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  • BabyStepsSafely . . . . 1 match
         This article outlines the refactoring of an algorithm that generate the prime numbers up to a user specified maximum. This algorithm is called the Sieve of Eratosthenes. This article demonstrates that the granularity of the changes made to the source code are very small and rely completely on the ability to recompile and test the code after every change no matter how small. The step where the code is tested insures that each step is done safely. It is important to note that the execution of tests do not actually guarantee that the code is correct. The execution of the tests just guarantees that it isn't any worse that it used to db, prior to the change. This is good enough for the purposes of refactoring since we are tring to not damage anything thay may have worked before Therefore for each change in the code we will be recompilling the code and running the tests.
  • BlogLines . . . . 1 match
          feed demon 을 주로 쓰고 있는데... 이유는 ㅡ.ㅡ;; 실행이 빠르고 watch 기능등이 있다는 정도랄까요 ;; xpyder, yeonmo 같은 것도 설치는 해봤는데.. 약간 느린 바른 속도때문에 바로 지우고야 말았다는.. 아무래도 조급증에 걸린것 같습니다. 아 그리고 블로그에 가면 tatter를 이용해서 사용합니다. - [eternalbleu]
  • Boost/SmartPointer . . . . 1 match
         // This example demonstrates the handle/body idiom (also called pimpl and
  • BoostLibrary/SmartPointer . . . . 1 match
         // This example demonstrates the handle/body idiom (also called pimpl and
  • Class/2006Fall . . . . 1 match
          * Final demonstration is on 5 Dec - 전체 최종본 제출
  • DPSCChapter2 . . . . 1 match
         Before launching into our descriptions of specific design patterns, we present a case study of sorts, involving multiple patterns. In the Design Pattern preface, the Gang of Four speak about moving from a "Huh?" to an "Aha!" experience with regard to understanding design patterns. We present here a little drama portraying such a transition. It consists of three vignettes: three days in the life of two Smalltalk programmers who work for MegaCorp Insurance Company. We are listening in on conversations between Don (an object newbie, but an experienced business analyst) and Jane (an object and pattern expert). Don comes to Jane with his design problems, and they solve them together. Although the characters are fictitious, the designs are real and have all been part of actual systems written in Smalltalk. Our goal is to demonstrate how, by careful analysis, design patterns can help derive solutions to real-world problems.
  • Gof/Adapter . . . . 1 match
         The IsEmpty operations demonstrates the direct forwarding of requests common in adapter implementations:
  • MoreEffectiveC++/Appendix . . . . 1 match
         One topic Cargill does not discuss in C++ Programming Style is exceptions. He turns his critical eye to this language feature in the following article, however, which demonstrates why writing exception-safe code is more difficult than most programmers realize: ¤ MEC++ Rec Reading, P22
  • ProgrammingLanguageClass/Report2002_2 . . . . 1 match
         In order words, explain why you design them in such a way and what you intend to demonstrate
  • StructuredText . . . . 1 match
          As demonstrated by Smith [12] this technique is quite effective.
  • ZeroPage_200_OK/note . . . . 1 match
          * 그 프로세스를 demon으로 만듭시다!
  • 데블스캠프2005/java . . . . 1 match
         The device was named Star7 after a telephone feature activated by *7 on a telephone keypad. The feature enabled users to answer the telephone anywhere. The PDA device itself was demonstrated on September 3, 1992.
  • 새싹배움터05 . . . . 1 match
          C, 발표잘하는법, PPT제작 기법, [Python], [PHP], [ExtremeProgramming], ToyProblems, Linux, Internetworking(TCP/IP), Ghost(demonstration), OS(abstraction), OS+Windows, Embedded System, 다양한 언어들(Scheme, Haskell, Ruby, ...), 보안(본안의 기본과 기초, 인터넷 뱅킹의 인증서에 대해..), C언어 포인터 특강(?), 정보검색(검색 엔진의 원리와 구현), 컴퓨터 구조(컴퓨터는 도대체 어떻게 일을 하는가), 자바 가상머신 소스 분석
  • 영호의바이러스공부페이지 . . . . 1 match
         A popular virus that demonstrates this teqnique is Leprosy-B. By studing the
  • 영호의해킹공부페이지 . . . . 1 match
         is also a problem. So yeh, the demonstration overflow code we featured in FK8
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