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  • IndexedTree/권영기 . . . . 20 matches
         void insert_item(node *current, int item, const int address, int st, int end, const int *count, const int *level){
          if(address == (st + end)/2 && current->level == *level){
          else if(address <= (st + end)/2){
          insert_item(current->left, item, address, st, (st+end)/2, count, level);
          insert_item(current->right, item, address, (st+end)/2 + 1, end, count, level);
         void update_BinaryIndexedTree(int *tree, int address, int item, int *n)
          int temp = tree[address] - item;
          while(address <= *n){
          tree[address] += temp;
          address += (address & -address);
          void update(int address, int item, int key);
         void IndexedTree::update(int address, int item, int key){
          if(key == 1)temp = item - tree[address];
          while(address < N){
          tree[address] += temp;
          address += (address & -address);
  • whiteblue/LinkedListAddressMemo . . . . 18 matches
          char addressNumber[8];
          char address[100];
          cout << "Enter address :";
          cout << "Enter address number :";
          strcpy(firstData->address, add);
          strcpy(firstData->addressNumber, addNum);
          strcpy(firstData->address, add);
          strcpy(firstData->addressNumber, addNum);
          strcpy(temp_co->address, firstData->address);
          strcpy(temp_co->addressNumber, firstData->addressNumber);
          strcpy(temp_co->address, firstData->address);
          strcpy(temp_co->addressNumber, firstData->addressNumber);
          cout << "○" << temp->name << "\t" << temp->address << "\t" << temp->addressNumber << endl;
  • MoreEffectiveC++/Techniques1of3 . . . . 15 matches
         bool onHeap(const void *address)
          return address < &onTheStack; // 주소 비교
         함수에서 이러한 생각은 참 의미롭다. onHeap함수내에서 onTheStack는 지역 변수(local variable)이다. 그러므로 그것은 스택에 위치할 것이고, onHeap가 불릴때 onHeap의 스텍 프레임은 아마 프로그램 스텍의 가장 위쪽에 배치 될것이다. 스택은 밑으로 증가하는 구조이기에, onTheStack는 방드시 어떠한 stack-based 변수나 객체에 비하여 더 낮은 위치의 메모리에 위치하고 있을 것이다. 만약 address 인자가 onTheStack의 위치보다 더 작다면 스택위에 있을수 없는 것이고, 이는 heap상에 위치하는 것이 되는 것이다.
         이제 heap 객체와 stack 객체를 판별하는 방법에 혼란이 올 것이다. 그리고 이러한 방법은 이식성에도 역시나 문제가 있다. 그래서 결국 '''compare-the-addresses''' 방법은 신뢰할수 없는 방법이 된다.
         bool isSafeToDelete(const void *address)
          class MissingAddress{}; // 예외 클래스;아래 참고
          typedef const void* RawAddress;
          static list<RawAddress> addresses;
         list<RawAddress> HeapTracked::addresses;
          addresses.push_front(memPtr); // 해당 주소를 list의 암쪽에 저장
          list<RawAddress>::iterator it = find(addresses.begin(), addresses.end(), ptr);
          if (it != addresses.end()) { // 지울 주소를 찾아서
          addresses.erase(it); // 해당 엔트리를 지우고
          throw MissingAddress(); // ptr에 할당이 안되었다면 예외를 던진다.
          const void *rawAddress = dynamic_cast<const void*>(this);
          list<RawAddress>::iterator it = find(addresses.begin(), addresses.end(), rawAddress);
          return it != addresses.end(); // return whether it was
         const void *rawAddress = dynamic_cast<const void*>(this);
  • 기술적인의미에서의ZeroPage . . . . 15 matches
         6502 는 16bit addressing이 가능한 CPU 였습니다. 즉, $0000 ~ $FFFF 였죠.
         6502 는 13가지 메모리 access 방식이 있었는데, 그중 하나가 zero page addressing 입니다.
         주소 영역을 8bit 만 사용, 상위 8bit 은 00 으로 가정하고 addressing 을 하면
         second byte of the instruction and assumming a zero high address byte.
