]
  • 문제풀이/1회 . . . . 1 match
          yield max(v),min(v)
  • 반복문자열 . . . . 1 match
         || 김태훈 || C || || [반복문자열/김태훈zyint] ||
  • 사람들이모임에나오지않는다 . . . . 1 match
         "Reform the environment, stop trying to reform the people. They will reform themselves if the environment is right." --NoSmok:BuckminsterFuller
  • 숫자를한글로바꾸기 . . . . 1 match
          || 김태훈 || C || 40min || [숫자를한글로바꾸기/김태훈zyint] ||
  • 숫자를한글로바꾸기/김태훈zyint . . . . 1 match
          나두 언넝 클래스 배워서 소스 좀 깔쌈하게 짜고 싶은데 아직 안배워서 ㅠㅠ - zyint
  • 알고리즘8주숙제 . . . . 1 match
         Give a greedy method, which is heuristic, to solve the 0/1 knapsack problem and also give an example to show that it does not always yield an optimal solution.
  • 영호의바이러스공부페이지 . . . . 1 match
         virus_msg3 db cr,lf,tab,"Leprosy Strain B, a virus employing Cybernetic$"
  • 오목/곽세환,조재화 . . . . 1 match
          // TODO: Modify the Window class or styles here by modifying
  • 오목/민수민 . . . . 1 match
          // TODO: Modify the Window class or styles here by modifying
  • 오목/재니형준원 . . . . 1 match
          // TODO: Modify the Window class or styles here by modifying
  • 오목/재선,동일 . . . . 1 match
          // TODO: Modify the Window class or styles here by modifying
  • 오목/진훈,원명 . . . . 1 match
          // TODO: Modify the Window class or styles here by modifying
  • 임시 . . . . 1 match
         String myIP = inet_ntoa(*(in_addr*) *(gethostbyname(myName))->h_addr_list);
         [http://developer.amazonwebservices.com/connect/entry.jspa?externalID=101&categoryID=19 Amazon E-Commerce Service API]
         &AWSAccessKeyId=[Your Access Key ID Here]
         REST allows you to make calls to ECS by passing parameter keys and values in a URL (Uniform Resource Locator). ECS returns its response in XML (Extensible Markup Language) format. You can experiment with ECS requests and responses using nothing more than a Web browser that is capable of displaying XML documents. Simply enter the REST URL into the browser's address bar, and the browser displays the raw XML response.
  • 임인책/북마크 . . . . 1 match
          * [http://www.internals.com/articles/apispy/apispy.htm API Spying Techniques for Windows 9x, NT and 2000]
  • 작은자바이야기 . . . . 1 match
          * 도움이 될 만한 사이트 http://bumworld.dayindayout.co.kr/?p=799
  • 정모/2012.1.6 . . . . 1 match
          * [http://valleyinside.com/2012-technology-trend/ 2012년 기술 트렌드]
  • 졸업논문/본론 . . . . 1 match
  • 주민등록번호확인하기/정수민 . . . . 1 match
         오오오 일등이다 'ㅅ'// - 태훈[zyint]
  • 중위수구하기/조현태 . . . . 1 match
         요렇게 하는게 보기 편하지 않을까나;;; -태훈[zyint]
  • 즐겨찾기 . . . . 1 match
  • 진트 . . . . 1 match
         #redirect zyint
  • 최대공약수/허아영 . . . . 1 match
         아.. 글고보니 정말로 꼭 첫번째 값이 클 필요는 없겠네.. 아 이거 헤깔려 죽겠드라 ㄱ-;;;; - 김태훈[zyint]
  • 최소정수의합/문보창 . . . . 1 match
          * 이렇게도 풀 수 있군요 - 김태훈[zyint]
  • 파스칼삼각형/김태훈zyint . . . . 1 match
          헐헐;;; 이런 과찬의 말씀을 'ㅅ';; - 태훈[zyint]
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