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  • WikiTextFormattingTestPage
         This page originated on Wiki:WardsWiki, and the most up-to-date copy resides there. This page has been copied here in order to make a quick visual determination of which TextFormattingRules work for this wiki. Currently it primarily determines how text formatted using the original Wiki:WardsWiki text formatting rules is displayed. See http://www.c2.com/cgi/wiki?WikiOriginalTextFormattingRules.
         If you want to see how this text appears in the original Wiki:WardsWiki, see http://www.c2.com/cgi/wiki?WikiEngineReviewTextFormattingTest
         People reviewing this wiki from the original Wiki:WardsWiki will be referred to this page. If you want to see the review, go to http://www.c2.com/cgi/wiki?WikiEngineReview.
          * CLUG Wiki (older version of WardsWiki, modified by JimWeirich) -- http://www.clug.org/cgi/wiki.cgi?WikiEngineReviewTextFormattingTest
         The original Wiki:WardsWiki text formatting rules make no provision for headings. They can be simulated by applying emphasis. See the next several lines.
         View the page in the original Wiki:WardsWiki, note the numbering, and then compare it to what it looks like in the wiki being tested.
         As stated earlier, the original Wiki:WardsWiki does not handle headings except by a workaround using emphasis. Some other wikis do.
         An older version of WardsWiki engine, as used at the CLUG Wiki (http://www.clug.org/cgi/wiki.cgi?RandyKramer), creates headings as shown below. I don't know whether this is part of what Ward wrote or an enhancement by JimWeirich (or somebody else).
         In WardsWiki the URL for a remote reference in the [number] syntax must be entered using EditLinks. The image is placed where the [number] is located.
         Will pictures overlap? In WardsWiki, these 4 pictures form two rows of two pictures, separated by a horizontal blank line.
         It seems to work in WardsWiki
         That seemed dumb! Why not try lines with a single space separated by totally blank lines? Why not -- because it doesn't work in WardsWiki:
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