         The zero page is the memory address page at the absolute beginning of a computer's address space (the lowermost page, covered by the memory address range 0 ... page size?1).
         In early computers, including the PDP-8, the zero page had a special fast addressing mode, which facilitated its use for temporary storage of data and compensated for the relative shortage of CPU registers. The PDP-8 had only one register, so zero page addressing was essential.
         Possibly unimaginable by computer users after the 1980s, the RAM of a computer used to be faster than or as fast as the CPU during the 1970s. Thus it made sense to have few registers and use the main memory as substitutes. Since each memory location within the zero page of a 16-bit address bus computer may be addressed by a single byte, it was faster, in 8-bit data bus machines, to access such a location rather than a non-zero page one.
         For example, the MOS Technology 6502 has only six non-general purpose registers. As a result, it used the zero page extensively. Many instructions are coded differently for zero page and non-zero page addresses:
         Zero page addressing now has mostly historical significance, since the developments in integrated circuit technology have made adding more registers to a CPU less expensive, and have made CPU operations much faster than RAM accesses. Some computer architectures still reserve the beginning of address space for other purposes, though; for instance, the Intel x86 systems reserve the first 512 words of address space for the interrupt table.
  • 2학기파이선스터디/서버 . . . . 12 matches
          print 'connection from', self.client_address
          print 'Disconnected from', self.client_address
          if self.users.addUser(self.request, self.client_address, name):
          print 'connection from', self.client_address # client address
          u = Users(a.ID, a.message,self.client_address, a.isinEntry)
          print 'Disconnected from', self.client_address
         ## if self.users.addUser(self.request, self.client_address, name):
          print 'connection from', self.client_address
          name = self.users.addUser(self.request, self.client_address, name)
          print 'Disconnected from', self.client_address
         ## if self.users.addUser(self.request, self.client_address, name):
  • MoreEffectiveC++/Exception . . . . 11 matches
          const string& address = "",
          string the Address;
          const string& address,
          :theName(name), theAddress(address), theImage(0), theAudioClip(0)
          const string& address,
          :theName(name), theAddress(address), theImage(0), theAudioClip(0)
          const string& address,
          :theName(name), theAddress(address), theImage(0), theAudioClip(0)
          const string& address,
          :theName(name), theAddress(address),
          const string& address,
          :theName(name), theAddress(address),
  • 영호의해킹공부페이지 . . . . 11 matches
         addresses, or up them. This means that one could address variables in the
         We can change the return address of a function by overwriting the entire
         overwriting the return address so that it points back into the buffer, we can
         Right, so buffer2's address is 0x0063FDE4 - and just in case that's a bit off
         address we can land somewhere in the middle of the NOPs, and then just execute
         characters before we start overwriting the return address, so lets have 11 NOP
         the CD20 in the middle being interrupt 20h, and the 63FDE4 being the address
         of the buffer we're overflowing, which we are setting as the return address,
         (Copies string to DX register) [Actually the Segment:Offset address of where
          call GetProcAddress ; get function address
  • MoniWikiPo . . . . 8 matches
         "your email address in the UserPreferences."
         msgid "Please enter your email address first."
         "email address in the UserPreferences."
         msgid "Your e-mail address is confirmed successfully"
         msgid "Please try again to register your e-mail address"
         msgid "Please confirm your e-mail address first !"
         msgid "Your email address is not valid"
         msgid "Please confirm your email address"
  • LinkedList/영동 . . . . 6 matches
          Node * nextNode; //Address value of next node
          nextNode='\0'; //Assign null value to address of next node
          Node * firstAddress=new Node(enterData());//Create the first address to linked list
          cout<<"Address\t Data Value\tNext Address\n";
          Node * nextNode; //Address value of next node
          nextNode='\0'; //Assign null value to address of next node
          Node * firstAddress=new Node(enterData());//Create the first address to linked list
          displayList(firstAddress);//Display reversed list
          eraseLastNode(firstAddress, &freeSpaceList, &elementsOfLinkedList, &elementsOfFreeSpaceList);
          eraseLastNode(firstAddress, &freeSpaceList, &elementsOfLinkedList, &elementsOfFreeSpaceList);
          eraseLastNode(firstAddress, &freeSpaceList, &elementsOfLinkedList, &elementsOfFreeSpaceList);
          eraseLastNode(firstAddress, &freeSpaceList, &elementsOfLinkedList, &elementsOfFreeSpaceList);
          displayList(firstAddress);//Display the linked list with modified data
          getNode(firstAddress, &freeSpaceList, &elementsOfLinkedList, &elementsOfFreeSpaceList);
          getNode(firstAddress, &freeSpaceList, &elementsOfLinkedList, &elementsOfFreeSpaceList);
  • PythonNetworkProgramming . . . . 6 matches
          clientConnection, address = self.server.listenSock.accept()
          print address
          def __init__(self, aConnection, anAddress):
          print "address :", anAddress
          self.address = anAddress
          connection, address = self.accept()
          channel = FileSendChannel(connection, address)
  • VitosFamily/Celfin . . . . 6 matches
         int addressList[500];
          cin >> addressList[i];
          sort(&addressList[0], &addressList[homeNum]);
  • 스터디/Nand 2 Tetris . . . . 5 matches
          D - data, A - address, M - memory
          e.g. A - 32일경우, M은 M[32]임. M을 사용할 때, A의 값은 memory의 address
          instruction = ROM32K[address]
          k = address
          k = address
  • 영호의바이러스공부페이지 . . . . 5 matches
         a 0122 - This is the address of the string
         code_start equ 100h ; Address right after PSP in memory
          mov bx,offset virus_code ; Get address to start encrypt/decrypt
          mov dx,offset newdir ; Load DX with address of pathname
          mov bx,dta ; Point BX to address of DTA
          mov dx,offset virus_msg1 ; Load the address of the first line
  • Gof/Facade . . . . 4 matches
         Choices operating system [CIRM93] 은 많은 framework를 하나로 합치기 위해 facade를 사용한다. Choices에서의 key가 되는 추상객체들은 process와 storge, 그리고 adress spaces 이다. 이러한 각 추상객체들에는 각각에 대응되는 서브시스템이 있으며, framework로서 구현된다. 이 framework는 다양한 하드웨어 플랫폼에 대해 Choices에 대한 porting을 지원한다. 이 두 서브시스템은 '대표자'를 가진다. (즉, facade) 이 대표자들은 FileSystemInterface (storage) 와 Domain (address spaces)이다.
         예를 들어, 가상 메모리 framework는 Domain을 facade로서 가진다. Domain은 address space를 나타낸다. Domain은 virtual addresses 와 메모리 객체, 화일, 저장소의 offset에 매핑하는 기능을 제공한다. Domain의 main operation은 특정 주소에 대해 메모리 객체를 추가하거나, 삭제하너가 page fault를 다루는 기능을 제공한다.
          * AddressTranslation 은 address translation hardware 를 캡슐화한다.
  • JavaNetworkProgramming . . . . 3 matches
          private InetAddress address;
          address = packet.getAddress();
          return new DatagramPacket(data,offset,length,address,port);
  • MySQL . . . . 3 matches
         mysql> select * from addressbook order by name asc;
         mysql> desc addressbook;
         mysql> select * from addressbook ORDER BY BINARY name;
  • ZPBoard/PHPStudy/MySQL . . . . 3 matches
          * ex) $result = mysql_db_query("zp2002","select * from addressbook order by binary name");
         $result = mysql_db_query("zp2002","select * from addressbook order by binary name");
          mysql_query("insert into addressbook values('$_POST[name]', '$_POST[phone]')");
  • html5/outline . . . . 3 matches
          * address
  • 위키설명회2005/PPT준비 . . . . 3 matches
         6502 는 16bit addressing이 가능한 CPU 였습니다. 즉, $0000 ~ $FFFF 였죠.
         6502 는 13가지 메모리 access 방식이 있었는데, 그중 하나가 zero page addressing 입니다.
         주소 영역을 8bit 만 사용, 상위 8bit 은 00 으로 가정하고 addressing 을 하면
  • 02_C++세미나 . . . . 2 matches
          * 포인터의 활용 (Call by value, Call by address)
         '''Call by address''' 라고 한다.
  • MatrixAndQuaternionsFaq . . . . 2 matches
         This FAQ is maintained by "hexapod@netcom.com". Any additional suggestions or related questions are welcome. Just send E-mail to the above address.
          taking the address of a pfMatrix and casting it to a float* will allow
  • RSSAndAtomCompared . . . . 2 matches
         RSS 2.0 provides the ability to specify email addresses for a feed’s “managingEditor” and “webMaster”, and for an item’s “author”. Some publishers prefer not to share email addresses, and use “dc:creator” from the dublin core extension instead.
  • 새싹교실/2012/주먹밥 . . . . 2 matches
          * 변수가 저장되는곳 : 변수는 메모리에 저장되는데 int는 4byte 저장공간에 저장된다 그리고 그것의 보관장소는 어떤 '''주소값(address)'''를 가진다.
          * 포인터 : 포인터변수는 32bit 버전 컴파일러에서 4byte 64bit 버전 컴파일러에서 8byte의 크기를 가집니다. 어떤타입이든 말이죠 (void *), (int *), (float *) 모두 말이에요. int *a는 4byte를 할당받고 a에는 '''주소값(address)'''을 가지게 됩니다. 포인터 (*)를 붙이게 되면 그 해당 주소가 가르키는 '''값'''을 찾아가게 되죠. int형 값말이에요 그러니까 4byte만 찾아오겠죠?
  • 토이/메일주소셀렉터/김남훈 . . . . 2 matches
         mail_address {mailname}@({domain_name}\.)+{last_domain}
         {mail_address} { printf("true.\n"); }
  • AcceleratedC++/Chapter10 . . . . 1 match
          || 주소 연산자(address operator) || 객체의 주소를 리턴한다. ||
  • CCNA . . . . 1 match
          * MAC address - 6개의 octet 으로 구성되어있으며 앞의 3개 는 제조회사, 뒤 3개는 일련번호를 나타낸다. 일반적으로 mac주소는 전세계에 유일하다.
  • CCNA/2013스터디 . . . . 1 match
          || Flag || Address || Control || Protocol || Data || FCS ||
          * Address: 서비스의 종류
          || 8 || Router_Aconfig-if)#ip address || Serial 0 interface의 ip 주소는 서브넷마스크는 255 ||
          || Flag(1) || Address(1) || Control(1) || Data(variable) || FCS(1) || Flag(1) ||
          - Address는 또 다음과 같이 나누어진다.
          Address = 주소. ISDN이기 때문에 IP 주소와는 다르다.
  • DNS와BIND . . . . 1 match
          리소스 레코드들의 (일반적)순서 - SOA(start of authority) 레코드, NS(name server) 레코드, 기타 레코드, A(address), PTR(pointer), CNAME(canonical name)
  • DebuggingSeminar_2005 . . . . 1 match
          || [http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/tools/tools/rebase.asp ReBase MSDN] || Rebase is a command-line tool that you can use to specify the base addresses for the DLLs that your application uses ||
  • EffectiveC++ . . . . 1 match
         typedef string AddressLines[4]; // 개인 주소는 4개의 줄을 차지하고
         string *pal = new AddressLines; // "new AddressLines" returns a string *, just "new string[4]"..
          string name, address;
          string schoolName, schoolAddress;
  • GDBUsage . . . . 1 match
          *ADDRESS, to edit at the line containing that address.
  • Garbage collector for C and C++ . . . . 1 match
         # like a pointer, print both the address containing the value, and the
  • HardcoreCppStudy/첫숙제/ValueVsReference/변준원 . . . . 1 match
         참조에 의한 호출(call by reference, call by address, call by location) 방법은 가인수의 값을 변경시키면 실인수의 값도 변경
  • HowToBuildConceptMap . . . . 1 match
          1. Identify a focus question that addresses the problem, issues, or knowledge domain you wish to map. Guided by this question, identify 10 to 20 concepts that are pertinent to the question and list these. Some people find it helpful to write the concept labels on separate cards or Post-its so taht they can be moved around. If you work with computer software for mapping, produce a list of concepts on your computer. Concept labels should be a single word, or at most two or three words.
  • LinuxProgramming/QueryDomainname . . . . 1 match
         request domain name thru ip address from DNS server
          printf("Address Type:$s\n", host->h_addrtype == AF_INET? "AF_INET":"AF_INET6");
          puts("IP Address ------");
  • MedusaCppStudy . . . . 1 match
         >> address
  • MoinMoinFaq . . . . 1 match
         then yes. Just put your name or email address after your comment. It is
  • MoinMoinTodo . . . . 1 match
          * Macro that lists all users that have an email address; a click on the user name sends the re-login URL to that email (and not more than once a day).
  • MoreEffectiveC++/Basic . . . . 1 match
          logStream << "Deleting array at address "
  • NeoCoin/Server . . . . 1 match
         ALL mail -s %s <address>
  • OurMajorLangIsCAndCPlusPlus/setjmp.c . . . . 1 match
          mov ebx, OFS_EIP[edx] // Get new EIP value and set as return address
  • ProjectCCNA/Chapter2 . . . . 1 match
          * MAC address - 6개의 octet 으로 구성되어있으며 앞의 3개 는 제조회사, 뒤 3개는 일련번호를 나타낸다. 일반적으로 mac주소는 전세계에 유일하다.
  • ReadySet 번역처음화면 . . . . 1 match
          '''* What problem does this project address?'''
  • TAOCP/BasicConcepts . . . . 1 match
          ±AA - 메모리 주소(the address)
          {{{~cpp OP ADDRESS, I(F) }}}
          * Address transfer operators.
  • TAOCP/InformationStructures . . . . 1 match
         상수 L0를 base address라고 한다면 다음과 같이도 쓸 수 있다.
  • UnixSocketProgrammingAndWindowsImplementation . . . . 1 match
          u_short sa_family; /* address family */
  • VMWare/OSImplementationTest . . . . 1 match
          mov bx, 0h ; Destination address = 0000:1000
         A20Address: ; Set A20 Address line here
         gdt: ; Address for the GDT
          dd gdt ; Address of the GDT
  • WikiSlide . . . . 1 match
          * Email address for subscribing to page change emails and retrieving a lost login/password
  • WinampPluginProgramming/DSP . . . . 1 match
         // Module header, includes version, description, and address of the module retriever function
  • [Lovely]boy^_^/EnglishGrammer/Passive . . . . 1 match
          ex) I haven't received the letter yet. It might have been sent to the wrong address.
  • html5/overview . . . . 1 match
          * address : 섹션에 관한 문의처 정보(ex. 회사 전화번호등)
  • radiohead4us/SQLPractice . . . . 1 match
         7. Find the names of all customers whose street address includes the substring 'Main'. (4.2.6 String Operations)
  • 데블스캠프2011/네째날/이승한 . . . . 1 match
          * github repository address - https://github.com/beonit/devils2011GitSeminar
  • 데블스캠프2011/넷째날/Git . . . . 1 match
          * github repository address - https://github.com/beonit/devils2011GitSeminar
  • 새싹교실/2011 . . . . 1 match
  • 새싹교실/2011/學高/1회차 . . . . 1 match
          * Memory address, binary bits
  • 새싹교실/2012/새싹교실강사교육/3주차 . . . . 1 match
         3.3 메모리 주소(address)와 변수의 메모리 할당. 그리고 *포인터 (pointer)
  • 새싹교실/2012/세싹 . . . . 1 match
          자세한 내용은 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3783842/converting-a-string-to-lpcwstr-for-createfile-to-address-a-serial-port
  • 임시 . . . . 1 match
         REST allows you to make calls to ECS by passing parameter keys and values in a URL (Uniform Resource Locator). ECS returns its response in XML (Extensible Markup Language) format. You can experiment with ECS requests and responses using nothing more than a Web browser that is capable of displaying XML documents. Simply enter the REST URL into the browser's address bar, and the browser displays the raw XML response.
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